Awards for government agencies, international organisations, and the private sector | Award Categories | Sharjah Government Communication Award | Events | International Government Communication Centre

Awards for government agencies, international organisations, and the private sector

  • Best Integrated Communication Campaign

    This award shall be given to those who have excelled in creating and implementing an integrated and innovative communication system that brings together technical methodology to reliably and effectively build and manage an organisation’s reputation. In addition to this, it will have developed government communication teams capable of implementing unconventional and innovative communication campaigns and practices; demonstrated its efficiency in using thoughtful and advanced communication strategies to achieve its specific strategic goals; succeeded in creating a cohesive and harmonious work environment that stimulates effective communication and the exchange of information; and significantly supported belonging and loyalty to the organisation by relying on innovative and effective means and methods of communication, initiatives, and programmes to enhance transparency, strengthen trust, and enhance social relations between employees, while also leaving a clear and positive impact on society.
    The winning project will be a model for how to benefit from diverse and carefully studied communication methodologies. This will include the development of training programmes to increase team efficiency, the adoption of harmonious communication plans to enhance public interaction with total ease and transparency; excelling in the organisation of campaigns to address important public issues; the use of multiple languages to ensure that its message reaches all target groups effectively; the efficient employment of various communication tools and platforms, and the development of policies and programmes compatible with public wishes and government directives using accurate measurement tools to effectively analyse results.

    General Criteria:

    • Develop and implement innovative and effective communication strategies and methods that go beyond traditional measures, as well as ensuring the building and management of a reliable institutional reputation while focusing on achieving clear strategic goals.
    • Capacity to achieve tangible, positive results both within the community and at a governmental level by way of communication campaigns as well as providing measurable evidence of its positive impact and broad outreach.
    • Develop high-quality, clear, influential, and measurable content and communication messages that reflect the institutional vision and mission, ensuring effective communication with the target audience.
    • Capacity to coordinate and integrate between various departments, communication teams, and other relevant parties while providing mechanisms to measure and evaluate system performance and indicators reflecting the extent to which goals have been achieved.
    • Effective and efficient use of human, financial, and technical resources and ensuring that goals are achieved for maximum results at minimum cost.
    • Team and system capacity to respond quickly to changes and challenges and adapt to them while maintaining the continuity and effectiveness of communication.
    • Effective leadership and professional management support the success and development of the communication system as well as the ability to positively influence public policy and shape public opinion.
    • Commitment to the standards of transparency and ethics in all aspects of communication while ensuring that accurate and reliable information is provided to the public.

    Special criteria for the jury:

    • Strategy Clarity - 20% - Evaluate the clarity and implementability of strategies fully reflecting the organisation's objectives and meeting the needs of its target audience with full adaptability.
    • Integration and Coordination - 20% - Evaluating the extent of integration between the various components of the communication system and effective coordination between activities and participating organisations to efficiently support its objectives.
    • Innovation in Communication - 15% - Evaluate the ability to develop and implement innovative and unconventional communication strategies and methods as well as employ modern and innovative technology.
    • Quality of Content and Messages - 15% - Evaluate the quality, clarity, and impact of the content and messages produced by the system, including the creativity and attractiveness of the media content.
    • Tangible Impact - 10% - Evaluate the system's tangible and positive results within the community and within the governmental sector and the extent to which its goals and social impact are achieved.
    • Efficient Use of Resources - 10% - Evaluate how to effectively and efficiently use available resources, including the diversity and suitability of communication tools, means, and platforms.
    • Leadership and Management - 5% - Evaluate the presence of effective and professional leadership and management within the systems well as the professional competence of workers using the communication system.
    • Responsiveness and Flexibility - 5% - Assess the system's ability to quickly respond changes and adapt to changing circumstances while providing evidence of professional excellence.
  • Award for Best Campaigns Promoting Cultural Identity and the Arabic Language

    This award shall be given to government institutions or organisations that have excelled in implementing exceptional communication campaigns aimed at promoting cultural identity and the Arabic language. These campaigns must have effectively contributed to supporting and encouraging the use of the Arabic language with an emphasis on its importance as a founding pillar of national identity and cultural heritage. These campaigns must also have worked to consolidate the values of Arab identity by highlighting the authentic elements that constitute the essence of Arab societies and nations while directly contributing to the confrontation of foreign ideas and practices. Such campaigns must also have used innovative and effective methods to achieve their targets and have achieved tangible and measurable results that confirm their success in enhancing awareness of the importance of the Arabic language and authentic Arab values as a basis for cultural and national identity.

    General Criteria:

    • The campaign should aim to enhance the presence of the Arabic language and authentic Arab values, highlighting their importance as an integral part of national and cultural identity.
    • The campaign should aim to encourage new generations to use the Arabic language and understand its cultural and societal values.
    • The campaign must be based on a scientific methodology and a solid communication strategy, using innovative and appropriate communication methods for the target audience.
    • The campaign must achieve tangible and measurable results, showing an increase in the use of the Arabic language and appreciation of Arab values.
    • Evidence of the campaign's positive impact on the target audience must be provided, such as improved awareness of the importance of the Arab language and identity.
    • The campaign must feature creative and innovative elements in its design and implementation, with its ability to attract the audience's attention and create engagement
    • The content produced must be of high quality and directly related to consolidating Arab values and identity while also effectively targeting its specific audience.
    • The campaign must demonstrate effective public outreach and public participation, reflecting positive interaction and a growing interest in the subject.
    • The campaign must adhere to ethical and legal standards while also being careful to respect diversity and multiculturalism.
    • The campaign should outline plans to maintain a long-term impact and how it will work to continually communicate with its audience to ensure sustainable results.
    • Effective measurement tools and methods must be provided to evaluate the impact and success of the campaign while also providing evidence that the goals set for it have been achieved.

    Special criteria for the jury:

    • Goals - 20% - Evaluate the clarity and measurability of goals and the relevance of them in promoting the Arabic language and the values of Arab identity, as well as encouraging new generations to use and understand the language and its relationship to national identity.
    • Methodology - 15% - Evaluate the effectiveness of the methodology used and its suitability to the objectives identified, including the use of innovative communication methods to reach the target audience.
    • Impact - 20% - Evaluating the campaign's tangible impact on society in terms of promoting the Arabic language and Arab identity as well as the extent to which it has achieved its goals on a national and regional level.
    • Content and Message - 15% - Evaluate the quality of the campaign's content and messages, how to strengthen the Arabic language, and disseminate an educational and encouraging message concerning values and identity.
    • Innovation and Design - 10% - Evaluate the extent to which there are creative and innovative elements in the design and implementation of the campaign and what distinguishes it from other similar campaigns.
    • Documentation and Proof - 10% - Evaluate the strength and quality of documents and evidence supporting the campaign's success and its positive impact on Arab values and identity.
    • Understanding the target audience and its impact - 10% - Evaluate the campaign’s ability to communicate effectively with the public and its positive impact in enhancing awareness of the Arabic language and Arab values.
  • Award for Best Communication Targeting Youth

    This award is made up of two categories:

    • (1) Award for Best Campaigns Positively Impacting Youth Awareness and Practices

      This category shall be awarded to a government entity or organisation that has implemented innovative and influential communication campaigns that effectively use modern technology to communicate with the youth while also achieving a tangible positive impact on youth awareness and practices that can be both observed and measured. Such campaigns may be educational, cultural, health oriented, or social, may have contributed to improving youth awareness and reinforcing positive practices, or have contributed to the development of positive concepts and values among the youth, such as leadership, social responsibility, and innovation. They may also have established positive social practices or behaviours among the youth, such as through volunteer work, or building awareness of the environment or public health. Such campaigns shall have been carried out in cooperation with many different institutions.

      General Criteria:

      • Extent of the campaign’s impact on changing young people’s awareness and shaping their concepts and values.
      • Extent to which the campaign succeeded in changing or improving the daily behaviour and practices of young people.
      • Extent of creativity and innovation in designing and implementing the campaign.
      • Extent of youth interaction with the campaign and actual participation rates.
      • Campaign sustainability and capacity to maintain its impact over time.
      • Extent of quality planning and methodology used in the campaign.
      • The extent of the campaign’s transparency and credibility in conveying information and messages.
      • The effectiveness of the campaign in reaching a wide audience and its media coverage.
      • How resources have been used efficiently in the implementation of the campaign.
      • Extent to which the campaign is able to measure its impact and accurately evaluate its results.

      Special criteria for the jury:

      • Innovations and Creativity. - 20% - Evaluate the extent of creativity and innovation in the design and implementation of the campaign, including the use of new technologies and effective communication methods.
      • Media Access and Coverage - 10% - Evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign in reaching a wide-scale audience and obtaining appropriate media coverage, including the effective use of the media.
      • Transparency and Credibility - 10% - Evaluate the extent of the campaign’s transparency and credibility in presenting information and its messages as well as respecting ethical values.
      • Interaction and Participation - 15% - Assess the extent of campaigns engagement of the youth and actual engagement levels, including comments, shares, and activity involvement.
      • Social Impact and Goal Achievement - 25% - Evaluate the campaign's impact on improving youth awareness and promoting positive practices, including changes in behaviour and attitudes.
      • Measurement and Evaluation. - 5% - Evaluate the campaign's ability to accurately and systematically evaluate its effectiveness and impact, including the use of appropriate evaluation and analysis methods.
      • Sustainability and Long-term Impact - 15% - Evaluate the campaign's ability to maintain its impact and effectiveness over time and how it seeks to promote lasting and sustainable practices among the youth.
    • (2) Award for Best Communication Programme Supporting Emerging Projects and Youth

      The award for best communication programme supporting emerging projects and youth is awarded to an individual, entity, or institution that has implemented communication programmes to support youth projects and emerging businesses, whether through education, providing solutions, building relationship networks, or identifying the challenges youth face in the job market, and achieving a tangible, measurable impact.
      This award shall recognise efforts in several key areas:
      (1) Education and awareness: programmes that focus on providing young people with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop their businesses and projects.
      (2) Provide practical solutions: initiatives that provide innovative and practical solutions to the challenges faced by young people in the business world, including access to finance, marketing, and technology.
      (3) Building networks: encouraging young people to build influential and useful communication networks that can open doors to opportunities and partnerships.
      (4) Identifying the challenges faced by young people: programmes that highlight the special challenges faced by young people in the business community and work to find solutions to them.

      General Criteria:

      • Clarity of the programme’s objectives and the extent to which they relate to supporting emerging projects and young people.
      • Must use effective and clear communication strategies to communicate its messages, focusing on clarity and accuracy.
      • Programmes should be inclusive and target a diverse group of young people and start-ups, including those working in a variety of fields or those run by people with diverse backgrounds.
      • Programmes must demonstrate innovation in their design and implementation and provide creative solutions to the challenges faced by young people and start-ups.
      • The quality and accuracy of the information and content presented in the programme.
      • The attractiveness and effectiveness of the method that was used to implement the programme.
      • It is preferred that modern technologies and digital means are used in order to improve access and impact.
      • The programme must have been implemented on a large scale, including a large number of young people or institutions.
      • The entity or institution applying for the award must be licensed and operate legally.
      • Programmes must follow the highest ethical standards and promote professional behaviours in all aspects.
      • The impact that the programme has had, whether at an individual, institutional, or societal level as a whole must be clear.
      • Programmes must achieve tangible and documented results that indicate a positive impact on emerging projects and young people. This impact must be measurable with clear indicators.
      • Programmes that demonstrate the capacity for continuation and development over time, providing long-term solutions for youth projects.
      • Encourage programmes that include collaboration with other partners, such as educational institutions, companies, or non-profit organisations.
      • The programmes capacity to adapt to new changes and challenges that could appear within the business and societal environment.

      Special criteria for the jury:

      • Innovation and Creativity - 20% - Evaluation of the extent of innovation and creativity within the programme and how it provides new and unique solutions to support youth projects.
      • Impact and Results - 20% - Evaluate the positive impact of the programme on youth and emerging projects, focusing on tangible and measurable results.
      • Quality and Clarity of Communication - 15% - Evaluate the quality and clarity of the communication strategies used, including the effectiveness of its messages and media channels used.
      • Inclusion and Diversity - 15% - Evaluate the programme’s comprehensiveness in including diverse groups of young people and emerging projects and how it deals with the diversity of needs and backgrounds.
      • Sustainability and Future Development - 10% - Evaluate the programme’s capacity for continuation and development in the long term as well as its future plans.
      • Collaboration and Partnerships - 10% - Evaluate the effectiveness of the cooperation and partnerships established by the programme with other institutions in order to achieve its goals.
      • Commitment to Ethical Standards - 10% - Evaluate the extent to which the programme adheres to ethical and professional standards in all aspects.
  • Best Crisis Communication Strategy Award

    This award shall be given to a governmental, private, or international organisation that has implemented a communication strategy with the public while dealing with a local or global crisis with social dimensions. The programme must be distinguished by its focus on response speed, accuracy of information, complete transparency in communication, and its capacity to effectively contain a situation. It shall have striven to mitigate the psychological and tangible impact of the crisis on the public, reduce the negative impact on society and the economy, and achieve positive outcomes through the management of the crisis and raising public awareness about it. The award shall include the following categories: health crises, environmental crises, economic crises, and social crises.

    General Criteria:

    • The applicant must have dealt with a crisis of great seriousness and impact.
    • The communication strategy used by the entity must have made a positive impact on the crisis.
    • The communication strategy must be innovative in its ideas, trends, and implementation methods.
    • The strategy should include various target audience segments.
    • The communication strategy must be effective and have achieved its specific objectives.
    • The strategy must be consistent and integrated, focusing on dealing with the crisis in an effective and professional manner.
    • The strategy must prove has proved its effectiveness in achieving its desired goals in dealing with the crisis.
    • Provide evidence that its communication with the public was transparent in its presentation of information and data.
    • The strategy should respond to the needs and expectations of the target audience and the community affected by the crisis.
    • Provide evidence showing an assessment of the social impact the strategy had on society and the public.
    • Provide evidence showing how the strategy is implemented and the overall performance of the individuals or teams responsible for such.
    • The strategy must be consistent with professional ethics and applicable laws.
    • Provide a detailed analysis of performance and results achieved, including data and statistics.
    • Provide a complete description of the crisis: its duration, nature, negative and positive impacts.
    • Provide a complete explanation of how to deal with such crises and provide clear media content explaining strategies for dealing with them.

    Special criteria for the jury:

    • Deep Understanding of the Crisis - 10% - The extent to which the participating party understands the dimensions and complexities of the crisis.
    • The strategy's connection to the crisis - 10% - The extent to which the strategy is linked and proportional to the type and dimensions of the specific crisis. - The strategy's connection to the crisis.
    • Clear and Measurable Goals - 10% - The clarity of the strategy’s specific objectives and their measurability and evaluation.
    • Clarity of Message Delivery1 - 10% - Extent of the message's clarity and its ease of delivery to the target audience.
    • Innovation and Creativity - 10% - The extent of creativity and innovation in the communication strategy and its uniqueness from others.
    • Use of appropriate media channels - 10% - Evaluate the effectiveness of using different media channels to disseminate messages and information.
    • Comprehensiveness and Transparency of Communication - 5% - The extent to which the strategy comprehensively engages diverse groups of the public and its transparency in its crisis guidance and communication.
    • Responding to Needs and Expectations - 10% - The extent to which the strategy responds to the needs and expectations of the public and society affected by the crisis.
    • Interaction with the audience - 5% - The extent to which the participating entity interacts with the target audience during the crisis and responds to its needs.
    • Implementation and Execution - 5% - How the strategy is implemented and the overall performance of the individuals or teams responsible for such.
    • Social Impact - 5% - Evaluate the positive social impact that the strategy had on society and individuals.
    • Goal Achievement - 5% - The extent to which the strategy has achieved the objectives set out in its implementation phase.
    • Sustainability - 5% - The extent to which the strategy is able to achieve sustainable and long-term results.
  • Award for Best Artificial Intelligence Technology Communication in Service of the Community

    This award shall be given to an entity, governmental or private institution, or international organisation that has creatively used artificial intelligence technologies in communication to support societal issues and achieved tangible results.
    The role of artificial intelligence technology in supporting the communication plan and making a positive and sustainable impact on society must be measured.
    It must also have succeeded in integrating artificial intelligence technologies in creative ways within its communication strategies to address and support societal issues, and through these technologies, it has been able to achieve a tangible and sustainable positive impact.
    The real benefits of using artificial intelligence to achieve goals, as well as the effectiveness of its communication plans, must be clearly measured.
    Entities may use the following technologies:
    (1) Chatbots and virtual assistants to provide immediate and personalised responses to public inquiries and requirements, improving positive interactions with government services.
    (2) Analysing big data to better understand society’s trends and needs through the analysis of public opinion and behaviour and directing policies and communication initiatives based on such.
    (3) Speech recognition and natural language analysis to better understand audience inquiries and comments and provide more accurate and personalised responses, thereby enhancing the quality of communication.
    (4) Smart recommendation systems that provide personalised information and services to individuals based on analysis of their past behaviour and preferences in order to ensure an enhanced user experience.
    (5) Use artificial intelligence models to anticipate potential societal challenges and simulate different scenarios for strategic planning and crisis response.
    (6) Use historical data and machine learning patterns to predict future events or behaviours, thereby assisting proactive decision-making and improving public services.
    (7) Computer vision to analyse images and videos for purposes such as monitoring public spaces, improving public safety, or providing interactive visual information to serve the community.
    (8) Employ robots to perform repetitive or dangerous tasks instead of humans, or use automation to speed up administrative processes and improve the efficiency of government services.
    (9) augmented reality and virtual reality technologies to create interactive educational or awareness-raising experiences to help explain public policies or societal issues in innovative and attractive ways.
    (10) Social listening and sentiment analysis systems: Analyse data from social media to understand the public’s feelings and opinions on certain issues, enabling governments to adjust and improve their communication strategies.
    (11) Provide interactive audio interfaces that allow easy access to information and services without the need to rely on visual media, thereby improving inclusiveness and communication with broader segments of society.

    General Criteria:

    • Executive Summary (250 words).
    • Submit a detailed document that includes advanced presentation methods using artificial intelligence as well as the most important applications or tools adopted in the creation of content and audience access using artificial intelligence.
    • Provide details of the amount of content produced by artificial intelligence per week or month.
    • Provide information on the number of employees or content creators working on such.
    • Provide evidence showing the real positive results of using artificial intelligence that have been observed by the organisation.
    • The project or initiative must be characterised by the innovative use of artificial intelligence technologies in communication. Such applications shall not be limited to traditional usage, but rather be employed in an innovative and creative manner that contributes to supporting societal issues.
    • Innovation in application: Evaluate the extent of the entity’s creativity and innovation in employing artificial intelligence technologies to improve communication and reach.
    • The project or initiative must achieve tangible, measurable results that prove that artificial intelligence technology can support a communication plan and achieve the best results.
    • How effective artificial intelligence is in achieving identified goals, including improving the efficiency of communications and saving time and resources.
    • The project or initiative must target societal issues of public benefit in a manner that shows that artificial intelligence technologies contribute to solving or improving such issues.
    • How diversity and inclusion is taken into consideration by artificial intelligence applications and how it serves different segments of society.
    • Ensure the sustainability of the project or initiative so guarantee its long term continuation.
    • The positive impact these technologies have had on society, including improving quality of life, solving social problems, or supporting causes of public importance.
    • Evaluate the ability of artificial intelligence to analyse big data and provide valuable insights, in addition to its capacity to enhance audience interaction.
    • Evaluate how artificial intelligence technologies integrate with the organisation's comprehensive media and communication plans.
    • The sustainability of the solutions employed and their capacity for expansion and application in broader fields.
    • The extent to which applications comply with security and privacy standards and how they handle personal data.
    • The level of participation and cooperation between artificial intelligence and people, and how this contributes to improving communications.
    • The extent of the organisation's ability to constantly update and develop artificial intelligence applications to keep pace with new changes and challenges.

    Special criteria for the jury:

    • Project Presentation - 15% - A distinct presentation of the project or initiative and its analysis in terms of project objectives or initiative, artificial intelligence technologies used, target audience, and results.
    • Innovation and Creativity- 20% - The extent of creativity in the application of artificial intelligence and the developmentx of new and effective solutions
      • The use of artificial intelligence technologies in a non-traditional manner.
      • Create new and effective solutions using artificial intelligence technologies.
      • The ability to adapt to technological changes and how to effectively use them.
    • Community Impact and Public Benefit - 20% - The extent of the initiative’s impact on society and its contribution to issues of public benefit. This standard focuses on supporting societal issues of public benefit in a manner where artificial intelligence technologies contribute to solving or improving such issues.
      • Community issues targeted by the project or initiative.
      • The positive impact of the project or initiative on these issues.
      • Contribution to achieving sustainable development goals.
      • Measurement of the project or initiative's impact on society by looking at the number of people who benefited from the project or initiative or the amount of change brought about by it.
    • Efficiency and Effectiveness - 15% - This standard focuses on the effectiveness of using artificial intelligence technologies in communication in a manner that leads to tangible, measurable results.
      • Achievement of the project or initiative's goals.
      • Improve the project or initiative's performance or results.
      • The project or initiative's positive impact on society.
    • Analyses and Data- 10% - Evaluate the quality of data and analyses supporting the results.
    • Sustainability and Scalability - 10% - This standard focuses on the sustainability of the project or initiative in a manner that can be continued over the long term.
      • The possibility of the project or initiative continuing in the long term.
      • The possibility of expanding the scope of the project or initiative to include more categories or issues.
    • Security and Privacy - 10% - Evaluate the project's compliance with security and privacy standards.
    • Inclusion and Diversity - 10% - The extent to which the project or initiative includes all segments of society, without discrimination.
  • Best Communication and Media Content Award

    The Best Media and Communication Content award shall be given to government or private entities or organisations that have provided creative and influential content that contributes to enhancing awareness and community interaction regarding issues of great importance. They will also have succeeded in implementing elaborate communication strategies using a blend of traditional and digital media to reach a wide audience and achieved a measurable positive impact. The content presented must be inspiring and useful, with a focus on promoting positive values, raising awareness of social, economic, environmental, cultural, political, or health issues, and encouraging participation and constructive dialogue.

    General Criteria:

    • The content must have been published via traditional or digital media.
    • The content should address important and vital issues.
    • Modern media technologies must be used efficiently in the content.
    • The content must have had a clearly positive impact on community awareness, behaviour, or policies.
    • Innovation and creativity in using content and employing modern technologies in its production.
    • Submit a complete document that includes files and evidence supporting the project.

    Special criteria for the jury:

    • Content - 20% - Evaluate the quality of the content and the extent of its excellence and creativity in photography, script, editing, and production.
    • Impact and Goals - 20% - Evaluate the impact of the content on the audience and society and the extent to which the objectives set for the content are achieved.
    • Orientation and Direction - 15% - Evaluating the extent to which the content is consistent with the message, values, and strategic goals of the producing entity.
    • Technology and Innovation - 15% - Evaluate the use of modern technologies, tools, and innovation in creating and presenting content.
    • Comprehensiveness and Audience Targeting - 10% - Evaluate the extent to which content targets a diverse audience and its impact on multiple groups.
    • Documentation and Supporting Examples - 10% - Evaluate the extent to which evidence and examples document and support the impact and success achieved by the content.
    • Adherence to Laws, Ethics, and Media Standards - 10% - Evaluate the extent to which the content is consistent with laws, ethics, and media standards.
  • Award for Best Communication and Humanitarian Practice in Supporting Social Responsibility

    This award shall be given in appreciation to governmental, private, or international organisations that have made a tangible difference in promoting social responsibility through campaigns or communication initiatives that embody the values of collaboration, social support, and human solidarity. It will target projects that highlight distinguished humanitarian and social efforts that directly support social responsibility practices as a new or sustainable culture and seek to achieve communication that enhances awareness of the importance of volunteer work and social contributions. The awarded project shall have provided valuable, innovative, and unique contributions that have left a clear imprint on improving the lives of individuals and communities.

    General Criteria:

    • The campaign must highlight an integrated and effective communication strategy that integrates humanitarian and social aspects with social responsibility objectives.
    • Develop and implement sustainable programmes and initiatives focusing on humanitarian and social values with non-profit goals.
    • Building effective bridges of communication and encouraging interaction and dialogue concerning volunteer and humanitarian activities.
    • Take into account the social and psychological characteristics and needs of individuals in the design and implementation of campaigns.
    • Adopt an integrated administrative and communicative approach based on a deep understanding of community needs and enhancing social solidarity.
    • Exploit daily communication and routine activities to enhance awareness of social responsibility.
    • Use independent and accurate information to promote humanitarian and social values and practices.
    • Implementation of the campaign a at local, regional, or global level while achieving a broad reaching and measurable impact.
    • Achieve tangible results in improving social awareness and creating a positive impact on the environment and society.
    • Ensure the continued impact of the campaign and that it can achieve its goals over the long term.
    • Build effective partnerships with other entities to enhance its positive impact and achieve social responsibility goals.
    • Use creative and innovative methods to develop and implement campaigns.
    • The campaign's capacity to measure results and provide clear reports that show the positive impact it is having.
    • Apply scientific methodologies and use appropriate communication methods to achieve social and humanitarian goals.

    Special criteria for the jury:

    • Innovation and Creativity - 10% - Develop innovative and creative campaigns to achieve effectiveness and optimal reach of the target audience.
    • The campaigns directives to achieving real social goals - 10% - Goal clarity, measurability, and contribution to enhancing the concepts and practices of social responsibility.
    • Tools - 10% - Use modern media and communication effectively and appropriately for the public.
    • Methodology - 10% - The suitability of the methodology to campaign objectives and its effectiveness in achieving such.
    • Evidence Based Reasoning - 10% - Provide reliable evidence and information proving the campaign’s impact and effectiveness.
    • Commitment to Ethical Standards and Laws - 10% - The campaign must adhere to ethical and legal standards at all levels.
    • Collaboration and Partnerships - 10% - The existence of strategic cooperation and partnerships with other institutions in order enhance the impact of the campaign.
    • Results - 10% - Tangibility of the results achieved and their correct measurement while also being connected to the objectives of the campaign.
    • Impact - 10% - The positive, tangible impact of the campaign on society and its contribution to achieving its goals.
    • Impact Measurement and Evaluation - 10% - Adopt a robust approach to measuring and evaluating the social impact of the campaign and the systematic analysis of results.
  • Award for Best Investment in "Soft Power" to Support Communication Programmes

    The "Best Investment in Soft Power to Support Communication Programmes" award is a tribute to those government agencies, organisations, or private institutions that use arts, culture, sports, economics, technology, education, etc. as an effective communication tool to influence others to achieve development goals and strategies with soft power. This award seeks to:

    (1) Appreciate the efforts made in using “soft power” to achieve a positive impact on public awareness and present a civilised image of the state or institution.
    (2) Appreciate contributions to organising cultural, artistic, technological, educational, and other events that reflect the values and culture of the state or society, while also strengthening international relations and understanding between peoples.
    (3) Appreciate investments in various sectors that create a positive impact through the power of arts, culture, knowledge and sports while supporting issues of public concern, such as promoting positive values and delivering beneficial messages to society and states.
    (4) Appreciate the efforts made in using "soft power" as a means to addressing young people and encouraging them to follow sound and healthy and lifestyles.
    (5) Appreciate investments in "soft power" such as arts, culture, sports, etc., which contribute to strengthening international relations and improving the cultural and civilised image of the state or institution.

    This award recognises the importance of "soft power" sectors as an effective means of communication that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries and also contributes to building bridges of understanding and rapprochement between societies and countries. It furthermore encourages thoughtful and innovative investments that positively impact society and enhance values and public health, especially among young people.

    General Criteria:

    • The file must demonstrate innovative and creative approaches in using soft power as a means of communication. This means applying new and innovative ideas in organising artistic, cultural, sporting, or other events, which in turn can be used to deliver messages.
    • The file must explain how investing in an element of soft power contributed to the achievement of a positive change in society. This may include promoting unity and understanding among people, improving public health, or promoting positive values.
    • The file must show how the entity interacts with the public through soft power sector activities and its effectiveness in communicating and attracting attention.
    • The file must demonstrate the sustainability of the investment in soft power and its ability to continue and develop over time while maintaining its positive impact.
    • The file must reflect the entity's commitment to transparency and social responsibility in all aspects of its investment.
    • The file must show how the investment in a soft power methods is integrated within the entity’s other communication strategies to achieve unified goals.
    • The file must provide clear evidence of tangible and measurable results achieved through investment in soft power.
    • The file must explain how soft power activities and tools were covered and used to reinforce messages in order to present a positive image of the entity.

    Special criteria for the jury:

    • Effective investment in soft power sectors - 20% - The effectiveness of the organisation’s investment in a soft power area as a tool for communicating and influencing the public and society.
    • Innovation and Creativity - 20% - The extent of innovation and creativity of the activities and communication strategies used.
    • Social and Cultural Impact - 20% - The extent of the investment’s impact on society and the enhancement of culture and values.
    • Interact and communicate with the public - 15% - How the institution interacts with the public through artistic, sporting, cultural and other activities and its effectiveness in communication.
    • Sustainability and Future Development - 15% - The sustainability of the investment and its ability to develop and maintain its impact over the long term.
    • Transparency and Social Responsibility - 10% - The extent of organisation’s transparency and commitment to social responsibility through its investment in soft power.
  • Award for Best Communication Project Targeting Children and Adolescents

    This award shall be given to distinguished and innovative communication projects designed by a governmental or private institution or organisation for the purpose of bringing about a tangible positive impact on children and adolescents and encouraging their self-growth and social progress. This category covers a wide range of content, including television programmes, films, books, educational games, or communication campaigns via social media targeting children and adolescents through educational and motivational messages while seeking to develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and empathy within the hearts of children and adolescents. The projects should furthermore contribute to shaping children's personalities in a positive and responsible manner, work to promote noble values and social responsibility, and provide role models for children and adolescents to imitate and learn from.

    General Criteria:

    • The submitted work must be of high quality in terms of content, design, and implementation. The content submitted must be attractive to children and hold their interest.
    • The work must have made a tangible positive impact on children or young people, whether in enhancing knowledge, developing life skills, encouraging positive behaviours, or improving social and cultural awareness.
    • The work must contain educational or pedagogical elements that contribute to the mental and psychological development of children or adolescents while also presenting information in a way that is enjoyable and understandable to them.
    • The work should promote positive values such as friendship, courage, honesty, and compassion. It should also encourage mutual understanding and respect between children from different backgrounds.
    • The work must be inclusive and sensitive to diversity in a way that children from different cultural, social, and physically abled backgrounds are represented in a positive and respectful way.
    • If the work makes use of technology it must be innovative in its use in order to enhance children's educational and interactive experience.
    • The work should encourage the participation and interaction of children or young people and promote learning and positive communication, whether through direct interaction or social media platforms.
    • The work must be original and innovative, as well as provide a safe environment for children, taking into account their rights and privacy.
    • The work, which must have had a sustained, measurable impact over an extended period of time, preferably also has the possibility to have a continued impact and further development.
    • The work must comply with child protection and copyright laws and standards.

    Special criteria for the jury:

    • Innovation and Creativity - 20% - The extent of creativity and innovation in providing appropriate content for children.
    • Quality and Suitability - 20% - Content Quality and Target Age Group Suitability.
    • Positive Influence and Motivation - 20% - The positive impact on children and the extent to which the work stimulates personal growth and social development.
    • Technological Innovation - 15% - The use of technology and multimedia to capture children's attention and enhance the educational experience.
    • Interaction and Participation - 10% - The project's capacity to encourage children's interaction and participation.
    • Sustainability and Long-term Impact - 15% - Sustainability of the business and its ability to maintain its positive impact over the long term.
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