Individual Awards | Award Categories | Sharjah Government Communication Award | Events | International Government Communication Centre

Individual Awards

  • Best Youth Initiative Award in Government Communication

    This award shall be given to an individual or group of young people who have launched a communication campaign or initiative that has dealt with a vital topic or issue and that has contributed to reinforcing government communication programmes by developing innovative communication mechanisms between governments and the public, or that has resulted in motivating governments to launch initiatives or projects that serve the message of the youth campaign.

    General Criteria:

    • The initiative must be consistent with overall government communication goals, such as enhancing transparency, improving public awareness, and encouraging youth participation in public affairs.
    • The initiative should be characterised by originality and innovation in its communication methods and the messages it conveys, as well as how it interacts with the public.
    • The initiative must demonstrate a tangible and positive impact on society, especially among young people. The impact of the initiative shall be estimated by the scope and depth achieved by it.
    • Initiatives should preferably be sustainable and have capacity for continuation over time. They should also demonstrate a clear plan to ensure their continuity and development.
    • The initiative should include components that promote inclusiveness and take into account the diversity of target audiences in terms of age, gender, cultural background, etc.
    • The initiative should be implemented with a high level of quality and professionalism concerning its design, implementation, and evaluation.
    • Capacity to demonstrate effective cooperation with other entities, whether governmental, private, or civil.
    • The initiative must be compatible with local and international laws and follow high ethical standards.
    • The initiative must include mechanisms to measure performance and evaluate results while also being able to provide tangible evidence of success and impact.
    • The initiative should encourage active participation.

    Special criteria for the jury:

    • Compatibility with government communication objectives - 15% - The extent to which the initiative is compatible with the main objectives of government communication, such as enhancing transparency and public awareness.
    • Innovation and Creativity - 15% - The extent of innovation and originality in communication methods and messages conveyed by the initiative.
    • Impact and Scope - 15% - The extent of the initiative’s impact on society, especially youth, and the extent of its outreach and impact.
    • Sustainability and Continuity - 10% - The extent to which the initiative is able to continue and be sustainable over time.
    • Inclusion and Diversity - 10% - The extent to which the initiative includes diversity and inclusion in targeting audiences.
    • Quality and Professionalism - 10% - The professionalism and quality of the initiative's implementation in all aspects.
    • Collaboration and Partnerships - 10% - The extent of cooperation and establishment of effective partnerships in the initiative's implementation.
    • Legal and Ethical Compliance - 5% - The extent to which the initiative adheres to laws and high ethical standards.
    • Measurement and Evaluation - 5% - Mechanisms for measuring initiative performance and the effective evaluation of results.
    • Participation and Interaction - 5% - The level of the initiative's encouragement of effective and interactive participation.
  • Best Spokesperson Award - (Government employed)

    This award shall be given to an official spokesperson who works in government agencies and is distinguished by their exceptional ability to convey the message of the entity they represents in a clear, accurate, and effective manner. They shall demonstrate superior abilities in effective communication and efficient crisis management. This person shall furthermore be characterised by high professionalism, innovation, and creativity, and shall have made a wide-ranging positive impact on the target audience. The winner shall be determined based on the strength of their media presence and their ability to use various media outlets as well as their cultural, communication, linguistic, and expressive skills that they have put to use to enhance an organisation’s image and achieve its strategic goals.

    General Criteria:

    • Professional competence: These standards include the spokesperson's speaking and communication skills, knowledge of the issues they are speaking about, and the ability to deal with the media and respond to difficult questions.
    • Proficiency in using various media, including digital and traditional media, to reinforce messages and expand their reach.
    • The speaker's ability to present information clearly and understandably, while emphasising accuracy and detail in conveying data and information.
    • The effective influence of a spokesperson through the extent to which they reach the target audience and the extent to which their speech impacts the Media presence: The media presence of an official spokesman is measured by the number of times they appear in the media and the extent of their positive media coverage.
    • Capacity to handle emergency or crisis situations efficiently, including rapid and effective response and clear communication during such times.
    • Commitment to the rules of the profession of communication and public relations, honesty and integrity in dealing with the media, and building a relationship of trust with the public through transparency, honesty, and reliability in the provision of information.
    • Presentation of information in innovative and creative ways that attract attention and enhance understanding.
    • The ability to attract the attention of the target audience and make a positive impact on them while understanding and taking into account the diverse needs and cultural backgrounds of the audience.
    • The ability to adapt to changing circumstances and update messages and communication methods as needed.
    • Demonstrate continuous development of skills and knowledge in the field of communication, keep up with the latest trends and technologies, and enjoy a tangible position in formulating the entity’s policies and directives.
    • Successfully build a distinguished media team and relations network.

    Special criteria for the jury:

    • Professional competence, presenting information in an innovative and attractive way - 10% - Basic spokesperson skills, such as speaking and communication skills, knowledge of the issues talked about and the presentation of such in an innovative manner.
    • Linguistic and Communication Skills - 10% - This standard includes the spokesperson's skills in speaking and writing fluently, clearly, and accurately, and the ability to communicate effectively with the target audience, whether face-to-face or through the media.
    • Knowledge of the issues and institutions it represents, adaptation to changes and updating messages - 10% - This standard includes the spokesperson's knowledge of the issues of interest to the organisation or entity they represent, and their ability to provide a clear, simple, and sophisticated explanation.
    • Efficient crisis management, dealing with the media and responding to difficult questions - 10% - This standard includes the ability to deal with the media in a professional and tactful manner, the ability to respond to difficult or controversial questions in a calm and objective way, and effectively dealing with emergency or crisis situations.
    • Impact and Interaction With the Public - 10% - A spokesperson's effective influence is measured by the extent to which they are able to reach their target audience, the extent to which their speech impacts them, and their positive interaction with their target audience.
    • Proficiency in Using Various Media - 10% - The extent to which the official spokesman reaches the target audience through various media.
    • The extent of the impact of the speech - 5% - The extent to which a spokesperson's speech impacts the target audience, whether by influencing their thoughts or behaviour.
    • Media Presence - 10% - The media presence of an official spokesperson shall be measured by the number of times they appear in the media and the extent of the positive media coverage of them.
    • Number of times they appeared in the media - 10% - This standard includes the number of times the spokesperson has appeared in various media, whether television, radio, or print.
    • Extent of Positive Media Coverage - 5% - The extent of positive media coverage of the official spokesperson, whether through the content covered or the tone used by media professionals.
    • Continuous development, learning, and leadership - 5% - Demonstrate continuous development in skills and knowledge and playing a leadership role.
    • Professional Ethics - 5% - This standard includes adherence to the professional public relations rules, honesty, and integrity in dealing with the media.
  • Award for Best Targeted Digital Content Creators

    In this award, which is one of the individual categories, the jury has decided to give special honour to prominent figures in social and digital media. These individuals are recognised for producing purposeful and positive content in the digital space and for employing digital tools with deep understanding to achieve effective communication with their audience. They have also demonstrated exceptional skills and creativity to make a positive impact. By publishing educational, entertaining, or creative content, they contribute to enhancing knowledge and awareness, encouraging positive communication, and qualifying as responsible and influential leaders in their communities. This recognition aims to build a bright digital future full of positive influences."

    This award targets two age groups:

        Content creators in the under 18 category.
        Content creators in the over 18 category.

    This award shall be given to the best content maker in each category who has excelled in social media and digital media through the production of purposeful and positive content in the digital space. They will have employed the use of digital tools with a deep understanding of how to achieve effective communication with their audience as well as used their exceptional skills and creativity to make a positive impact by publishing educational, entertaining, or innovative content that contributes to enhancing knowledge and awareness while also encouraging positive communication among children, enabling them to be responsible and influential leaders in their communities and build a bright digital future full of positive influences.

    General Criteria:

    • The submitted content must show originality and innovation in its ideas and methods of implementation with a focus on providing unique content that sets the content creator apart from others.
    • Content must reflect responsible use of social media, including respecting others' privacy and avoiding spreading false or misleading information.
    • Content should have a positive impact on society, whether by spreading awareness about important issues, promoting learning, or providing meaningful entertainment.
    • Content must demonstrate the ability to attract an audience and stimulate interaction, demonstrating the child's ability to build a positive and engaged community around its content.
    • The content must be of high quality in terms of image, sound, and presentation, with emphasis on clarity and accuracy in delivery.
    • Applicants must demonstrate an understanding of digital ethics, including the use of appropriate rights and licenses for materials used in content.
    • Applicants must belong to the age group specified for the award and submit content that is appropriate for their age while reflecting their abilities.
    • Content must be available on one or more major social media platforms and have achieved a certain level of exposure and following.

    Special criteria for the jury:

    • Creativity, Originality, and Innovation - 15% - Creativity and innovation in providing appropriate content to the target audience.
    • Quality and Suitability - 20% - Content Quality and Target Age Group Suitability.
    • Positive Influence and Inspiration - 15% - The positive impact on children and the extent to which the content stimulates personal growth and social development.
    • Technological understanding and age appropriateness - 15% - The extent to which technology and digital media are understood and used in an age-appropriate manner.
    • Interaction and Participation - 10% - The ability of the content to encourage the public's interaction and participation.
    • Positive interaction and participation - 10% - Ability to encourage positive interaction and participation among the audience.
    • Education and Knowledge - 10% - The content contributes to enhancing learning and providing valuable information.
    • Sustainability and Long-term Impact - 5% - Sustainability of the work and its ability to maintain its positive impact over the long term.
  • Award for Best Research in Communication Sciences

    This award shall be given to distinguished research in the field of communication sciences and shall effectively contribute to the achievement of government communication goals. This research will also have a clear impact on the development of government communication practices, provide new concepts and ideas, and make a fundamental contribution, whether in the fields of technology, methodology, or government communication applications. It will also contribute new knowledge that supports and develops government communication concepts, strategies, techniques, campaigns, or initiatives. The work must be in the form of research approved by academic institutions or a book that has achieved wide circulation among readers.

    General Criteria:

    • The research must demonstrate a deep understanding of government communication objectives and contribute directly to achieving such.
    • The research should have a tangible impact in developing government communication practices by introducing new technologies and methodologies.
    • The research should expand the scope of knowledge in the field of government communication, including the development of new strategies, techniques, campaigns, and initiatives.
    • The research must have been accredited by academic institutions and/or achieved wide circulation among readers and specialists in its field.

    Special criteria for the jury:

    • Relevance to Government Communication - 10% - The work must be compatible with the field of government communication and should address related topics and issues.
    • Writing Quality - 10% - Overall clarity, consistency, and professionalism of writing.
    • Methodological Accuracy - 10% - The strength of the methodological approach and evidence of a systematic exploration of communication concepts.
    • Innovation - 10% - The degree to which innovative viewpoints, methodologies, or contributions are presented in the field of communication.
    • Communication Impact - 10% - The tangible impact of the work on government communication practices and its intangible contribution to the development of this field.
    • Recognition - 10% - Recognition of a writer's work by peers, experts, or academic institutions.
    • Ethical Considerations - 5% - Adhere to ethical standards, including the avoidance of plagiarism, transmitting false information, and maintaining transparency.
    • Supporting Documents - 10% - Availability and quality of supporting documentation, such as references, endorsements, or evidence of accreditation by academic institutions.
    • Reader Impact - 5% - The extent to which the work has been disseminated and attracted wide reader base.
    • Novelty of Ideas - 10% - Providing new and innovative ideas in the field of communication, developing new technologies or methodologies, providing new analyses or insights, and offering solutions to challenges.
    • Scientific Value - 10% - Distinctiveness of ideas and their contribution to the development of knowledge, accuracy of information, strength of arguments and inferences, clarity of style and presentation, and accreditation by institutions.
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