How to Win The Award | Sharjah Government Communication Award | Events | International Government Communication Centre

How to Win The Award

An applicant must adhere to a set of general specifications when preparing their nomination file for an award category under the Sharjah Government Communication Award. In order to ensure that the file reaches the award's finalist list, it must:

  • Include an executive summary (250 words).
  • Be well organised and composed to facilitate the evaluation process.
  • Be of an appropriate size to facilitate download and reading.
  • Use headings, paragraphs, and illustrations to organise information.
  • Use internal links to link relevant information.
  • Insert informational attachments that serve its content, including information graphics, pictures, and videos.
  • Add a summary or table of contents to view an overview of the file.

The most prominent specifications of the introductory attachments:

It is best for the award file to include introductory attachments, which may include infographics, videos, and photos. The award does not require all such things to be included in the file, rather, it depends on the extent to which such attachments enhance the file's content and items. If informational attachments are included, they must adhere to the following specifications:


  • Must be of high quality, clear, and easy to read.
  • Provide accurate and correct information, numbers, and statistics.
  • Must be related to the topic and specifics of the award category.


  • Videos must be of high quality and clear.
  • It may include interviews with relevant parties and a brief presentation of the topics in the award category.
  • Ensure the quality of sound, images, graphics, and other visual materials.
  • 1080p should be used as the standard resolution for video, and 4K for higher quality.
  • 1080p should be used for videos with a bit rate of 8-12 Mbps.
  • MP4 should be used for video file formats with H.264 encoding.
  • Small video files should be 100-200 MB in size.
  • For sound quality, use AAC encoding.
  • Avoid excessive visual effects.


  • Pictures must be clear and of high quality.
  • It must be relevant to the subject of the award.
  • 72 DPI should be used for displaying images on computer screens and 300 DPI for printing.
  • Preferred image dimensions are 1920x1080 pixels for most monitors.
  • For file format, use JPEG for balanced quality and size and PNG for clear images.
  • Files should be preferably less than 5MB.
  • Optimize images to ensure high quality and low size by adjusting brightness and contrast.
  • Test images on different devices to check their quality.

How can I avoid the file submitted for the award being excluded?

When preparing a file to be submitted to the Sharjah Government Communication Award, you must ensure that it meets the criteria for the award category and be submitted by the deadline. Each category provides an explanation of the essential components to include in the file and the potential reasons for its exclusion.

Awards for government agencies, international organisations, and the private sector

  • Best Integrated Communication Campaign - (Government Only)

    The submitted file must contain the majority of the following items:

    • An executive summary (250 words) that includes an overview of the organisation, including the vision, missions, strategic plans, goals, and key messages.
    • Team structure specifying roles and job titles for each member, including details of training and skills development programmes.
    • A description of the strategies and tools used to communicate with the audience, performance measurement, and a list of platforms and tools used to interact with the audience.
    • Details concerning results achieved and the positive impact created in the field of communications. Evidence and indicators of the effectiveness of communication and response speed should also be provided.
    • Data and statistics showing audience interaction levels as well as describing the processes used to collect and analyse data to improve communication.
    • Examples of how to employ innovation and creativity in communication strategies as well as observation of the most prominent campaigns and innovative programmes and their practical application.
    • Explain the process used in selecting communication methodologies, the reasons for choosing such, and details concerning the planning, implementation, and monitoring of the strategy.
    • Reports and case studies presenting specific examples of the system’s success as well as testimonials or recommendations from external parties that reflect their appreciation of the system and its work (if any).
    • Copies of annual or quarterly reports, studies on the effectiveness of the system, and copies of certificates and awards obtained by the entity (if any).
    • The file must be organised, clear, and use understandable and precise language free of grammatical errors.

    Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

    • Submitting a file that does not meet the basic criteria of innovation, tangible impact, transparency, or efficiency.
    • Lack of basic information or details regarding team structure, communication strategies, results achieved, and positive impact obtained.
    • Providing files that are not precisely defined, making it difficult to assess a tangible impact.
    • Files that do not show the use of innovative communication methods and rely heavily on outdated technologies.
    • Files submitted after the specified deadline or that rely on old data and activities.
    • Files that do not demonstrate the team's ability to implement plans effectively or use resources efficiently.
    • Files that lack support or recommendations from participating parties.
    • Files that present methodologies or content that are not consistent with government policies or objectives.
    • Files that contain content that violates the intellectual property rights of others.
  • Award for Best Campaigns Promoting Cultural Identity and the Arabic Language - (Government Only)

    The submitted file must contain:

    • An executive summary (250 words) that briefly presents the campaign’s objectives, strategy, key results, and achievements, with an emphasis on supporting the Arabic language and enhancing cultural identity.
    • Provide information concerning the context of the campaign, target audience, and the time period for its implementation. It should also explain how the campaign has contributed to supporting the Arabic language and Arab values.
    • A detailed explanation of the communication strategy followed, platforms used, and how the campaign was implemented, including the tools and methods employed.
    • Describe the content created or published as well as explain the creative elements used, such as logos, images, videos, or visual tools.
    • Provide an illustration of the results and the campaign's impact through the use of statistics and tangible examples in order to demonstrate the successful promotion of the Arabic language and cultural identity.
    • Explain the tools and methods used to measure the campaign's impacts and evaluate its success while also providing recommendations to improve future campaigns.
    • Explain how the campaign's impact and continuous communication with the audience can be maintained, emphasising the sustainable impact of the campaign on the target audience.
    • Provide examples and evidence supporting the campaign's success and positive impact, including the documentation of adherence to ethical and legal standards in the campaign's implementation.
    • Such information must be presented in a clear and organised manner and care must be taken to use the Arabic language correctly and accurately while also including pictures, tables, or graphs to illustrate the information in an interactive and attractive manner.

    Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

    • Submitting a file that does not comply with the basic standards of promoting the Arabic language and consolidating Arab values and identity.
    • Submitting the same file to multiple categories will result in it being excluded from the evaluation.
    • If the campaign does not show tangible results that support its stated goals to promote the Arabic language or consolidate Arab values.
    • Files that do not demonstrate a clear and tangible impact on the target audience or community shall be excluded.
    • If the campaign does not show creative and innovative elements that make it distinctive and effective.
    • Submitting files that are incomplete or do not fully comply with the terms and requirements of the award.
    • Submitting a file that contains linguistic or spelling errors that affect the quality and credibility of the campaign.
    • If the file submitted is unclear or it is difficult to understand the campaign's objectives and expected results.
    • Files that do not provide strong evidence or statistics to support the campaign's purported results shall be excluded.
  • Award for Best Communication Targeting Youth - (Government Only)

    This award includes two categories:

    • (1) Award for Best Campaigns Positively Impacting Youth Awareness and Practices - (Government Only)

      The submitted file must contain:

      • An executive summary (250 words): A brief overview of the campaign, including objectives, target audience, and key messages.
      • Complete details concerning the campaign, including the strategies used, activities, and methods used for communication.
      • Determine the specific goals that the campaign aims to achieve.
      • Identify and describe the youth target audience, including age and demographic groups.
      • Provide data and statistics that show the campaign's impact on youth and society, including tangible and measurable results.
      • Explain the methods and tools used to evaluate the impact and success of the campaign.
      • Describe the creative and innovative methods used in the campaign to attract the attention of young people and make an impact on them.
      • Provide examples of promotional materials such as videos, posters, social media posts, etc.
      • Provide testimonials or recommendations from reliable authorities confirming the success and impact of the campaign (if any).
      • Submit articles or media reports covering the campaign and its impact.
      • Explain how the campaign adheres to ethical standards and social responsibility.

      Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

      • If the file does not meet the criteria specified for the award or does not comply with the basic requirements for participation.
      • If the file is not clear or detailed enough to demonstrate how the campaign achieved its goals and made a positive impact.
      • If the file does not include strong evidence or data showing the campaign’s tangible and measurable impact on youth.
      • If the campaign lacks originality and creativity in its design and implementation.
      • If it is not clear how the campaign and its impact will be sustained over the long term.
      • If the campaign does not demonstrate a commitment to ethical standards and responsibility towards the target audience.
      • If there is no evidence of widespread media coverage or effective promotion of the campaign.
      • If the campaign content is inappropriate or unsuitable for the target audience.
      • If the file lacks basic information regarding campaign implementation and related activities.
      • If the same file is submitted to more than one award category.
    • (2) Award for Best Communication Programme Supporting Emerging Projects and Youth - (Government Only)

      The submitted file must contain:

      • Basic information about the applicant, programme, its objectives, target audience, implementation method, and expected impact.
      • 2 A brief description of the programme, its objectives, and how it is implemented.
      • A detailed report on the programme, including:
        • Background of the programme and reasons for its implementation.
        • A detailed explanation of the programme's objectives and how they are achieved.
        • A detailed explanation of the target audience and its needs.
        • A detailed explanation of programme content and the activities that were implemented.
        • A detailed explanation of the programme's implementation method and the means of communication used.
        • A detailed explanation of the impact the programme has had on individuals, institutions, or society.
      • Illustrate the innovative and creative elements of the programme while also explaining the tactics and tools used.
      • Attach supporting documentation including photos, videos, statistical data, any other relevant documents, as well as copies of promotional and communication materials used.
      • Provide details regarding the partnerships and forms of cooperation implemented that have contributed to the programme’s implementation and success.
      • Provide data and statistics to support the results and impact achieved by the programme, as well as testimonials or success stories from participants or partners.
      • Documentation demonstrating the programme's adherence to ethical and professional standards in all aspects.
      • Explain how the programme addresses audience diversity and ensures inclusiveness.
      • Highlight the programme’s plans for future development and sustainability.

      Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

      • Failure to meet the required criteria: The submitted file must meet all the criteria required for the award. This includes it primarily targeting youth or youth-supporting institutions, its aim to support youth in the field of entrepreneurship or emerging businesses, and that it be grounded in an effective and attractive communication style. It must also have had a tangible, measurable impact.
      • If the file does not adhere to the specified submission guidelines, such as file size, required formats, or deadlines.
      • Incomplete file: The submitted file must include all required information, including the award application form, detailed programme report, and supporting documentation. The award will exclude the incomplete file.
      • Failure to provide sufficient documentation to support its claims and the results mentioned in the programme.
      • Provision of low-quality content, such as unclear information, linguistic errors, or unprofessional design.
      • Failure to define the programme's objectives clearly and measurably.
      • Failure to clearly define the programme's target audience.
      • Failure to provide a detailed explanation of the programme's content and the activities implemented.
      • Failure to provide a detailed explanation of the programme's implementation method and the means of communication.
      • Failure to provide a detailed explanation of programme's impact.
      • The programme's failure to achieve the goals set by the applicant.
      • If programmes do not demonstrate interest in inclusiveness and diversity of the target audience.
      • If the programme lacks creative or innovative elements that distinguish it from other programmes.
      • Inclusion of material in the file without having obtained the necessary permission for such or violating intellectual property rights.
      • Submitting the same file to more than one category.
      • If the information provided in the file turns out to be incorrect or misleading.
      • Failure to adhere to ethical and professional standards in any part of the programme.
      • There are no real indicators regarding certain projects targeted by the various communication campaigns.
  • Best Crisis Communication Strategy Award - (Government & Private Sector)

    The submitted file must contain:

    • An executive summary (250 words) that includes the communication strategy for dealing with the crisis, highlighting its most important points.
    • A detailed explanation of the crisis, including its type, dimensions, time context of its occurrence, and its impact on the entity and the public.
    • Determine the objectives of the communication strategy during the crisis.
    • A detailed explanation of the plan and the tools used to deal with the crisis, including the channels and target audience as well as the tools and mechanisms used to implement the communication strategy, such as the use of social media or press conferences.
    • Explain how the entity plans in advance to deal with crises, including the identification of potential crisis scenarios and the development of a response plan for each.
    • Explain the communication strategy that was used to deal with the crisis, including its objectives, messages, media channels, implementation, results, and target audience, and attach details concerning the implementing teams or individuals.
    • Provide information proving the strategy's success and its impact in dealing with the crisis.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy and its impact on the audience.
    • Present how the entity communicates with the target audience during the crisis, including the communication channels used; messages directed to the public; how various segments of the public are involved; Ensure transparency, elucidate the specifics of the communication plan, and pinpoint the primary communication points with the public.
    • Presentation of the creative ideas and techniques used.
    • Add any recognitions or awards received by the strategy (if any).
    • Include supporting documents such as photos, videos, and reports.
    • Provide contact information - Information to contact participants.
    • Explain internal communication mechanisms, how the entity communicates with its employees and workers during the crisis, and how it responded immediately to the crisis.
    • Explain how quickly the entity responded to the crisis and the extent of its capacity to access the data and information required to deal with the crisis.
    • Present the tangible results achieved and impact made by the communication strategy.
    • Explain how communication strategy has been evaluated and the results of such.

    Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

    • If the communication strategy is not closely related to the specific crisis, the file may be excluded.
    • If the strategy does not achieve the set objectives or deliver tangible results there is reason for exclusion.
    • Employment of strategies that do not ensure transparency or engage diverse audiences may be excluded.
    • Use of illegal or unethical methods.
    • Failure to provide sufficient data or evidence to support the effectiveness of the strategy is reason for exclusion.
    • If the strategy is not implemented within the specified timelines, this may result in the file being excluded.
    • Provision of false or inaccurate information.
    • If the submission does not meet the competition standards and requirements, it may be excluded.
  • Award for Best Artificial Intelligence Technology Communication in Service of the Community - (Government & Private Sector)

    The submitted file must contain:

    • A detailed description of the project, including objectives, recruitment strategies, and how artificial intelligence technologies are used in communication.
    • Analyze the project and clarify aspects related to the project's innovation, effectiveness, and overall benefit.
    • Evidence of project results such as statistical data, surveys, or interviews.
    • Clarify the specific objectives of the project and the results achieved, focusing on its impact on society.
    • Present the creative and innovative aspects of employing artificial intelligence.
    • Provide examples that illustrate the application of artificial intelligence and the impact achieved.
    • Support results with data and analysis, such as performance metrics and statistics.
    • Recommendations from third parties confirming the success and impact of the project.
    • Details of the artificial intelligence technology and tools used.
    • Describe how the project's sustainability and potential for expansion are guaranteed.
    • Explain the challenges and lessons learned during the implementation of the project.
    • Document the impact on policies or practices as a result of the project.
    • Possibility of conducting an interview with the project team for a deeper evaluation.
    • Information about team members, including qualifications and experience.
    • Provide reports and studies related to the project.
    • Present media materials related to the project.
    • Attach statistical data, samples of artificial intelligence content, and reports on the effectiveness of technologies.

    Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

    • If the file is not complete or organized, or is missing essential information.
    • Failure to provide clear evidence of the project’s impact on society.
    • If the strategy does not achieve the required standards of innovation, effectiveness, or public benefit.
    • If the file does not demonstrate a creative and innovative use of artificial intelligence technologies.
    • Submitting incorrect data in the file.
    • Failure to adhere to the rules of professional ethics in the field of communication and ignoring compliance with privacy and security standards, especially with regard to user data.
    • Provision of unreliable evidence.
    • Submitting the same file to more than one category shall lead to the file being excluded.
    • If the file is not clear or lacks accuracy.
    • Failure to clarify the project's impact on society.
    • Failure to provide evidence of the project’s sustainability and future development.
    • If the file does not comply with the criteria specified for the award.
    • Files that do not contain all the required documents or are missing essential details shall be excluded.
  • Best Communication and Media Content Award - (Government & Private Sector)

    The submitted file must contain:

    • Executive summary (250 words) of the project or campaign, outlining the specific goals and the problem it aims to solve.
    • Explain the details of what the project or campaign is, including the plans, ideas, and strategies used.
    • Provide examples of visual content created and used during the project, such as videos, photos, animations, and any other campaign related content.
    • Provide strong evidence of the project’s impact on the community and target audience. Include reports, statistics, and interviews with the target audience.
    • An explanation of the techniques and tools used to create and publish visual content, including production tools, social media platforms, and software used.
    • An explanation of how the project was implemented and the steps taken, as well as a timeline demonstrating when each part of the campaign was implemented.
    • An analysis of the results achieved and an assessment of the positive impact the project has had on the public and society.
    • If there are any previous awards or certificates of appreciation from previous events awarded to the project, these can be included to enhance the chances of winning this award.
    • Provide contact information for the participating party, including the name of the contact person, email, and phone number.

    Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

    • If the content does not adhere to the standards specified by the regulator, such as focusing on specific issues and within specific time frames.
    • If it does not achieve a tangible positive impact on social awareness or the public.
    • If it lacks quality in production or design.
    • If it does not target a broad audience or take into account the preferences of diverse groups.
    • If it violates intellectual property rights or professional ethics laws.
    • If it does not provide adequate documentation concerning impact, results, or supporting examples.
  • Award for Best Communication Project Targeting Children and Adolescents - (Government & Private Sector)

    The submitted file must contain:

    • An executive summary (250 words) that includes an overview of the entity or individual applying for the award, the background and objectives of the targeted communication project for children, as well as the vision and mission of the project submitted.
    • Provide details regarding the type of project (programme, book, film, social media campaign, etc.).
    • Determine the target audience (children’s age group).
    • Clarify the main messages and values that the project aims to convey.
    • Display the details of the submitted content in a way that its level of creativity and quality can be evaluated.
    • Include examples of activities, drawings, stories, or any interactive elements that have been used in the project.
    • Provide evidence of the positive impact the work has had on children (success stories, testimonials, statistics, etc.).
    • Provide evidence to evaluate the impact of the project on children's behavioral and educational levels.
    • Provide evidence of innovation in the methods and techniques used to attract children's attention and make an impact on them.
    • Include samples of videos, images, or links to digital content used in the project.
    • Highlight promotional or media materials used in supporting the project.
    • Evidence showing that the submitted work is committed to children’s rights and protection.
    • Explain the methods used to distribute and promote the project in order to reach its target audience.
    • Provide evidence of the target audience's reaction to the project.
    • Attach any evaluation or impact studies that were conducted for the purpose of measuring the project's effectiveness.

    Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

    • If the submitted file does not adhere to the specific terms and conditions of the award, such as target age group, or does not respect children's rights and protection.
    • Failure to submit any of the documents or supporting materials required as part of the application.
    • If the work does not demonstrate the required level of quality or creativity or the content lacks innovation or has not had a tangible positive impact.
    • Provide content that carries negative, discriminatory, or inappropriate messages for children.
    • Use copyrighted material without permission or fails to properly identify content sources.
    • Provide ambiguous or inaccurate information about the project, its results or impact.
    • If the main purpose of the project is to promote commercial products or services rather than achieving a positive social impact.
    • Submit a project that violates general ethics or the desired values regarding child development.
    • If the submitted project does not fit the award's specific evaluation criteria, such as innovation, positive impact, and sustainability.
  • Award for Best Communication and Humanitarian Practice in Supporting Social Responsibility - (Government & Private Sector)

    The submitted file must contain:

    • Executive summary (250 words) providing a comprehensive overview of the campaign, including title, implementing entity, nature, objectives, strategies adopted, and notable results.
    • Detail the context and motivation behind the campaign, its overall goals, and target audience.
    • Explain the details of the campaign's implementation, including timeline and target audience, as well as communication and the humanitarian practices adopted.
    • Clarify the campaign's specific objectives and how their achievement was evaluated.
    • Explain campaign strategies, tools, and resources, emphasising innovation and the techniques used.
    • Provide data and evidence proving the campaign's tangible success and positive impact on society.
    • Include details of cooperation with partners and institutions to highlight the campaign's success.
    • Explain innovative ways to measure the impact of the campaign and future strategies to improve on it.
    • Specify how transparency and accountability were ensured throughout all campaign stages.
    • Show how creative ideas and modern technologies were employed to achieve goals.
    • Include supporting material such as photos, videos, or reports to enhance understanding and appreciation of the campaign.
    • Use clear and concise language, focusing on its essential aspects, and enhance the presentation with graphs and tables to facilitate understanding.

    Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

    • Submitting the file in more than one award category.
    • Providing incorrect or misleading information about the campaign.
    • Incomplete files that lack essential information for evaluation.
    • Difficulty in clearly understanding the objectives and mechanisms of the campaign.
    • Campaigns shall be excluded if they:
      • Do not clearly show that they have achieved their social and humanitarian goals.
      • Do not provide transparent or sufficient information regarding implementation and impact mechanisms.
      • Do not provide sufficient evidence of their social benefits or positive impact.
      • Have not built effective partnerships with other institutions.
      • Do not adequately explain the results and social impact achieved.
      • Do not adhere to the standards of social responsibility and sustainability.
      • Campaigns aimed at marketing or promoting a brand without specific social objectives.
  • Award for Best Investment in "Soft Power" to Support Communication Programmes - (Government & Private Sector)

    The submitted file must contain:

    • An executive summary (250 words) in which the nature of investment in soft power, its objectives, and the method of application to bring about positive social impact are identified.
    • Provide an analysis that shows how one of the areas of soft power (culture, arts, sports, technology, education, etc.) was used as a means of communicating and influencing the public and society.
    • Clarify the investment objectives and how these objectives have contributed to achieving tangible results in the field of communication.
    • Present a detailed strategy for how to use soft power investment to convey messages and promote a positive image.
    • Provide a practical and specific plan that explains how to implement the strategy and activities.
    • Describe the tools and methods used to monitor and evaluate the plan's progress.
    • Clarify the methods and measurements used to evaluate the success of the strategy and measure final results.
    • Provide analysis or evidence of the positive impact the investment has had on society and the public.
    • Documents confirming the success and impact of investment in soft power.
    • Present examples of activities or events that have successfully used soft power as a tool for communication.
    • Show how soft power activities have been covered in the media and used to reinforce messages.

    Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

    • If the file does not meet the conditions and criteria specified for the award, such as innovation, effectiveness, or positive impact.
    • If the file is incomplete or lacks the basic information or documentary support required.
    • The file may be excluded if it is presented in an unprofessional manner or is not a high-quality submission.
    • If the submitted project is not original and is very similar to other projects submitted.
    • If the project does not show a significant or tangible impact on communication programs in soft power fields.
    • If the project violates ethics or conflicts with local or international laws.
    • If the project's objectives are unclear or there are no tangible results that can be measured.

Individual awards

  • Best Youth Initiative Award in Government Communication

    The submitted file must contain:

    • Executive summary (250 words) including a clear and concise presentation of the initiative, indicating its objectives, target audience, and expected results.
    • Details about the idea, goals, and how to implement the initiative. This section must also include a detailed action plan explaining the strategies and tactics used.
    • Analysis of the initiative's impact, including data and statistics that support the results achieved.
    • Documentation clarifying the innovative and creative nature of the initiative in addressing government communication issues.
    • Attach supporting materials, including photos, videos, charts, and other materials that visually present the initiative.
    • Provide testimonials and evaluations: reviews and evaluations from beneficiary parties or experts in the field of government communication. (If any)
    • Explain how the initiative will continue and develop over time.
    • Provide details regarding any collaborations or partnerships formed in support of the initiative.
    • Confirm the initiative's commitment to laws and ethical standards.

    Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

    • Submitting the same file in more than one category
    • If the file does not meet the conditions and criteria specified for the award, such as innovation, effectiveness, or positive impact.
    • If the file is incomplete or lacks the basic information or documentary support required.
    • The file may be excluded if it is presented in an unprofessional manner or is not a high quality submission.
    • If the submitted project is not original and is very similar to other projects submitted.
    • If the project does not show a significant or tangible impact on government communication or if the project objectives are not clear.
    • If the project violates sporting ethics or conflicts with local or international laws.
  • Best Spokesperson Award - (Government Employed)

    The submitted file must contain:

    • Executive Summary (250 words)
    • A detailed CV that includes work experience, education, and any certificates or training related to the field of communication and public relations.
    • An introductory letter including information about the official spokesperson's contributions to the field of public relations, their influence on the target audience, and media presence.
    • A letter of nomination explaining the reasons why the spokesperson is a suitable candidate for the award. This should note their outstanding achievements and contributions to the field of communications, media, and public relations.
    • Provide examples of work including interviews, press releases, press conferences, and other communication materials that demonstrate the nominee's capacity for communication and making an impact.
    • Provide detailed case studies of successful communication campaigns or initiatives led by the spokesperson, focusing on the strategies used and results achieved.
    • Letters of recommendation from co-workers, superiors, or other relevant parties attesting to the spokesperson's competency and outstanding performance.
    • This evidence could include video or audio recordings of the spokesperson performing their work duties, newspaper articles or interviews, or media coverage reports of the spokesperson.
    • Provide data or statistics that show the spokesperson's influence on the audience, such as social media analyses, media coverage, or opinion polls.
    • Provide documentation demonstrating ongoing professional development efforts, such as participation in workshops, conferences, or training courses.
    • Provide information on how to deal with crises or difficult situations, and how to manage communications in these situations.
    • Demonstrate how to use innovative or creative communication methods, such as the use of new technologies or presenting ideas in unique ways.
    • Present evidence of the ability to understand and take into account the diverse cultural backgrounds of the audience.
    • In addition to these requirements, the adjudicators of the award may request a personal interview with the spokesperson to assess his or her skills and experience in more detail.
    • The submitted file may include the following topics:
      • The work team's efforts and the extent of their contributions to success
      • Training strategy and prior preparation
      • Media appearance strategy
      • Personal initiatives made by the spokesperson to enhance their media skills
      • Speed of response to the audience
      • Keeping pace with modern communication programmes and the use of technological communication tools and skills
      • Using data, information, and tools to measure audience interaction
      • Communication methods and the use of appropriate language for each audience alongside audience impact results

    Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

    • The file submitted is incomplete and does not adhere to the organisation, arrangement, or formatting requirements.
    • The file does not include sufficient evidence of the quality of the official spokesman's skills as well as an insufficient number of media appearances
    • The position and status of the official spokesman in the entity in which he works. The director or head of an entity may not be an applicant for the official spokesman category.
  • Award for Best Targeted Digital Content Creators

    This award targets two age groups:

    • Content creators in the under 18 category
    • Content creators in the over 18 category

    File contents

    • Executive Summary (250 words)
    • Content creator’s CV: Includes basic information including age, interests, and previous experience using social and digital media.
    • A letter containing a brief explanation of why you want to win the award, and how your use of social media and digital media reflects the required standards.
    • Summary of content provided: A description of the type of content, objectives, target audience, and impact it aims to achieve.
    • Sample content: Links to videos, posts, articles, or any other form of content that showcases creativity, innovation, and a positive impact on children. Such samples should reflect responsible and ethical use of the media.
    • If awards, certificates, or positive comments are obtained from followers, these can be included in support of the application.
    • A statement demonstrating the content creator's understanding and commitment to digital responsibility, including how they handle privacy and copyright.
    • A description of future plans for content development, including new ideas or upcoming projects that demonstrate continued growth and development.
    • Letters of recommendation from teachers, coaches, or other credible persons who can speak of the content creator's skills and accomplishments in the digital media field.
    • A consent form signed by the parent or legal guardian allowing the child to participate in the award and to use the submitted content in the evaluation process.

    Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

    • If the submitted file does not demonstrate a clear commitment to the award’s specific criteria, such as creativity, digital responsibility, and having a positive impact.
    • If the submitted file lacks any of the basic content required for evaluation, such as samples of content or parental consent.
    • Submitting content that involves unethical use of digital media, such as spreading false information, privacy violations, or inappropriate copyright usage.
    • Providing content that is not appropriate for the child’s age or does not reflect the capabilities of the age group targeted by the award.
    • Submitting an application that lacks clarity or accuracy in the data provided and therefore making it difficult for the jury to adequately evaluate the application.
    • Submitting the same or very similar content to more than one category, or submitting it multiple times.
  • Award for Best Research in Communication Sciences

    The submitted file must contain:

    • Executive summary (250 words) summarising the main idea, methodologies, and main contributions of the submitted work.
    • A cover letter that includes an overview of the submitted file. Provide an overview of the writer's background, accomplishments, and the significance of the work presented as part of a communication context.
    • Attach a detailed CV of the writer, highlighting their academic and professional background, relevant experiences in government communication, and any notable accomplishments in the field.
    • The full text of the research submitted for consideration shall be included. The text should clearly demonstrates the writer's professionalism, innovative contributions, and impact within the field of communications.
    • A copy of the research project nominated for the award must be submitted alongside a brief report on the research outlining its most important ideas and contributions to the field of communications.
    • Explain the research methodology used, the most significant contributions made by the research to the science and culture of communications, and the research's impact on those working in the field of communications.
    • Include any media coverage the work has received, such as interviews, articles, or reports in reliable media outlets.
    • Include any reviews, endorsements, or testimonials from experts, colleagues, or trusted sources.

    Reasons that may lead to exclusion of the file

    • Failure to meet the required conditions: The file must meet the conditions required for the award, including that the nominated book or books must be written in Modern Standard Arabic and be related to the subject of the award.
    • If a submission does not adhere to the specified guidelines, including verbal limits, required attachments, or other requirements, it may be excluded from evaluation.
    • Lack of information provided, such as a writer's CV, summary, or necessary details concerning the work, which may render the application incomplete and lead to it being excluded from evaluation.
    • Not noting basic information about the research, such as title, author, or publisher.
    • If a submission lacks essential supporting documentation, such as references, or evidence of accreditation by academic institutions, it may be considered incomplete.
    • Submissions that raise ethical concerns, such as plagiarism, conveying false information, or lack of transparency, may be excluded.
    • Providing incorrect or misleading information regarding the nominated book or books.
    • The file is not clear or easy to understand and does not include the information or data necessary to evaluate the writer or author's contributions.
    • A submission may be excluded if it does not provide innovative perspectives, methodologies, or contributions to the field of communications.
    • Submitting a file of poor quality in terms of formatting or editing.
    • If the work submitted does not fit directly into the field of government communications or if it fails to deal with relevant topics and issues in this field.
    • If the submission lacks a strong methodological approach or if it fails to demonstrate a systematic and rigorous exploration of communication concepts.
    • If the work does not demonstrate a clear impact on government communication practices or if it fails to contribute effectively to the advancement of this field.
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