The International Government Communication Forum | Events | International Government Communication Centre

Agenda - 2024

IGCF 2024 - Pre-forum activities

Time Agenda

The COMMS programme for media and communications students

The programme aims to develop the professional skills of those working in the field of government communications, as well as new communications graduates. It comprises a series of interactive, hands-on workshops which, taken together, will provide participants with a range of information and skills divided into three different focusses.

The ethics and professionalism focus emphasises the ethical and professional requirements for government communications practitioners. The communications focus aims to improve content quality, innovation and execution. The technical focus introduces practitioners to various modern technical dimensions of government communication.

The COMMS programme to be held during the 2023 IGCF will feature seven different workshops:

Advanced Technology (Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse) and the Dynamic Human Skills (DHS) for the Arab Labor Market 2025

  • Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher CEO of Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), Member of the Academic Committee for Government Communication

How do you start your media project?

  • Dr. Sheren Mousa Dr. Sheren Mousa Consultant, and academic trainer at Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), Member of the Academic Committee for Government Communication

Podcast Production for Government Communication platforms

The importance of data in government communication

The Quintet of digital world withdrawal and the Trilogy of return

Mobile journalism

How to verify fake news and Photos?

Influencer Dynamics: Mastering Public Communication in the Digital Age

This three-day programme, in partnership with Forbes Middle East and GOVCAMPUS, aims to equip government officials with the necessary skills effectively to utilise influencer marketing in public communication. Participants will gain comprehensive insights into influencer strategies, engagement techniques, legal and ethical considerations, and campaign development. The course includes interactive lectures, group discussions, hands-on exercises, and a guest speaker session with prominent influencers.

This programme targets government officials, civil servants, and communication professionals. This workshop provides the tools to enhance public communication in the digital era. Upon completion of this programme, participants will possess the skills to create impactful influencer marketing campaigns, evaluate their effectiveness, and devise strategies that enhance governmental messages.


  • Identify and define influencer engagement and reach in ways that best benefit the national communications strategy
  • Understand how influencers tell stories that resonate with their audiences, and how their techniques and tools differ from government communications
  • Improve transparency and increase community and citizen trust by engaging in influencer collaborations

Forbes Middle East and GOVCAMPUS

AI Skills Camp

The Artificial Intelligence Skills Camp (AISC) is the first creative environment of its kind in the UAE to teach and enhance applied artificial intelligence skills for students and youth in cooperation between the Sharjah Government Media Bureau and the Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AI JRF).

The goal of the AISC camp is to familiarise students and youth with the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, the basis of its practical applications, and the ways in which we can incorporate it into our everyday lives. The camp also aims to educate students on the various applications of artificial intelligence that enable the creation, management, and integration of government, media, and service content across various economic sectors, particularly in bolstering the digital economy for governments.

Students participating in the camp will acquire skills in producing some forms of media content, such as cartoon films and motion graphics, in addition to smart phone applications using artificial intelligence. They will also have the opportunity to present the projects they have produced to the Sharjah Government Communication Award jury, who will choose the winning projects.


  • 10 applications of artificial intelligence that enhance government communication skills.
  • Producing 10 group projects from students about the 10 biggest achievements in Sharjah over the past decade.
  • Production of cartoon films/motion graphics on forum topics 2024.
  • Creating smart phone applications using artificial intelligence to display projects.
Challenge Director:
  • Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher CEO of Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), Member of the Academic Committee for Government Communication
  • Dr. Sheren Mousa Dr. Sheren Mousa Consultant, and academic trainer at Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), Member of the Academic Committee for Government Communication
  • Dr. Munira Mohammad Alrahmani Dr. Munira Mohammad Alrahmani Certified trainer at the Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF).
  • Eng. Fadi Radi Eng. Fadi Radi certifies trainer at Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), and chief creative offiecer at Blinx

The Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF)

Universities Challenge

The University Challenge is organised annually by the United Arab Emirates University in cooperation with the Sharjah Government Communication Award and is hosted by the International Government Communication Forum. Each year, the competition focuses on a specific topic, drawing participation from university students both domestically and internationally. The competition aims to amplify the role of university students in offering innovative solutions to challenges in government communication.

The University Challenge 2024 offers students an opportunity to compete in "content creation," emphasising its vital role in displaying institutional contributions toward strategic goals, ambitions, and business development. Content creators leverage their creativity and energy to produce valuable and engaging content, paving their way into the business world. Participants are encouraged to develop a platform, innovation, or idea that utilises government communication mechanisms, programmes, and channels. By embracing the opportunities and tackling the challenges of "content creation," they can effectively benefit from these resources.

Objectives of the Challenge:

  • Encourage creative thinking among university students to develop sustainable solutions to challenges in various aspects of government communication.
  • Motivate universities both within and outside the country to contribute creative ideas and innovative projects in the field of government communication.
  • Promote effective collaboration between national and international universities.
  • Enhance the capabilities of university students by refining their skills and preparing them more comprehensively for community service and contribution.
  • Cultivate innovative thinking among university students, encouraging them to utilise modern technologies and smart applications to devise alternative and sustainable solutions to contemporary challenges.
Challenge Director

Workshop: "Design Thinking" and the Innovation of Solutions

Design thinking is founded on interactive communication, which plays a crucial role in the success of the design process and the achievement of innovative solutions based on user needs. The Design Thinking Programme at the International Government Communication Forum employs a participatory and interactive training method between the trainer and the trainees.

The programme follows a comprehensive process and an integrated methodology for solving problems and innovating design solutions by utilising a variety of skills, concepts, and tools for creative thinking, problem analysis, and designing human-centred solutions.

The programme uses a blend of theoretical and practical tools to embed the concept of design thinking through interactive activities, film screenings, and studies on creativity and innovation, alongside the formation of discussion groups and idea-generation competitions. The programme includes fundamental stages such as understanding the user, analysing the problem, generating ideas, selecting appropriate solutions, prototyping, implementing, and evaluating them.

Design thinking is also distinguished by its emphasis on innovation, experimentation, and collaboration, making it an effective tool for addressing complex challenges in various fields. The programme aims to develop creative thinking skills, understand the philosophy of human-centred design, and apply design thinking tools in a practical manner.

  • Scientific and Fundamental Concepts in Creativity and Innovation
  • Factors Shaping Creative Ability Within Context
  • The Creative Process: Its Role in Building Institutional Creativity and Innovation
  • Identifying Innovator Patterns and Types of Innovations
  • Processes of Creative and Innovative Thinking: Exploratory Skills of Innovators
  • The Role of Creativity and Innovation Skills in Design Thinking and Its Stages
  • The Philosophy of Human-Centred Design and Applications of Design Thinking
  • Ahmed Shahrouj Ahmed Shahrouj International Consultant and Trainer in Creativity and Institutional Innovation, Certified Innovation Evaluator from the Global Innovation Institute

IGCF - Day One [4-9-2024]

Time Agenda
4 Sep
10:00 – 10:24

Opening of the IGCF

National anthem

Forum host:

Opening film and presentation


10:26 – 10:36

Inspirational Talk - Main stage

Japan’s 'Lost Decades': A Message to World Governments

Japan has faced a contradictory situation that remains the subject of analysis and scrutiny as experts seek solutions to its consequences and derive lessons that can benefit governments in enhancing economic stability globally. After decades of remarkable economic growth, Japan entered a prolonged period of stagnation in the early 1990s, a period now known as the "lost decades," with Japanese decision-makers still grappling with its effects today.

This period has sparked significant interest from economists and researchers worldwide, aiming to identify the root causes of Japan's stagnation. The stagnation reflected deep demographic challenges, particularly the rapid ageing of the population, which led to a shrinking workforce, increased pressure on the social welfare system, and impacts on the labour market, innovation, and global competitiveness amid rapid technological changes.

Japan's experience serves as a warning to countries facing similar demographic transformations, such as the United States, European nations, and East Asian countries. As economic growth is closely and negatively associated with the level of ageing in advanced societies, several countries have adopted "silver economy" policies, which represent a significant opportunity for sustainable development by creating economic pathways for the elderly.

However, the question remains: Is this approach sufficient, or does it require addressing these challenges with radical reforms? This question is particularly relevant given the potential repercussions for the economies of the United States, Europe, and China, and the future outlook for global growth in light of these demographic shifts. We will explore this question in depth in this inspiring speech with Japanese professor and economist Fumio Hayashi, through an analysis of the past and present, and an anticipation of the future, delivered in a style rich with meaningful messages.

  • The root causes of Japan's economic recession and the significance of communicating them globally.
  • The repercussions of Japan's economic recession on both Japan and the world.
  • The most prominent Japanese solutions, both implemented and proposed, to address the challenges of economic recession.
  • Future expectations for Japan's economy and its foundational pillars.
  • The global economic landscape in 2050 in light of demographic challenges.
  • The foundations underlying future expectations of slowing growth in China, Europe, and the United States.
  • The potential for cooperation between East Asian countries to tackle common economic challenges.
  • The importance of addressing ageing issues early to prevent long-term recession.
  • The necessity for governments to be flexible and adaptable in implementing structural reforms in the labour market and social care systems.
  • The impact of demographics on the global economic balance in the coming decades.
10:39 – 11:09

Inspirational Talk - Main stage 

10:39 – 11:09
Bear Grylls: Turning adventure into investment

Legendary adventurer Bear Grylls developed a passion for travelling from a very young age. His taste for adventure has helped him reach new heights of excellence. Inspired by his experience in mountain climbing, he decided to write his first book, The Kid Who Climbed Everest. The story of the 23-year-old climber became one of Britain's top 10 bestsellers. He then created the series "Mission Survive", which showcases his travels to exotic places. Amongst other titles, Bear also published children's books: Bear Grylls Adventures and The Jungle Book: New Adventures.

Grylls, who was nicknamed "Bear" by his father, managed to survive a terrible accident that almost left him paralysed for life; the accident led him down a different path in life. After becoming the youngest Briton to have scaled the summit of Everest, Bear decided to go on a fundraising trip and face the violent storms of the Arctic Circle.

Bear's countless journeys have led him to create Man vs Wild, which is the number one programme in the United States. The show's success has made him a well-known TV personality in the Arab world as well. His programme, Bear Grylls Survival Academy, has quickly become one of the most in-demand training programmes in the Middle East in adventure tourism. He has also created his own brand and travelling equipment. The fascinating story of Bear Grylls, man of the wild, has inspired us to host him at the International Government Communication Forum. We aim to redefine the concept of adventure and analyse it.

  • Bear Grylls’ journey from travelling to investing and his ability to inspire other entrepreneurs.
  • What lies behind Grylls’ writings and statements.
  • The rationale behind his children's books and how they have contributed to creating a whole generation of young adventurers.
  • How Grylls’ adventures can help governments communicate on specific issues.
  • How to leverage Grylls’ experience to foster adventure tourism.
  • Bear Grylls Bear Grylls adventurer, TV presenter and writer - United Kingdom
11:12 – 11:22

Inspirational Talk - Main stage

National media and prosperity

Back when the English playwright William Shakespeare was at the peak of his career, people believed that their reputation was of paramount importance. In the seventeenth century, the play Othello reflected deep-rooted aspects of human nature. Those human traits are universal, no matter what goals we pursue or what century we live in. In Othello, the characters care deeply about what others think of them. They dedicate a significant amount of their time to maintaining their popularity within their social circles and safeguarding their reputation from damage. Shakespeare once said, “Good name in man and woman is the immediate jewel of their souls”

A negative reputation can cost you a lot, whether you are an individual or a country as a whole. Countries can invest in their future by focusing on their good name to improve their public image; if they fail to do so, a bad reputation can become a burden that will negatively impact their economies and social values. A modern nation must build a strong reputation to promote its culture, values, and achievements on an international scale. This can also help nations attract foreign investment, foster tourism, and establish closer ties with other countries. Governments see national media outlets as essential tools that can help them build a strong worldwide reputation. This, in turn, will allow them to have a considerable impact on the international stage.

In a world where communication is paramount, the media has become a strategic asset that is critical to a country's reputation. Today's globalised communication facilitates the easy exchange of information and ideas. Investing in national media is not a luxury; it is a necessity. The media can strengthen a country's reputation worldwide and show how effective it is in various industries. Over the last few years, the UAE has implemented a well-thought-out media strategy. In this exciting interview with Sheikh Abdulla bin Mohammed Al Hamed, head of the National Media Office, we address the goals and ambitions that underpin this media strategy.

  • How has the government's smart investment in national media contributed to building a positive reputation? In what way has this strengthened the country's influence on the world stage?
  • To what extent has the UAE leveraged various communication channels in order to build a positive image worldwide?
  • How has the UAE managed to show that building a positive image of the country is a responsibility, not only for governments but also for all citizens?
  • To what extent do national media help countries build a good reputation?
  • How has the UAE managed to leverage its investment in national media to build a strong presence worldwide and help solve international issues?
  • How has the UAE dealt with the challenges of globalised communication in order to build a powerful national media that contributes to development and progress?

11:25 – 11:45

Inspirational Talk - Main stage

Einstein and Voltaire for Governments - the Seeds of Talent Blossom through Education

The world-renowned German physicist, Albert Einstein, was spot on when he said: "Education is what remains once you forget what you learned in school". Education includes the development of the intellectual and physical abilities that stick with you for your entire life. Voltaire, the famous French philosopher, also gave us food for thought when he declared: "Education cultivates talent, but it does not create it". Both men were quite ahead of their time. Their enlightened thinking helped them find new ways to create talent through education.

How could they not? They both believed that gifts and skills can be nurtured through education and upbringing. Children's innate talents can lead them to blossom into gifted individuals, whose potential can be used by the world's nations to reach remarkable milestones.

Countries around the world have managed to stand out by adopting a new approach that is based on educational initiatives to train talented individuals. They have gone from attracting talent to shaping talent. Most of the experts who worked on this approach agree that talented people are the result of a complex interaction between genetics and environmental factors - in other words, favourable conditions help them develop new skills.

Finland serves as a role model when it comes to achieving outstanding results. Talent thrives thanks to their innovative education system, which relies on a curriculum that is flexible and that places strong emphasis on students. In this inspirational talk, we are going to spotlight this unique worldview and explore the following themes:


  • The main reasons Finland has been able to create talent through education
  • The role of governments in promoting equality and equity in terms of access to education, regardless of one's socio-economic background
  • The role of teachers, who design and implement a flexible curriculum, allowing for a creative learning environment
  • Governments and societies could benefit from understanding that the 21st century skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving and collaboration need to be taught alongside basic skills such as reading, writing and mathematics.
  • Encouraging students to speak their mind and ask questions, and fostering teamwork and collaboration.
  • The impact of talent on economic development and resilience .

  • Dr Justin Yifu Lin Dr Justin Yifu Lin Economist and academic, and former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank (2008-2012)
11:48 – 12:00

Inspirational Talk - Main stage

11:48 – 12:00
Arab Geniuses: Pioneering the Advancement of Global Communication

Governments, technology makers, and scientists are collaborating to enhance our digital lives, ensuring more effective communication anytime, anywhere. A significant contributor to this advancement is Moroccan materials engineer Rachid El Yazmi, whose invention of the rechargeable lithium battery has notably reduced the size of phone batteries and other devices.

Yazami, who holds more than 180 patents and has nearly 300 scientific publications, exemplifies the synergy between development and the mineral economy that impacts the telecommunications sector. His intellectual competence and talent are highly sought after, as his wealth of knowledge fosters a new generation of talent.

Over a span of more than 40 years, Yazami's scientific research has taken him from Morocco to France, the United States, Japan, and Singapore. Notably, he was the first to discover the negative pole of rechargeable lithium batteries, now integral to most portable devices. Additionally, he invented a chip capable of rapidly recharging smartphone and electric vehicle batteries, revolutionising the telecommunications sector. This groundbreaking invention has garnered significant global interest and intense competition, highlighting its profound impact on the future of technology and communication, as well as its pivotal role in achieving sustainable development goals.

  • The effects of international competition on talents in the lives and career paths of researchers.
  • The foundations of communication with researchers and scientists to stimulate the inventions and innovations they are working on.
  • The need to focus on scientific and cultural exchange between countries to make researchers more capable of moving between different institutions and countries.
  • The importance of partnership between countries in supporting talented and competent people to serve humanity and achieve growth.
  • The nature of cooperation between governments, companies, and researchers to benefit from the advantages of lithium batteries, achieving sustainable development goals and developing technologies in the communications sector.
  • Methods and importance of encouraging researchers to continue their research related to technology and the communications sector.
  • The importance of Arab minds, who are active globally, remaining productive in their countries and sponsoring young competencies and talents.

  • Rachid Yazami Rachid Yazami Moroccan inventor of lithium batteries and scientist specialising in materials science
  • Ali Hamid Al-Loughani Ali Hamid Al-Loughani inventor and member of Rubu Qarn Science and Technology in Sharjah
13:00 – 13:30

Discussion session - Main stage

Global Competitiveness for Talents: The Key to Success in the 21st Century

Governments worldwide are in a constant and increasingly innovative search for talented and distinguished individuals. They work to entice them to become part of a social fabric, which represents a cornerstone of development. Economic development, innovation, technological superiority, and other relevant factors fuel the competition to attract and retain talents in the global landscape. This has driven governments to develop flexible strategic and communication plans that enable them to reach the largest number of the most competent talents around the world.

Governments have taken multiple measures and promoted them through creative and diverse communication methods to encourage talents to make what they consider the "right decision" to join their happy and high-quality life communities, where their children receive talent-making education, collectively to chart the path to global success and excellence in the 21st century.

For example, the competition to attract talent intensifies among governments that believe flexibility is a rewarding means to achieve this goal.

For example, the UAE offers golden visas to innovators in important fields like technology; Singapore has adopted flexible immigration policies for substantial investments in education; the United States benefits from a visa system to attract talents in technology, engineering, and medicine. Australia relies on programmes targeting high skills to fill labour market gaps; Canada offers a fast-track immigration programme for highly talented individuals by providing an excellent living environment; and Germany has a programme to attract specialists in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

These are just a few examples. As a result, this session discusses the mechanisms for promoting information and data about talent attraction procedures that enable future government success.


  • Why do some countries excel in attracting and retaining talents while others face significant challenges?
  • How do governments promote their abilities to attract, host, and develop talents on a global level?
  • What is the importance of adopting communication strategies that clarify all information and data related to the talent attraction process and instilling a sense of reassurance?
  • What are the best methods for making education a crucial part of global competitiveness for talents and developing local capacities?
  • To what extent do governments need mechanisms to convince investors of the benefits of attracting talent rather than just focusing on employment?

  • HE Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi HE Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade, Minister in Charge of Talent Attraction and Retention, and Chairman of the Emirates Drug Establishment
  • HE Simon Robert Coffey HE Simon Robert Coffey Minister of Transport, Energy, Communications and Innovation, Tuvalu
  • Rachid Yazami Rachid Yazami Moroccan inventor of lithium batteries and scientist specialising in materials science
In partnership with

Forbes Middle East

13:35 – 14:20

Discussion session - Main Stage

The "Information Wars" and the Perils of "Communication Globalisation"

The world is facing a devastating hurricane of fallacies and distortions, with the "information and data war" at its core. This storm is intensifying with the "globalization of communication," driven by the rapid spread of social networking sites and smart technologies. Additionally, the trend of governments acquiring satellites as communication channels—rich in data and information—enhances their access to the "power of knowledge," which they use to shape decisions and communication strategies that influence public opinion beyond national borders.

Despite the risks of cybersecurity, countries are innovating in space communication technologies to provide channels that reach farther and wider audiences. This is particularly crucial as global societies experience a new wave of change that influences the formation of public opinion, societal behaviour, and decision-making.

Between a war that uses information and data for deception, public opinion manipulation, cyber espionage, cyber-attacks, psychological warfare, extortion, and control over digital infrastructure, and another war that employs information and data to reveal truths, maintain cyber security, spread reassurance in societies, and help the public face increasing challenges in accessing facts, governments worldwide find themselves caught in a cycle of "communication globalization." This involves a series of battles and fronts for governments, groups, and individuals, making information, data, and media tools for shaping public opinion pathways. However, the situation has taken new turns as individuals acquire skills to verify information's accuracy.

It is no longer difficult for individuals to form their own opinions stemming from the flow of information and data via mass communication forms and space communcations, which heavily rely on the internet and artificial intelligence technologies. Therefore, governments find themselves in a dilemma of diverse and varied strong public opinion groups, some of which may diverge and detract from the government’s goals. At the same time, governments encounter new opportunities to enhance their citizens' trust by adapting to changes in "communication globalization" and the nature of the "information and data war." Amid these contradictions in the global scene of public opinion formation, the session will discuss the following topics:


  • How governments can adapt to the changes brought about by "communication globalization" and the "information and data war" to build effective communication strategies for influencing public opinion.
  • Mechanisms for governments to address the erosion of trust due to the spread of information and data on "communication globalization" platforms.
  • The importance of government adoption of practices that foster critical thinking among individuals and make societies more resilient against and resistant to misinformation, as well as promoting a culture of fact-and-truth-seeking.
  • The role of governments in raising awareness about "information and data wars" and the importance of seeking facts in the era of communication globalization.
  • The diversity of "public opinion" within a single society and the mechanisms for governments to handle opinion differences resulting from "communication globalization."
  • The impact of satellite technology on the "information and data war" and the management of the "globalization of communication."
  • The importance of governments establishing an integrated approach to employing satellite technology alongside information and communication technologies.
  • The role of space communication technologies in preventing the monopolization of data that shapes public opinion.

14:25 – 14:55

Discussion session - Main stage

From the Core of a Resilient Economy to Communication Arts

Governments worldwide are increasingly adopting policies and practices aimed at enhancing economic resilience in their countries to both mitigate the impacts of various challenges and boost the capacity of economies to withstand, adapt to, and quickly recover from them. Therefore, several governments have employed media and communication practices as powerful tools to enhance economic resilience for sustainable growth.

Although strategies for enhancing economic resilience vary from one country to another depending on the level of development, environmental conditions, and social needs, they all rely on disseminating information and data, encouraging partnerships and collaborations, and building community trust to support local economic development. They also communicate messages emphasising the enhancement of economic resilience through a comprehensive approach that combines governmental policies, private sector initiatives, and civil society participation to achieve growth, support national security, and meet citizens' expectations.

As interconnected concepts such as the green economy, rare metals and minerals economy, blue economy, space economy, and others contribute to sustainable development goals through innovative startup projects, economic resilience has become a crucial component. Therefore, we need to conduct more research to better understand the connection between media and communication sciences and economic resilience, fostering a resilient and inclusive mindset that supports current economic trends. Consequently, this session delves into the following topics:


  • The relationship between economic resilience and different economic concepts based on emerging sectors and innovation.
  • Methods for improving adaptability to changes in resilient governments and building new and diverse roadmaps towards sustainability.
  • The importance of spreading knowledge about modern economic policies to understand their impact on daily life and educate the public about smart investments and making sound economic decisions.
  • How to build partnerships between the government sector, private sector, and individuals to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • The importance of spreading positive messages about the future of a resilient economy and promoting positive social values.
  • Methods for addressing problems in local economies, encouraging the attraction of foreign investments.
In Partnership with:

Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI)

Room 1 - Gov. Talks

Platform Manager:
12:00 – 12:35
How does aging become the essence of the "silver economy"?

In the Emirate of Sharjah, where government entities implement the standards of the Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities, Khaled, a man in his sixties, found a unique opportunity to escape the gloom of retirement and step into the brightness of entrepreneurship. He enrolled in a training programme dedicated to empowering seniors. Khaled received practical consultations and a financial loan to start a small shop selling household goods, resulting in success and income that allowed him to employ others.

Similarly, Maryam, a woman in her eighties, decided to live independently after the death of her husband. She turned to a startup company specialising in installing smart home systems in Abu Dhabi, enabling her to control lights and devices using her voice or smartphone. The system also sends alerts to her family and friends in emergencies, making Maryam feel secure and able to live independently without needing others' help.

Focusing on trends to provide seniors with goods, services, and healthcare, improve their quality of life, create new job fields for them, and offer education and entertainment has yielded promising opportunities for both seniors and economies under the term "silver economy." The United Nations predicts that by 2050, there will be 1.9 billion people aged 65 and older. They need economic activities that create an environment that supports seniors and contributes to inclusive economic growth. Governments, through the "silver economy," can encourage seniors to remain productive and educated about the available products and services, as well as how to benefit from technology. From this perspective, the session covers the following topics:


  • How do governments promote the components and future of the silver economy and enhance the societal culture of engaging in it?
  • What are the mechanisms to convince investors to develop new services and products for seniors as part of promising solutions to economic challenges?
  • To what extent have governments succeeded in educating seniors about the concept of the silver economy and its components?
  • Why should governments adopt communication strategies related to the "silver economy" addressing different age groups in society?
  • What is the necessity of joint work between governments and the private sector to help seniors overcome "digital illiteracy"?
12:35 – 12:45
Speech -The Creative Frontier: Can AI Redefine Media Campaigns?

The debate surrounding the creative potential of AI tools in the realm of media communication continues to provoke thought and inquiry. Can AI truly be creative, given its nature as a generative tool? In the world of media campaigns, the hallmark of a strong campaign lies in its ability to present fresh, bold ideas that engage and inspire. But can AI tools effectively contribute to this aspect? What is the relationship between the tool and the human creative who uses it, and how do they collaborate to create impactful messaging? Dr. Dahdal embarks on a narrative journey to illuminate the ambiguous boundary between what AI tools can generate and what input is required from human creatives using these tools. The story begins with us humans, but where does it end?


  • Defining AI Creativity: Exploring the nature of AI as a generative tool and its potential for creativity.
  • The Role of Fresh Ideas: Examining the importance of fresh, bold ideas in media campaigns and their impact on audience engagement.
  • AI's Contribution: Assessing the effectiveness of AI tools in generating impactful messaging and creative content.
  • Human-AI Collaboration: Understanding the dynamic interplay between human creativity and AI tools in crafting media campaigns.
  • Impact on the Story: Exploring the influence of AI in shaping the narrative of media campaigns and its implications for creativity.
  • The Future of Creativity: Considering the evolving role of AI in redefining creativity in media campaigns and its implications for the human creative process.
  • Dr Suheil Dahdal Dr Suheil Dahdal Head of the Mass Communication Department, American University of Sharjah

American University of Sharjah

12:45 – 13:10
New Generation and Content Creation - Panel Discussion

The media industry is witnessing a rapid transformation, especially in the digital space, which requires government and private entities to create more professional and effective tools to enhance communication with the audience, as content creation has become one of the most important and effective tools to achieve ambitions and develop businesses.

Content creators use their energy and creative skills to produce valuable and attractive content, which helps them enter the business world.


  • Importance of content creation in shaping the future of media.
  • Skills that content creators should possess.
  • Role of educational institutions in enabling a generation of content creators.
  • Role of content creation in enhancing the Emirati identity.
  • Future trends in “Content Creation”.

United Arab Emirates University

13:10 – 13:35
The power of Habits as a Driver of Real Sustainability Transformation

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of instilling positive habits in children, particularly those aimed at improving sustainability. Childhood is a critical period for habit formation, making it the ideal time to introduce sustainable practices such as recycling, conserving water, and mindful consumption. By leveraging the science of habit-creation, educators and parents can ensure these behaviours become second nature, fostering a generation committed to sustainable living.

Teaching children sustainable habits not only helps protect the environment but also promotes a sense of responsibility, empathy, and global citizenship. These values are essential for creating a culture of sustainability that transcends generations. Techniques from habit-creation science, such as positive reinforcement and creating supportive environments, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of sustainability education, leading to long-term behavioural change.

Given the urgency of environmental issues, prioritising the development of sustainable habits among children is imperative. This requires a concerted effort from educational institutions, families, and communities to create an environment that supports the cultivation of positive habits. By fostering sustainable habits in the next generation, we can address environmental challenges and build a more sustainable future. Therefore, this session discusses the following topics:


  • The role of partnerships in propelling society towards climate action through education and habit-forming programming
  • The importance of developing good, sustainable habits as a child to carry forward throughout life
  • Leveraging technology and digital platforms to enhance collaborative climate action programs
  • The long-term benefits of childhood sustainability education on personal and community health
  • Dr Yasar Jarrar Dr Yasar Jarrar Managing Partner, Posterity Institute; Secretary General, CSO Network
  • Wael Ismail Wael Ismail Vice President for Corporate Affairs, Africa, Middle East, South Asia; Head of the Office of Sustainability for the Middle East, PepsiCo
09:00 – 17:00

Room 2 - Capacity-building programme

Influencer Dynamics: Mastering Public Communication in the Digital Age

This three-day programme, in partnership with Forbes Middle East and GOVCAMPUS, aims to equip government officials with the necessary skills effectively to utilise influencer marketing in public communication. Participants will gain comprehensive insights into influencer strategies, engagement techniques, legal and ethical considerations, and campaign development. The course includes interactive lectures, group discussions, hands-on exercises, and a guest speaker session with prominent influencers.

This programme targets government officials, civil servants, and communication professionals. This workshop provides the tools to enhance public communication in the digital era. Upon completion of this programme, participants will possess the skills to create impactful influencer marketing campaigns, evaluate their effectiveness, and devise strategies that enhance governmental messages.


  • Identify and define influencer engagement and reach in ways that best benefit the national communications strategy
  • Understand how influencers tell stories that resonate with their audiences, and how their techniques and tools differ from government communications
  • Improve transparency and increase community and citizen trust by engaging in influencer collaborations

Forbes Middle East and GOVCAMPUS

09:00 – 17:30

Room 3 - Capacity-building programme

Government Marketing and Nation Branding Program

The "Innovative Programme for Government Marketing and Nation Branding," delivered by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), is a comprehensive two-day programme designed to enhance government marketing and nation branding strategies.

In today’s interconnected and competitive world, effective government marketing is essential for achieving policy goals, managing service perceptions, projecting soft power, and enhancing a nation's brand image. This course covers critical aspects, including policy execution through marketing, brand management for services, harnessing soft power, and developing a comprehensive nation branding strategy.

Participants will learn to communicate and execute policies effectively, manage brand identity, leverage cultural and diplomatic assets for global influence, and create a positive national image that attracts investment, tourism, and partnerships. By the end of the programme, participants will equip themselves with tools to enhance communication with citizens, improve service delivery, and project a strong, positive national brand internationally.


  • Harness soft power and cultural diplomacy in an increasingly interconnected world.
  • Create a national narrative to improve citizen’s national pride and create a heightened sense of belonging.
  • Understand which storylines and marketing tools resonate best with national and international audiences to deploy them appropriately.

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

09:00 – 15:00

Room 4

AI Skills Camp

The Artificial Intelligence Skills Camp (AISC) is the first creative environment of its kind in the UAE to teach and enhance applied artificial intelligence skills for students and youth in cooperation between the Sharjah Government Media Bureau and the Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AI JRF).

The goal of the AISC camp is to familiarise students and youth with the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, the basis of its practical applications, and the ways in which we can incorporate it into our everyday lives. The camp also aims to educate students on the various applications of artificial intelligence that enable the creation, management, and integration of government, media, and service content across various economic sectors, particularly in bolstering the digital economy for governments.

Students participating in the camp will acquire skills in producing some forms of media content, such as cartoon films and motion graphics, in addition to smartphone applications using artificial intelligence. They will also have the opportunity to present the projects they have produced to the Sharjah Government Communication Award jury, who will choose the winning projects.


  • 10 applications of artificial intelligence that enhance government communication skills.
  • Producing 10 group projects from students about the 10 biggest achievements in Sharjah over the past decade.
  • Production of cartoon films/motion graphics on forum topics 2024.
  • Creating smartphone applications using artificial intelligence to display projects.
Challenge Director:
  • Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher CEO of Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), Member of the Academic Committee for Government Communication
  • Dr. Sheren Mousa Dr. Sheren Mousa Consultant, and academic trainer at Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), Member of the Academic Committee for Government Communication
  • Dr. Munira Mohammad Alrahmani Dr. Munira Mohammad Alrahmani Certified trainer at the Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF).
  • Eng. Fadi Radi Eng. Fadi Radi certifies trainer at Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), and chief creative offiecer at Blinx

Organizer: The Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF)

09:00 – 15:00

Room 5

Universities challenge

The University Challenge is organised annually by the United Arab Emirates University in cooperation with the Sharjah Government Communication Award and is hosted by the International Government Communication Forum. Each year, the competition focuses on a specific topic, drawing participation from university students both domestically and internationally. The competition aims to amplify the role of university students in offering innovative solutions to challenges in government communication.

The University Challenge 2024 offers students an opportunity to compete in "content creation," emphasising its vital role in displaying institutional contributions toward strategic goals, ambitions, and business development. Content creators leverage their creativity and energy to produce valuable and engaging content, paving their way into the business world. Participants are encouraged to develop a platform, innovation, or idea that utilises government communication mechanisms, programmes, and channels. By embracing the opportunities and tackling the challenges of "content creation," they can effectively benefit from these resources.

Objectives of the Challenge:

  • Encourage creative thinking among university students to develop sustainable solutions to challenges in various aspects of government communication.
  • Motivate universities both within and outside the country to contribute creative ideas and innovative projects in the field of government communication.
  • Promote effective collaboration between national and international universities.
  • Enhance the capabilities of university students by refining their skills and preparing them more comprehensively for community service and contribution.
  • Cultivate innovative thinking among university students, encouraging them to utilise modern technologies and smart applications to devise alternative and sustainable solutions to contemporary challenges.
Challenge Director:

United Arab Emirates University 

12:00 – 14:20

Room 6 - We're Seeking

Researchers Platform

A qualitative initiative that was launched by the Sharjah Government Media Bureau (SGMB) during the eighth session of the IGCF in 2019 with the aim of providing knowledge-related content and a database for all matters related to government communication such as research, studies, books, references, and global best practices. It seeks to become an essential reference for workers, researchers, and scholars in this field, as well as a forum for exchanging knowledge and research to ensure the development of government communication domestically, regionally, and internationally.

The Researchers Platform includes several academic and knowledge-related activities, including a presentation on the Sharjah Government Media Bureau’s (SGMB) latest publications and a discussion about books on government communication issues or topics related to the IGCF's themes.

  • Provide an open forum for students at communication and media faculties (in UAE universities) to discuss their master’s theses and research-based and applied graduation projects in various areas of government communication.
  • Shine a light on graduation projects by the students of the professional diploma for government communication.
  • Invite academics and government communication experts in local and federal organisations and entities to discuss the various facets of government communication, and to present their institutional experiences in this area through the submitted research papers, studies, and working papers.
The Programme:
  • A Book Review:
    • Government Storytelling - Prof. Mohammad Ayish, Member of the Academic Committee of Government Communication
    • Research Trends in the Field of Government and International Communication - Dr. Ahmed Farouk and Dr. Amr Abdelhamid - Members of the Academic Committee of Government Communication
  • Graduation Projects (University Students):
    • ‘KATRA’ – “Media Coverage of environment issues in the Emirate of Sharjah: Al Khaleej Newspaper, Sharjah Channel and Radio, and Sharjah 24 website examples” - Habiba Awad, Nada Osama, and Jana Omar from Al Qasimia University
    • AI Scenarios - Sara Saeed and Nouf Jasim from the University of Sharjah
    • "Hoggar" Creative Media Hub - Chourouk Abdilhafid Belarbi, Ajman University
  • Research Papers (Academic Institutions):
    • Organisational Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Prof. Mohammed Kirat, American University in the Emirates
    • Evaluating the UAE’s Experience in Employing Government Services and its Relationship to Government Communication - Dr. Mokhtar Elareshi, University of Sharjah and Dr. Abdulkrim Ziani, Al Ain University

Room 7 - TRENDS Research & Advisory

12:00 – 13:00
Session: Government Communication: Beyond the Virtual World and the New Wave of Personal Interaction

In a rapidly digital world, the dynamics of government communication are undergoing radical changes. After a period of significant reliance on the virtual world, we are now witnessing a new wave of personal interaction, supported by augmented reality technologies that offer innovative ways of communication and interaction.

This session focuses on exploring the future of government communication amidst this new wave. It discusses how governments can benefit from personal interaction and augmented reality technologies to enhance communication with the public, improve public services, and build trust and transparency. The session also addresses the challenges governments may face in this transformation and how they can overcome them through innovative strategies.


  • The modern integration of virtual and augmented reality applications in government communication.
  • The impact of augmented reality technologies on improving public services and communication with the public.
  • Case studies on applications of personal interaction and augmented reality technologies.
  • Strategies for strengthening the bonds between government and citizens through personal interaction using technology.
  • Foresight challenges of transitioning to innovative communication and how to overcome them.
  • Abrar Al Ali Abrar Al Ali Researcher and Opinion Polling Specialist at Trends Research and Advisory
14:00 – 15:00
Session: Scientific Research: From Studying the Reality of Government Communication to Building its Future

In an era based on the availability of information, scientific research and research centers become a cornerstone in developing effective government communication strategies. Research contributes to understanding and analyzing public needs, evaluating the effectiveness of media campaigns, and identifying and developing the best innovative tools to communicate and develop future visions.

This seminar will focus on exploring the complementary relationship between scientific research and government communication. We will discuss how research centers can provide the necessary support to governments in designing and implementing successful communication campaigns, both in normal times and during crises. By highlighting the importance of data, surveys, and analysis in formulating influential messages, we will illustrate the role of research in measuring the impact of government communication on the public. Additionally, we will address the challenges researchers face in this field and how they can be overcome through cooperation and partnership between government and research institutions.


  • How to employ scientific research as a tool to improve government communication and use research results to enhance the effectiveness of communication between the government and the public.
  • The importance of partnership between research centers and government institutions in developing communication strategies, and the impact of cooperation between academic circles and government agencies.
  • The most prominent applications of scientific research in government communication and how to use studies and research to improve communication with the public and provide innovative solutions.

The Podcast is an interactive platform aimed at conducting interviews with dignitaries, thought leaders, and speakers headlining the International Government Communication Forum (IGCF). The Studio offers an ideal platform for in-depth dialogues and fruitful discussions on the key issues addressed by the forum, enhancing communication and interaction with the public and expanding the scope of participation in its activities.

The Podcast Studio is part of the Trends Centre pavilion at the IGCF and broadcasts all IGCF sessions and workshops online across all Trends Centre platforms. It also provides interpreters to cover various sessions of the IGCF in multiple languages. The Trends Centre employs modern media and communication technologies such as research robots, hologram technology, and other interactive platforms, to report workshops and presentations live for remote attendees.

Room 8 - Connecting Nations.. Building Relations

11:45 – 12:30
Sharjah Diplomatic Day: Highlighting the Emirate's Global Brilliance

The role of communication is embodied in achieving flexibility in governmental institutional work, in the economy, culture, and development in general. This is evident in the practices of the Department of Government Relations (DGR) and its diplomatic communications with the most important global economic, cultural, and scientific centres.

Since its inception, the DGR has been fostering successful relations and sharing developmental expertise between Sharjah and the world. It collaborates and partners with entities from Sharjah to reinforce the emirate’s position as a global frontrunner in the incubation of inclusive cultural, scientific, and developmental projects, all while cultivating leaders within these diverse sectors.

By organising Sharjah Diplomatic Day at the International Government Communication Forum in Sharjah, the Department of Government Relations aims to inform the public of the emirate’s achievements in constructive diplomatic communication with the world. It also emphasises that cooperation with global cities and communities, exchanging experiences and expertise, and sharing ambitions constitute an entry point to confronting the challenges facing societies in the modern era. Additionally, it sends a message about the lofty goal of diplomatic communication based on dialogue, understanding, and respect for differences and diverse experiences, highlighting the importance of this message in building a common human culture.


Department of Government Relations in Sharjah

11:45 – 12:30
Session: "The Impact of Government Communication on Economic Resilience" in Government of Sharjah

Economic resilience thrives on several critical factors: sectoral diversity, agile responses to changing trends, and robust local and global partnerships. Diplomatic relations between nations and governments play a pivotal role in shaping national economies as they offer insights into how sectoral diversity across global economies continues to develop and mature, what are the future-focused sectors that are heralding a new era of opportunities, and explore opportunities for international collaborations. These relationships highlight growth drivers, foster investment and employment opportunities, and nurture start-up ecosystems.

Through proactive international engagements, partnership formations, and global advocacy of Sharjah's economic prowess, its Department of Government Relations (DGR) has been instrumental in fuelling and enabling sectoral diversity, expanding national revenue streams, and catalysing the growth of emerging sectors. This underscores the importance of our proposed session in mapping the future trajectory of national economies, during which the ensuing discussions will focus on the following pillars:

  • Sectoral diversity: How will future national economies evolve in terms of sectoral diversity? Which sectors are poised for significant innovations and how can we prepare for these transformations?
  • Technological localisation: How can diplomatic efforts facilitate the integration of modern technologies into national economies, fostering innovation and smart solutions in industries, agriculture, services, and food security?
  • Policy frameworks for global economic development: What are the optimal policies to enhance global economic development, commercial competitiveness, and integration?
  • Balancing economic resilience and national objectives: How can we strike a balance between economic resilience, which demands adaptability to change, and achieving national economic objectives?

Department of Government Relations in Sharjah

13:30 – 14:30
Session : Diplomacy: The Language of Global Development

Communication is the lifeblood of the world. This fundamental tool forms the foundation of diplomatic theory and the reciprocal relations between nations. World cultures converge, economies flourish, and nations share and amplify the benefits of inventions and discoveries through diplomacy. Most importantly, diplomacy facilitates concerted efforts and joint actions to address challenges and ultimately form solutions. In this way, one country's success becomes a shared achievement for all of humanity, with everyone benefiting from the veins of diplomatic relations.

Experience has taught us that developing the foundations of communication between nations is vital to overcoming challenges that communities face and supporting their ambitions. Sharjah has distinguished itself on the global stage by strengthening its position through effective communication, close relations, and promotion of its unique human, cultural, and developmental experiences, exemplifying the importance of communication based on mutual respect, understanding, and compassion.


  • How Sharjah-China relations exemplify diplomacy’s role in facilitating cultural dialogue and economic cooperation.
  • How diplomatic relations and communication bridge cultural divides and strengthen collaborative efforts between nations.
  • Can diplomacy make a difference in global efforts towards sustainable development?
  • What are the best strategies to cement the impact of diplomatic relations in shaping a prosperous future for nations?

Department of Government Relations in Sharjah

09:00 – 17:00

Room 9 - Youth

Platform Manager:
  • Obaid Al Suwaidi Obaid Al Suwaidi official spokesperson programme graduate, Sharjah Road & Transport Authority
New Generation Skills for Kids: Integrating System Thinking & Technology

In an era of rapid technological advancement, this one-day course, in partnership with Strawberry Field, aims to equip children aged 8 to 15 with crucial future communication skills by integrating system thinking and technology. Through interactive lectures, group discussions, and hands-on activities, participants will explore the evolution of communication in the digital age, the role of system thinking, and the impact of emerging technologies. By fostering creativity, critical thinking, and adaptability, the course prepares young learners to thrive in a complex global landscape and adapt to the future job market.

Objectives of the Course:

  • Apply system-thinking principles to analyse and improve communication dynamics.
  • Understand the role of technologies in shaping communication.
  • Utilise mind-mapping techniques to visualise and enhance communication.
  • Enhance critical thinking skills to evaluate communication scenarios.
  • Express ideas creatively through storytelling and collaboration.

Strawberry Field and Sharjah Private Education Authority

12:00 – 17:00

Room 10

Podcast “Sharjah Voice”

A diverse podcast that sheds light on the success, distinction, and brilliance of the "Smiling Emirate" locally, regionally, and globally. It narrates the details of the making of the present and the future through a proud history, arts, and culture that enlighten minds, and a social thought that combines authenticity and modernity, for a bright future founded on science and innovation. In "Sharjah Voice," we live with pioneers, innovators, and thinkers, distinctive stories, and a source of inspiration for all. At the International Government Communication Forum, the podcast takes you on a journey of acquiring new knowledge that you experience with the forum's guests by raising topics that touch on our daily lives and the development of our society and our world, starting from communication as an important part of connecting with societies and governments.

On each journey, the podcast explores scientific experiments to showcase the progress and innovations achieved by the Emirate of Sharjah. The topics address the economic dimensions of flexible governments and their impact on the development of multiple sectors, including space, the silver economy, and the adventure economy's impact on tourism. It also delves into the depths of information and data wars and attracting talent. Furthermore, it analyses with the guests our reality with artificial intelligence and the implications of future trends, in addition to exploring the new wave of personal interaction.

Room 11 - Districts Affairs Department

12:00 – 13:00
Discussion Session: Government Communication for District Councils: Challenges and Opportunities

In the era of modern technologies and instant communication, the session "Government Communication for District Councils: Challenges and Opportunities" represents an opportunity to review and discuss the major challenges facing government communication in district councils, which play a vital part in community engagement within the Emirate of Sharjah.

The session will be held to discuss the rapid developments in media and communication, which require integrated efforts to ensure effective and fruitful communication between government institutions, district councils, and citizens.

This session will provide a platform for exchanging experiences and ideas among participants, representing various government entities and media practitioners, aiming to develop innovative and effective solutions to the challenges related to government communication.


  • Discuss current communication challenges for community-based institutions.
  • Exchange experiences among participants from various government entities and media practitioners.
  • Discuss the community's role in achieving desired communication with district councils.
  • Mariam Allay Mariam Allay Media Professional, Sharjah Broadcasting Authority
13:30 – 14:00
Session: Resilient Government Tools that Enhance Communication between District Councils and Society

The workshop, which specialises in flexible government tools for developing communication between district councils and the community, is considered one of the important initiatives aimed at improving understanding of effective communication tools and their constructive use in the Emirate of Sharjah. This workshop aims to improve communication skills between the community and government agencies, as well as provide practical examples of effective and influential communication in strengthening government relations and supporting community participation.


  • Introduce participants to key communication tools used in the emirate’s community based on customs and current media practices.
  • Enhance communication skills between citizens and government entities.
14:30 – 15:00
Discussion Session: District Councils as a Model for Community Engagement

In our rapidly changing modern world, the importance of community engagement as a fundamental tool for community building and strengthening interpersonal bonds among its members is increasingly recognized. The workshop "District Councils as a Model for Community Engagement" presents a vital opportunity to explore the role of district councils in enhancing this communication within the distinctive social context in the emirate of Sharjah.

The significance of this workshop lies in activating the role of councils and districts as effective platforms for communication and interaction between citizens and local authorities, providing a suitable environment that encourages dialogue and collaborative efforts.

This workshop focuses on social communication and its significance as a vital element in strengthening social ties within communities and suburbs.


  • Highlight the importance of communication in strengthening social bonds.
  • Review effective strategies for community engagement.
  • Identify and analyse available opportunities to improve communication methods.

Room 12 - Sharjah Media City (Shams)

12:00 – 15:00
Activity: "Influencers Room"

The "Influencers Room" programme is one of Sharjah Media City’s (Shams) pioneering initiatives in developing the media sector. Details of the programme are announced on the Shams platform during the International Government Communication Forum. It aims to create social media influencers through a series of training workshops spanning six weeks, designed to prepare participants to become effective social media influencers. Upon completing these workshops, the influencers offer their services to promote companies and other entities.

12:00 – 15:00
Activity: "Shams Talk"

"Shams Talk" is an interactive podcast launched by Sharjah Media City (Shams) with the aim of enhancing communication within the media field. The podcast addresses the most prominent media challenges and explores potential solutions through interviews with notable figures during the activities of the International Government Communication Forum. This forum brings together a significant group of media and communication experts, as well as researchers specialising in various fields of this sector.

Room 13 - Kids content creation

12:00 – 13:00
Session: What is the Solution to Children's Content Bets?

With children’s growing involvement in social media and smart devices, the need for creating meaningful and appropriate content for children and contributing to the development of their minds and conscience and protecting them from harmful content has assumed critical importance.

They need to be provided a safe and productive digital environment that helps them develop information analysis and communication skills, and flexibility that helps them adapt to changes, build self-confidence, and solve their problems.

Creating meaningful content for children in the media and on social media platforms is a shared responsibility between content creators and relevant stakeholders. It’s important to check the negative impact that may result from the massive flow of information to children in a way that is cognitively and culturally inappropriate.

It must be addressed, by increasing investment in meaningful educational and cultural content and raising awareness of the importance of good content in their development.

When we talk about the trends in the production of children's content in its various forms, we must take into account the effects of technological development on this, and on the psychological state of the child and his/her approach to dealing with information in a healthy and effective manner. It is also important to evaluate and discuss the government and private sector experiences in this field.

  • What role should governments play in regulating the production of children's content?
  • What is the required flexibility? How can we control children's behaviour and interaction with the abundance of information available to them?
  • Where will these platforms take our children, and how can we invest in them to create content that supports the educational system?
  • How can we reap the fruits of educating children about social media content?
  • How important is it to build a partnership between the public and private sectors to build content directed at children that takes into account their psychological and developmental aspects?
  • How do we activate a unified global oversight of the content of children's programmes and clips on social media platforms?
  • What is the impact of technology and artificial intelligence specifically on the creators and manufacturers of children's content?
  • What is the role of children's content creators in addressing fake content on social media platforms?
  • What is the nature of the content directed at children that content creators and stakeholders should work on seriously and quickly?
  • How can children's content develop them as people with critical minds and modern skills?
13:00 – 14:00
Dialogue session: Sharjah Children's Council has its Say on Media Content

In the era of all-pervasive social media platforms and technology, it has become difficult for a family to be the primary and only source for raising and educating their children. Numerous sources from all over the world are doing so; they are both negative and positive. It’s impossible to check this extraordinary technological tide, which makes social media a double-edged sword for the child.

Digital spaces push the child into a future full of risks and challenges due to the content it has access to which may impose alien values, contrary to our customs and cherished Arab and Islamic traditions. We have to, therefore, look for appropriate ways to reduce its effects and raise awareness of the need to find better alternatives that are less dangerous to children’s behaviour and upbringing.

This raises a number of important questions that we seek answers to by studying these platforms, their impact on our children, and by calling for awareness and paying attention to these foreign elements.

In this open dialogue with children, we discuss the content that targets them today on social media and where it could lead to in the future. How can we provide protection for them? What controls should be put in place by the family and society to limit the potential effects?

  • What are the most attractive elements for children on social media?
  • Is having a social media account for a child today a necessity or a fad?
  • How can social media content affect a child's behaviour, values, and daily life?
  • What is the role of modern technology such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality in the field of children's content production?
  • Does social media content presented to children respect their privacy and rights?
  • What do children think of content on various social media platforms?
  • What are the missing elements in children's content today?
  • Salama Saif Al Tunaiji Salama Saif Al Tunaiji Associate at the Rubu Qarn Foundation for Creating Leaders and Innovators, Official Spokesperson for the Bullying Prevention in Schools Award

Rubu' Qarn for Creating Future Leaders and Innovators

14:00 – 14:30
Children's Film Platform: Meaningful Shows and Active Discussions

The IGCF is dedicating a digital platform that offers films and programmes dedicated to children that combine entertainment and education in a safe and exciting environment so they can enjoy rich and purposeful content. The platform gives children the opportunity to meet the content creators and actors and to learn about their experiences and success stories, and also participate with them in constructive and interactive discussions about the content, which enhances understanding and encourages critical thinking for children.

The platform is an entertainment and educational tool to develop children's intellectual and analytical skills and to enhance their cultural and social values ​​through positive and interactive engagement. We cannot be content with indoctrination or passive reception of information by children. We have to train them to employ a critical eye to verify the accuracy of the content they watch.


Room 14 - Gov. Dialogues

12:00 – 12:40
Session: Renewing Media Discourse: Is Youth the Key to Transformation?

During the extended journey of institutions, generations of media professionals succeed one another, adopting tasks to convey their message to the public through renewed media practices. How can generations preserve the institution's identity to attract human capital within its sustainable system? Do institutions have sufficient flexibility in the media and communication fields to embrace this youthful demographic’s unconventional ideas?

Here, the role of young specialists comes into play. It is not enough for the institution to adhere to its familiar image; rather, it must seize the opportunity to place its identity in a new framework that raises awareness among its audience about their social responsibility and role as individuals in an interconnected society. This task is what makes the institution a hub for aspiring individuals to participate in the evolution journey, viewing job opportunities as chances for innovation and excellence in shaping the future of institutional work.


  • What forms of talent attraction exist in the government media and communication sector?
  • How can we avoid the youth's empty empowerment in media and communication?
  • How have government institutions embraced modern thinking in their media practices to enhance audience engagement?
  • Is it necessary to press the “Restart” button in government institutions to create an integrated discourse that attracts exceptional media talents?
  • Do government organisational structures align with the continuous development in the media and communication sector?
  • Asma Hassouni Asma Hassouni Director of Media Office, The Supreme Council for Family Affairs, Sharjah
  • Alya AlMusaiebi Alya AlMusaiebi Head of Media, The Big Heart Foundation
  • Balqees Sabir Balqees Sabir Corporate Communication Manager, Sajaya Young Ladies of Sharjah
  • Duaa Al Mahri Duaa Al Mahri Director of Corporate Communication, Sharjah Ladies Club

The Executive Office of Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher Bint Mohammed Al Qasimi

12:42 – 13:22
Session: From Food Security to Sustainable Development: Modern Innovations in AgriTech

With technological innovation leading to radical transformations in the agricultural sector, digital communication has become an integral part of agricultural operations. Just as the digital revolution has increased agricultural productivity, improved crop quality, reduced costs, found solutions to environmental and climate challenges, promoted sustainable agriculture, and addressed food security issues, agricultural communication technologies have helped improve more informed and effective agricultural decision-making.

Agricultural communication technologies offer accurate information and data, increasing productivity efficiency through smart agricultural systems, and have also helped advance environmental sustainability.

Environmental sensors, drones, smart irrigation systems, agricultural robots, and mobile phone applications constitute agricultural and communication technologies and have been a reason for obtaining big data and a tool for applying the latest agricultural practices and technologies.

Against this backdrop, this session aims to highlight the importance of agricultural technology and communication technologies in sustainable development, by presenting a future vision on modern innovations in this vital field. The session discusses methods for stimulating technological innovation in agricultural practices, in addition to showcasing the latest innovations in agricultural technology, and engages policymakers and experts in a fruitful dialogue on the future of agriculture.


  • What are the latest innovations and future trends shaping the future of AgriTech and contributing to sustainable development?
  • How can AgriTech enhance food security at local, regional, and global levels?
  • What are the main challenges facing AgriTech in promoting sustainable agriculture, and how can these challenges be turned into opportunities?
  • What is the vital role of supportive policies and regulations in promoting innovations in AgriTech, and how can they be improved to support sustainable development?
  • What are the lessons learned from inspiring success stories in AgriTech, and what lessons can be applied to enhance agricultural innovation?

Sharjah Entrepreneurship Center (Sheraa)

13:24 – 14:04
Session: The latent ideas of youth and the fuel of scientific research in government communication

The role of youth has grown in recent years as a driving force for change and creativity in the world of the digital revolution and the development of technology through skills and knowledge -- the fuel that drives the wheels of scientific research in various fields, including government communication.

The trends seeking integration between youth and scientific research have begun to work on integrating the energy of youth with the scientific research methodology by building a strategic partnership. This combines the enthusiasm and new ideas of youth with the depths of scientific knowledge and the experience of seasoned researchers, pushing scientific research to new horizons and contributing to solving the challenges facing societies.

The integration of youth and scientific research represents an opportunity to achieve tremendous progress in the government communication sector by creating interactive platforms that encourage youth to present their views and provide innovative solutions to the challenges facing government communication, training youth in communication skills besides providing them with job opportunities in government communication.

Furthermore, this creates work teams that include government communication experts and qualified youth to work on developing effective communication strategies.

The session will discuss and review the best practices and successful experiences to create a supportive environment for research with young talents and competencies.


  • Exploring the role of effective communication in promoting and stimulating scientific research
  • The importance of cooperation between youth and experienced researchers in developing modern and effective communication tools
  • The impact and the role of youth in scientific research on building a more engaging and easily understood media discourse for youth
  • How to enhance the role of youth in developing the scientific research system
  • The implications of scientific research in finding new ways to communicate
  • Methods of establishing a research base that supports government communication mechanisms

Sharjah Youth Council

14:06 – 14:46
Session: The UAE Government as a Model of Resilient Governments

The UAE government serves as a leading global model in implementing the concepts of a flexible government that swiftly responds to challenges and opportunities, utilising the most effective communication strategies. This flexibility mirrors the UAE's strategic vision to achieve sustainable development and create an ideal environment for business and life. The government's adaptability is evident in its communication among government agencies, its interactions with society, and its economic legislation and laws. Additionally, the UAE invests in modern technologies, fosters innovation and scientific research, develops the education system, promotes economic diversification, and engages in international cooperation. This session aims to highlight the methods and strategies adopted by the UAE government to enhance flexibility in communication and innovation, thereby managing state affairs and achieving sustainable development.


  • UAE government strategies and communication mechanisms to achieve flexibility.
  • Innovation and creativity in government administration, including examples of government initiatives to promote a culture of innovation within government entities.
  • Mechanisms of the UAE government in crisis management and its successful experiences in rapid response to various challenges.
  • Leadership training programs for government officials and the role of human competencies in achieving the goals of a resilient government.
  • Examples of collaboration between the government and the private sector and community partnerships in enhancing resilience.
  • Indicators of government performance measurement and the use of data and analysis to improve government operations.
  • UAE's vision for achieving sustainable development goals and the government's plans to face future challenges and enhance resilience.

Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government (MBRSG)

Room 15 - Sharjah Press Club

12:10 – 13:10
Session: Governmental Narrative: Human Communication in the Digital Age

The session discusses the importance of storytelling by government media and its role in disseminating information and policies in an effective and inspiring fashion. The session also discusses successful examples of such communication, offering practical strategies for its application.

The session addresses strategies for applying storytelling in the digital age and using social media to disseminate the government narrative. It also examines the tools and techniques for developing digital government stories.


  • The importance of storytelling in government media
  • How storytelling can make government information more understandable and impactful
  • The role of storytelling in building trust and strengthening the relationship between governments and citizens
  • Challenges facing governments in applying storytelling in digital media
  • Storytelling in marketing and media campaigns
  • Hybrid media - combining traditional media with digital to disseminate the government narrative
13:15 – 14:15
Roundtable: “Robotic Journalism”: When Machines Write the News

The roundtable discusses the dimensions of the increasing use of robots and artificial intelligence in writing news and their role in changing the form of traditional journalism.

The session reviews the benefits and challenges associated with robotic journalism, its professionalism, and the future of the news industry itself.

During the session, traditional and “robotic” journalism will be compared in dealing with news and the impact of robotic journalism on the jobs of traditional journalists.

The session aims to discuss the effects of future journalistic robots on the journalistic profession and human creativity.


  • Journalistic robots at work
  • The impact of technology on the journalistic profession
  • Ethical challenges related to the use of robots
  • Journalistic professionalism and creativity between robots and journalists
  • The future of journalism in light of the constant developments in artificial intelligence
  • Robots and pens: integration or challenges
14:20 – 15:20
Media debate: Radio in the age of podcasts - integration or competition?

Podcasts have gained huge popularity worldwide as part of the media landscape. They have emerged as an innovative platform for disseminating information, ideas, and audio content via convenient methods for addressing and discussing media stories.

This raises questions about the nature of the relationship between podcasts and traditional radio, and to what extent podcasts can be considered a radio medium that complements or competes with the traditional form of radio.

This debate sheds light on the following questions and topics:

  • How do podcasts affect traditional radio?
  • Does radio benefit from podcasts in developing its mechanisms, and do podcasts benefit from radio in audience-addressing techniques?
  • To what extent can podcasts be considered a reliable source of information compared to traditional radio?
  • How can the impact of artificial intelligence technologies on the future of podcasts and radio be evaluated?

Room 16 - Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority

12:00 – 14:00
Workshop: “Sharjah Safety and Health System … From Communication Innovation to Preventive Creativity”

The Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority has adopted a flexible and innovative communication method based on modern technologies, ensuring the safety of all activities in the emirate by providing the necessary information to monitor and analyse risks and implement the necessary preventive measures.

The Authority strives to educate government and private entities, as well as the community, about the procedures of the Authority and approved international standards.

All operations of the Sharjah Occupational Safety and Health System are managed through an electronic program connected to local and federal entities to obtain data related to the number of workers, work injuries, and accidents.

The program enables employers to register their facilities and learn about their classifications. It also provides mechanisms for reporting accidents and sending periodic reports of occupational safety and health data to the Authority.

The electronic program also offers a mechanism for reporting unsafe cases. It helps monitor non-compliance notes and the necessary follow-up, which helps in accelerating procedures and computerising them in line with the directives in force in Sharjah, ensuring a positive investment environment in the emirate.


  • Introducing the Sharjah Occupational Safety and Health System.
  • The importance of the electronic program for enhancing communication between government agencies, the private sector, and society at large.
  • The role of the system in receiving data for the purpose of information and analysis to determine the applications of preventive measures.
  • Registration procedures and compliance with the requirements of the prevention and safety system.
  • Communication methods employed by the system with government agencies and other stakeholders in implementing occupational safety and health systems in the emirate.
  • Communication and awareness messages that the system works on to create an investment environment in the emirate.
  • Eng. Mohammed Al Zarouni Eng. Mohammed Al Zarouni Acting Director of the Standards and Conformity Department, Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority
  • Manar Al Mashghouni Manar Al Mashghouni Safety and Health Standards Specialist, Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority
14:30 – 15:30
Workshop: Communication Readiness and Activating Business Continuity

Communication positively affects business continuity. It improves the flow of information to make faster and better decisions. It helps detect problems early and solve them promptly, enhancing creativity and innovation in business management in cases of change in a smooth manner.

The Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority, therefore, develops communication strategies that support the Business Continuity Committee in achieving the goal of cooperating with government agencies to establish, apply, and evaluate the Business Continuity Standards in all government institutions in the Emirate to ensure the continuity of business and vital services, and build local capabilities and potential to achieve the highest levels of readiness and support the emergency, crisis, and disaster management system.


  • How does the Business Continuity Committee contribute to communication and cooperation with government agencies?
  • What is the role of the committee in defining business continuity standards and applications?
  • What are the standards that the Committee is working to implement and how does it communicate with government agencies in this context?
  • To what extent do communication strategies enhance the Committee's goal of supporting the Emergency, Crisis, and Disaster Management System?

IGCF Day Two [5-9-2024]

Time Agenda
10:30 – 10:45

Opening: second day IGCF

10:30 – 10:45


10:47 – 10:57

Inspirational Talk - Main stage

Refugee hopes and ‘Diana's Legacy’

She made belief in herself and her abilities the best way to conquer the impossible. The Syrian refugee Maya Ghazal refused to be just a number on the list of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and chose for herself the number one position on the list of global achievements as the first Syrian refugee to obtain a commercial pilot license in 2017 in the United Kingdom. She joins a tiny and exclusive minority of women pilots, a mere 4 to 6 percent, in the world.

When Maya was forced to leave her homeland, she faced numerous challenges and difficulties. However, after settling in the United Kingdom, she did not remain frustrated or helpless in the face of her new situation. Instead, she began moving towards achieving success, using her skills and abilities to learn the English language and work hard academically. She enrolled in aeronautical engineering and then obtained her pilot’s license in 2017. Later, she was appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in 2018.

Maya’s story and her struggle became a source of inspiration and encouragement for refugees worldwide. Through her simple and profound speeches via media and social networking sites, she reflected her thoughts and efforts to make the world a more just and humane place.

She is a leading advocate for the rights of refugees and has been supporting UNHCR since 2017. She received the Princess Diana Legacy Award in recognition of her work as an advocate for refugee rights.

In this interaction with Captain Maya Ghazal, we embark on a fascinating journey of success, drawing a map for attracting refugee talents for governments as we discuss the following:

  • Maya Ghazal’s success story and how she turned challenges into opportunities
  • The importance of promoting education in refugee communities and its impact on the future
  • The role of the media and social networking sites in delivering pro-refugee messages
  • The nature of the content that may touch the world’s communities to open the doors of success and achievements for refugees
  • The impact of refugees with talents, competencies, and skills on host societies and social thought
  • Maya Ghazal Maya Ghazal Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR and the world's first female Syrian refugee to become a qualified pilot
In partnership with:

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

10:58 – 11:08

Inspirational Talk - Main stage

The Emirati Genome Programme... A Journey to a Healthier Future

A decade has passed since the start of one of the world's largest genetics projects, the UAE Genome Programme (UAEGP). This massive national project was launched in 2014. Its goal is to build a genomics ecosystem to improve and transform healthcare services and to make life better for Emirati citizens. Gene mapping provides all the data necessary to help researchers, doctors, and scientists pinpoint the root causes of genetic diseases.

Governments across the world are on a quest to provide more accurate predictions when it comes to genetic and chronic diseases and to understand various kinds of genetic mutations. The goal is to be able to develop effective treatment and prevention strategies. These measures will greatly enhance public health and the quality of life and well-being of current and future generations.

Genomics programmes are powerful tools to improve healthcare services and to reduce the economic cost of diseases - there is a lot at stake here. Governments can play a strategic role by showing citizens and communities what benefits these health initiatives can bring. Should they have privacy-related concerns, they can also reassure them.

The UAE Genome is a prime example of the genetic revolution in the Gulf region. It is an important tool for researchers. The genome of more than 50,000 Emirati citizens has already been mapped. Over 200 new genetic mutations have been discovered - all of them are associated with genetic diseases.

The UAE Genome Programme developed new screening tests for a large number of genetic diseases. The data was collected and processed using the latest genome sequencing and AI technologies. Personal data has been encrypted and secured. The highest safety, security, and data privacy standards have been implemented. In this inspirational talk, we will discuss the importance of genetics and its impact on people's well-being. We will tackle the following themes:

  • Implementing initiatives to communicate about a new genetic programme, which aims at collecting one million genetic samples
  • Tips to easily recruit participants
  • Keeping genetic data confidential and interpreting its most complex characteristics
  • The importance of the programme to support research and put it into practice
  • The programme's main goal is to deliver results, which can be put into practice and sent to relevant bodies; these results can eventually be used both locally and internationally.
  • Dr. Ahmed Al Awadhi Dr. Ahmed Al Awadhi Senior Vice President and Director for Community Outreach, Emirati Genome Programme.
11:09 – 11:29

Inspirational Talk - Main stage

Zachery Dereniowski: The Image of Humanity Reflected in Emotional Connections

It may seem strange to many: what does it mean to roam the streets, get to know others, and offer them unconditional attention and affection? This is exactly what Zachery Dereniowski, a student at the College of Medicine in Australia with over 11 million social media followers, has done. He believes that the mental health of societies can be achieved through emotional connection, which in turn can restore both moral and material prosperity to individuals.

Zach walks around with a sign that says "compassion is free," trying to get close to people and find those who are most in need of emotional support. He listens to their problems and then puts them through a financial giving test, rewarding them for giving him a quarter with a cash amount that could help solve their mental health problems.

Through his spirit of caring for others, Zach found and helped the less fortunate. Based on their human stories, he became a content creator on social media. From his intellectual philosophy, he built communication messages that he wanted to plant in global communities: "We resist weakness with the ability to communicate, which leads to empowerment. When we are weak together, we can communicate, and when we can communicate, we can enable others to feel comfortable." This inspiring speech delves into Zach’s vision of human emotional communication and its impact on the development of societies.

  • How did Zachary Dereniowski’s story become a positive model for the intersection of human giving and emotional connection?
  • Why did Zach seek to enhance human and emotional connection in overcoming the individual’s social weakness?
  • What is the importance of Zach’s social media content in deepening social thought that challenges difficulties with cohesion?
  • To what extent did Zach’s content creation contribute to achieving the step of establishing a non-profit organisation to collect donations?
  • How did Zach build emotional connection opportunities to overcome the feeling of loss and set life and development goals?
  • What is the importance of individuals having the skills to speak openly and confidently about themselves to overcome challenges?
11:35 – 12:15

Discussion session - Main stage

When "Adventure" Turns into a Soft Power

"Adventure" has become a core element of potentially rewarding returns on investment for high-risk ventures in today's economy, particularly for small and emerging projects. Despite their uncertain and innovative nature, resilient governments incorporate these projects into their economic activities, believing that the "adventure economy" is a significant developmental opportunity and an effective bridge for building strong relationships based on trust and improving adaptability to changes. Additionally, it utilises "soft power" to improve quality of life and well-being.

Studies suggest that the growing demand for innovation, technology, and adventure-driven tourism projects, particularly with government support for entrepreneurship, will propel the adventure economy's significant growth in the coming years. However, the adventure economy is characterised by rapid change, where technology and market trends evolve constantly, instilling fear of volatility and high levels of uncertainty due to the difficulty in predicting outcomes.

Given this context, resilient governments must consider communication with investors and the community as a bridge to overcome the fog of fear and uncertainty through messages that build trust, establish fruitful cooperation, and encourage talents to enter it. Additionally, raising public awareness that the adventure economy is a promising field with immense developmental potential is crucial. Therefore, this session discusses the following topics:

  • Building a complementary relationship between the "venture economy" and "soft power" by enhancing the reputation of governments that support innovation.
  • The impact of country characteristics on the trends of the "venture economy" and "adventure tourism."
  • The importance of countries relying on adventure-based education to enable the development of forward-looking fields.
  • Laying the groundwork for creating an interactive environment that encourages the exchange of ideas and experiences among entrepreneurs and investors.
  • Mechanisms to convince various community actors, including universities, financial institutions, and major companies, to support the adventure economy.
12:17 – 12:57

Discussion session - Main stage

Why Resilient Governments are Building Protective Shields with Artificial Intelligence

Imagine this: They manipulate your voice and appearance to spread lies, instantly tarnishing your reputation and destroying any hope you might have for the future. This is causing alarm bells to ring all over the world. Unfortunately, we, as governments and societies, are living with the frightening reality of "deepfake" technology, where AI-generated content precisely impersonates anyone, posing a significant threat to credibility and public discourse among humans.

Unfortunately, the total number of deepfake incidents has increased by 550% between 2019 and 2023. Experts observe its use in financial fraud, disseminating false information, and other activities, which jeopardise individual safety, societal foundations, and values. It undermines trust, manipulates public emotions, and has a substantial potential to incite chaos and violence on a large scale.

In this reality, the rapid advancement of deepfake technology poses a challenge for smart technologies built to detect it, creating a continuous loop, a scenario similar to a battle between the "good" and "evil" forces of artificial intelligence. This epic struggle sees artificial intelligence fighting itself, while governments find themselves in an ongoing confrontation with AI as they work to improve their resilience and protect society from harm. This session, therefore, discusses the following topics:

  • What are the appropriate steps that governments should take to raise awareness about deepfake?
  • The role of resilient governments in mitigating the risks of deepfake and protecting citizens from its effects.
  • Mechanisms for resilient governments to shape public opinion in the face of AI-generated content in communication messages.
  • The importance of adopting educational initiatives that arm communities with algorithm and computer programming knowledge to counter the malicious use of artificial intelligence.
  • How to work on obliging developers to implement technical measures against the misuse of deepfake technology.
  • Hector Monsegur Hector Monsegur Founder (of a cybersecurity startup), Security Researcher and Director of Research
  • Nader Al Gazal Nader Al Gazal Academic and Expert in AI and Digital Transformation
  • Alan Smithson Alan Smithson Co-Founder of Metaverse (Facebook)
  • Dr. Inhyok Cha Dr. Inhyok Cha Professor at Gwangju Institute for Science and Technology and Deputy President for Global Cooperation (South Korea)

Room 1 - Gov. Talks

Platform manager:
  • Alia Al-Souqi Alia Al-Souqi Official Spokesperson Programme Graduate - Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority
10:30 – 11:00
Session: Perception of the youth on openness to cultures

We live in an era characterised by tremendous openness to other cultures as a natural result of technological development and ease of communication.

While this openness offers huge opportunities for young people to expand their horizons and unleash their potential, they are regularly warned that this embracing of openness must be done cautiously and consciously. Increasingly, the challenge facing young people today is balancing openness to the world and preserving their cultural identity.

Young people face an intellectual dilemma as they become aware of the importance of openness and expanding their horizons in areas such as education, development, innovation, creativity, tolerance and acquiring communication skills.

On the other hand, there are fears that difficulties will arise in adapting to other cultures and that openness will lead to a loss of one’s identity, conflict of values, and the erosion of local culture.

In the context of this conflict of ideas, social media platforms have become a discussion forum between supporters of absolute openness, those who reject it, and those calling for balance.

The session discusses the pros and cons of openness to cultures with social media influencers. It provides an opportunity to understand various divergent views and gauge public opinion on the matter.


  • Discussing the negatives and positives of openness.
  • The impact of youth on topics that serve the field of communication and interaction in society and the family.
  • The role of the family, society, and educational institutions in consciously embracing openness to cultures in a conscious manner.
  • Critical learning is important in developing the capabilities and skills of youth for dialogue and effective communication with their communities as well as other communities.
  • Stimulating the role of youth in positive and purposeful movements in society.
  • Investing in openness to other cultures in positive ways consistent with our culture in order to serve the individual and society.
  • Maryam Al-Sharaf Maryam Al-Sharaf Head of the Media and Technical Affairs Department, Sharjah Supreme Council for Family Affairs

Family Development Department and Branches

11:02 – 11:32
Session: The role of communication in strengthening national industry

Effective communication plays a fundamental role in building bridges of trust and understanding between social media users and the industry. This contributes to achieving sustainable development and advancing the national economy.

As consumers or social media users become aware of all the details of the product and sometimes market it indirectly through various platforms, how has this change impacted the national industry?

The United Arab Emirates was keen to inject young Emirati energies into the industrial sector to advance the economy and reach Emiratization goals, and to use social media to exchange experiences and knowledge and benefit from their success stories in enhancing the positive image of this sector. In addition to highlighting the international factories present in the country and their impact on the economy.

We may be facing challenges in entering these digital platforms. It has become essential today to handle them intelligently, to continue the path of economic development and to paint a positive image of the national economy. At the International Government Communication Forum, we will delve into understanding the importance of effective communication in the industrial sector and how we can prepare for these future challenges.


  • The importance of good and effective communication in developing relationships and enhancing success at work, and the importance of building partnerships and initiatives to support the industrial sector.
  • The challenges and opportunities facing the industry amid the influx of social media information.
  • The role of communication and promotion for global and local factories in the industrial area.
  • Attracting foreign investments through communication and relationship development.
  • The impact of communication on promoting national products.
  • The importance of promoting innovation and advanced technology in the industry.
  • The challenges and opportunities facing the industry amid the influx of social media information.
  • The importance of communication and enhancing cooperation between the public and private sectors.
  • HE Ammar Al Alili HE Ammar Al Alili Director General of the Umm Al Quwain Chamber, UAE
  • Salama Al-Awadhi Salama Al-Awadhi Director of the Value-Added Department at the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, UAE

Umm Al Quwain Chamber of Commerce and Industry

11:35 – 12:10
Discussion session: Marketing incentives to attract investors to sustainability sectors

Effective communication and marketing messages are the key to attracting investors. Government agencies and private companies in the Emirate of Sharjah are now working to broadcast communication messages through various interactive channels that directly touch the interests of potential investors and provide them with a clear and distinct value for investment.

The most successful marketing messages are those that are convincing and influential, and capture the available opportunities and potential risks.

The session discusses investment opportunities and sectors in the Emirate, with primary focus being on sustainability, agriculture, and food security. It aims to highlight the capabilities and opportunities offered by Sharjah and the support provided by government agencies to young people to start their projects in these sectors.

It discusses the current efforts and projects offered by each government agency participating in the session, in the sustainability, agriculture, and livestock sectors.

The session also seeks to develop visions on how to support and encourage young people to delve into various sectors and diversify the projects offered by young entrepreneurs, in addition to spreading awareness about current projects and opportunities in the Emirate of Sharjah.


  • Communication and marketing messages and their impact on attracting investors.
  • The role of the Emirate of Sharjah in the food security, agriculture, and sustainability sectors.
  • Investment opportunities offered by the Emirate in the sustainability, food security, and agriculture sectors.
  • How can government communication play a role in encouraging young people to explore opportunities in the sustainability and food security sector, including agriculture and livestock?
  • Investment challenges in the food security and sustainability sectors.
  • How can government agencies support startups to provide innovative solutions to address challenges in the agriculture, livestock, and sustainability sectors?

Sharjah Investment and Development Authority (Shurooq)

12:35 – 13:05
Session: Innovations in Government Communication and Stimulating Global Competitiveness

Governments around the world are constantly evolving communication strategies to meet the demands of an increasingly interconnected and competitive global landscape. Effective communication has become essential to governments' success in the twenty-first century. Innovative communication strategies enable governments to disseminate information, interact with citizens, build confidence, and promote national goals. This session explores how governments can leverage innovative communication technologies to enhance global competitiveness and achieve their objectives.

The session brings together experts from the Apolitical Foundation, the leading platform for enhancing communication between governments and improving government performance, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), and the CSO Network. These experts will discuss the role of innovation in government communication and its methods. Topics include government strategies for attracting and retaining talent, as well as the impact of communication innovation on improving transparency, trust, sustainable development, and international cooperation.


  • Why do some countries excel at government communication while others face significant challenges?
  • How do governments adopt new communication technologies and methodologies?
  • How can innovative communication strategies improve a country's ability to attract, host, and develop talent?
  • To what extent do flexible immigration policies, special visa programmes, and other incentives affect talent attraction?
  • What is the importance of adopting communication strategies that clearly convey information and data related to government initiatives, and what impact does this have on transparency?
  • What are the best practices to ensure government communication is clear, honest, and accessible?
  • What are the best ways to integrate education into government communication strategies to develop local capacities?
  • How can governments use communication to promote and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?
  • What are the benefits of effective communication strategies for persuading governments and investors to advance national interests?
  • What are the most successful techniques for international cooperation and communication, and what is the importance of utilising global platforms to build countries’ reputations?
12:10 – 14:10
Inspiring Speeches: Sharjah Government Communication Award… Messages of Excellence and Brilliance

The forming of international strategic alliances this year as part of the 11th edition of the Sharjah Government Communication Award (SGCA) reflects the ceaseless efforts to enhance the role of the award in developing the global communication system.

These alliances have resulted in extensive exposure to pioneering experiences in communication for the SGCA nominees by each of the Award partners, namely ‘Apolitical,’ the leading global platform for enhancing communication between governments, the CEO Sustainability Network (CSO Network), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).

The IGCF offers a great platform to share experiences and success stories in effective communication management and stories of excellence and brilliance by way of inspirational speeches by a select group of nominees this year to win the Partners' Awards in 4 categories:

  • The Best Innovation in Government Communication award
  • The Best Innovative and Flexible Communication Initiatives award
  • The Best Communication Practices for Dealing with Developmental Developments award
  • The Best Communication Practices for Dealing with Developmental Developments award
Best Communication Practice Award for Dealing with Developmental Developments
  • PepsiCo: Green Accelerators 12:10-12:20
  • Al Futtaim Group: Sustainability at the Heart of Al Futtaim’s Strategy 1:21-1:31

Al-Futtaim Group has placed sustainability at the heart of its growth strategy, affirming its role as a responsible and forward-thinking leader. Over the course of three months, the group led a public awareness campaign focusing on sustainability and green mobility, in preparation for the UAE hosting COP28. It presented an initiative aimed at making a significant societal impact to enhance the future of sustainability.

  • Emirates Nature-WWF 1:32-1:42

For over two decades, Emirates Nature-WWF (World Wildlife Fund) has been a prominent and active partner of WWF in the field of environmental conservation in the Middle East and North Africa. It is a local think tank for environmental conservation, working to empower civil society, governments, and businesses to support the sustainability agenda in the UAE and achieve large-scale transformational impact for the benefit of humanity and the planet.

Innovative and Flexible Government Communication Initiatives Award
  • “For a Drop of Water” Awareness Campaign 1:43-1:53

This campaign, launched by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation and the General Water Authority in Jordan in March 2024, aims to enhance the efficiency of water use in homes, promote rationalisation and influence consumption behaviours, while emphasising the importance of rationalising and preserving water consumption, especially through partnerships with the private sector, and raising awareness of the economic cost to the country and its people.

  • Tuvalu’s Project as the “World’s First Digital Nation” 1:54-2:04

Tuvalu’s Minister of Justice, Communications and Foreign Affairs, Simon Coffey, unveiled a radical plan at COP27, announcing that Tuvalu will become the world’s first “digital nation” to protect the island nation’s identity and rights.

The idea is to recreate Tuvalu in the virtual world, preserving its heritage and government services even after the physical land disappears. Leveraging the media engagement and strong advertising of COP27, the campaign sparked urgent conversations on climate action and climate change mitigation, reaching around 2.1 billion people.

Best Innovation in Government Communication Award
  • ElderTech to Adapt Seniors to Digital Transformation in Singapore

How can we ensure that seniors do not fall behind in technology? In the face of artificial intelligence and new technology, Singapore’s Open Government Products (OGP) conducted interviews with seniors and social workers and found that technology can make life more difficult, as seniors are not familiar with digital design patterns, making access to public services such as healthcare and pensions more difficult. So the ElderTech platform was designed to help them stay connected to government services and adapt to digital transformation.

  • ‘Dumb Ways to Die’ Campaign

The Melbourne Metro safety campaign, ‘Dumb Ways to Die,’ has become the most widely shared public service campaign in the world. The launch of an animated music video on YouTube has become a global success, having gone viral on social media. It has been downloaded more than 130 million times and received more than 4 billion views worldwide. The campaign has contributed to a 20% reduction in accidents compared to the annual average.

  • Citifeed App: Eyes and Ears on Government Performance

Kaduna State in northern Nigeria has launched a local mobile app called Citifeed to use the public to monitor infrastructure projects and government performance, making the government more responsive to citizen feedback.

The app, part of the Eyes and Ears public expenditure system, allows users to identify nearby public infrastructure projects via GPS coordinates, upload photos and notes on project progress and the quality of hospitals, schools, and community services.

How has this app promoted transparency, accountability, and civic engagement?

Inspirational Speeches Director:
  • Alaa Saif AlAtr Alaa Saif AlAtr Official Spokesperson Programme Graduate, Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services
09:00 – 17:00

Room 2 - Capacity-building programme

Influencer Dynamics: Mastering Public Communication in the Digital Age

This three-day programme, in partnership with Forbes Middle East and GOVCAMPUS, aims to equip government officials with the necessary skills effectively to utilise influencer marketing in public communication. Participants will gain comprehensive insights into influencer strategies, engagement techniques, legal and ethical considerations, and campaign development. The course includes interactive lectures, group discussions, hands-on exercises, and a guest speaker session with prominent influencers.

This programme targets government officials, civil servants, and communication professionals. This workshop provides the tools to enhance public communication in the digital era. Upon completion of this programme, participants will possess the skills to create impactful influencer marketing campaigns, evaluate their effectiveness, and devise strategies that enhance governmental messages.


  • Identify and define influencer engagement and reach in ways that best benefit the national communications strategy
  • Understand how influencers tell stories that resonate with their audiences, and how their techniques and tools differ from government communications
  • Improve transparency and increase community and citizen trust by engaging in influencer collaborations.

Forbes Middle East and GOVCAMPUS

09:00 – 17:30

Room 3 - Capacity-building programme


The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

Government Marketing and Nation Branding Program

The "Innovative Programme for Government Marketing and Nation Branding," delivered by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), is a comprehensive two-day programme designed to enhance government marketing and nation branding strategies.

In today’s interconnected and competitive world, effective government marketing is essential for achieving policy goals, managing service perceptions, projecting soft power, and enhancing a nation's brand image. This course covers critical aspects, including policy execution through marketing, brand management for services, harnessing soft power, and developing a comprehensive nation branding strategy.

Participants will learn to communicate and execute policies effectively, manage brand identity, leverage cultural and diplomatic assets for global influence, and create a positive national image that attracts investment, tourism, and partnerships. Participants will equip themselves with tools to enhance communication with citizens, improve service delivery, and project a strong, positive national brand internationally by the end of the programme.


  • Harness soft power and cultural diplomacy in an increasingly interconnected world.
  • Create a national narrative to improve citizen’s national pride and create a heightened sense of belonging.
  • Understand which storylines and marketing tools resonate best with national and international audiences to deploy them appropriately.

Room 4 - AI Skills Camp

10:30 – 11:15
Session: Responsible Use of AI in Media

The media sector is undergoing a massive transformation due to rapid developments in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. These advancements offer significant potential to enhance operational efficiency, improve content quality, and expand audience reach. However, the use of AI in media also presents challenges that need to be addressed, requiring responsible and ethical use of these technologies while considering their risks.

This session provides a platform to discuss these critical issues and propose concrete solutions to ensure a successful and responsible media journey in the age of artificial intelligence.


  • The role of artificial intelligence in improving media efficiency.
  • Ethical and professional challenges associated with using artificial intelligence in the media.
  • Strategies to ensure the responsible use of artificial intelligence in Arab media.
  • Prof Dr Hisham Abbas Zakaria Prof Dr Hisham Abbas Zakaria Professor of Media and Dean of the College of Communication at Al Qasimia University, Sharjah
  • Dr Bassam Al-Makkawi Dr Bassam Al-Makkawi Head of the Mass Communication Department at the College of Communication at Al Qasimia University, Sharjah

Al Qasimia University

11:20 – 12:05
Session: The Role of Willpower and Strategic Management in Successful Trading

In the world of trading, filled with promising opportunities and possibilities, individuals embark on various paths, requiring interactive discussion, thorough research, and considerable patience. Trading is one of the most widespread and complex financial activities globally, demanding a deep understanding of markets, well-considered strategies, and swift, practical decision-making.

Alia Al Ketbi, an Emirati entrepreneur, recognised the vast potential in the field of trading and entered this world, starting from the basics and progressing to advanced strategies. She overcame the challenges traders face and developed the skills to navigate them successfully.

With determination and effective management, she launched an educational initiative under the slogan "We rise by raising others," offering everything needed in terms of education and experience to embark on a successful trading journey and create new income streams. The project provides top-tier educational and training materials, the latest trading techniques, and resources to help traders—whether professionals or beginners—find what suits them best.

In this session with Alia Al Ketbi, we explore essential trading skills and decision-making strategies that lead to success, benefiting individuals, communities, and governments alike. This aligns with government directives encouraging individuals to actively participate in shaping future decisions.

  • Building a Strong Reputation: A Success Story in the Distance Education Sector
  • Key Trading Skills and the Crucial Role of Communication
  • The Importance of Self-Discipline and Avoiding Common Emotional Mistakes
  • Managing Losses and Profits: The Role of Self-Confidence and Optimism in Achieving Goals
  • Foundations for Promoting a Culture of Innovation and Continuous Learning within Teams
  • Dealing with Pressures and Challenges: Strategies for Making Informed Decisions
  • Latest Developments in Trading and the Impact of Technology on the Industry
  • Zayed Al Zaabi Zayed Al Zaabi Graduate of the Job Shadowing Programme, Sharjah Government Media Bureau (SGMB)
  • Alia Al Ketbi Alia Al Ketbi CEO of Entwa Remote Learning, a leading UAE trading company

Training Department - SGMB

12:10 – 12:55
Session: The role of effective communication in enriching nations’ talent wealth

The United Arab Emirates has embraced the approach of investing in education and knowledge to lead in the ongoing global race for innovation and development, and for the well-being of societies and growth of future generations. Inspired by this belief, the UAE’s strategic vision has focused on creating and attracting talent to move forward at a steady pace toward success and lead in attaining sustainable development goals.

Besides its efforts to attract and enrich talents in various sectors, it was necessary to reconsider the methods of activating the role of media and communication in this, more than ever before, as the development challenges are enormous and constant, and the skills race is at its fiercest. Therefore, it was important to create a communication and media discourse as it helps attract the right talent to the country.

This strategy has necessitated greater reliance on multi-skilled media professionals and content makers, who, in addition to traditional writing expertise, possess photography, editing, and other skills that suit the requirements of new media and artificial intelligence journalism.

So we are talking about nations attracting talent as a societal wealth by employing the skills and talents of those in the media and communication profession, in order to build fruitful communication with young people and those with competencies in various fields, to understand their views and to establish innovative foundations and mechanisms for attracting ideal talent.

  • The implications of communication skills in attracting talents to achieve sustainable development of nations
  • The role of comprehensive journalism and digital media in attracting talent.
  • The nature of the required media and communication discourse that reflects governments’ adoption of talent
  • The impact of government communication on the private sector encouraging it to help create talent

Emirates Journalist Association

12:55 – 13:40
Session: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Legal Field

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is one of the most significant challenges facing humanity in recent times. The remarkable development in technology, particularly in artificial intelligence methods, has raised concerns about its use and advancement. There have been increasing calls to raise awareness of the harms associated with this tremendous development in artificial intelligence, which, like any other invention, has two sides. The first side encompasses the benefits for humanity, such as saving effort and time in various aspects of life. However, the other side includes negative impacts, such as replacing certain jobs and businesses with artificial intelligence programmes, as well as various other harms and effects across different sectors.

The legal sector and the advocacy field are certainly not exempted from these changes, as many international legal institutions have adopted artificial intelligence programmes in their work, among which programmes to measure customer satisfaction or limit information and data, review customer accounts, and organise work in the law firm, in addition to many different systems that rely on artificial intelligence, including algorithms and equations that enable these programmes to read countless documents, organise them, and arrange them, which can eliminate some of the work associated with the legal profession. Therefore, in this panel, we discuss the developments and challenges facing lawyers in the future.


  • Communication channels in the legal field between the past and the present.
  • The impact of employing artificial intelligence in law firms and the legal sector.
  • Legal awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence.
  • Anticipating the future of the legal profession and methods of communication and interaction with clients.

Emirates Association for Lawyers and Legal

13:50 – 14:35
Activity: Challenge of Building Cultural Communication Strategies

Cultural diversity is a reality of our contemporary world. The societal structure of most countries around the world today constitutes individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds. Therefore, cultural communication has become an essential skill that can be learned and developed to succeed in today's world, and to build strong relationships with people from different cultures to create a more tolerant and understanding world.

The effectiveness of cultural exchange and promoting a culture of tolerance requires building communication and cultural strategies. This is essential to support understanding of diverse ideas and views and develop intercultural government communication skills through a competitive spirit between multinational teams working to develop an innovative strategy for cultural government communication between their country and other nations, characterised by flexibility and employing various media and communication means.

The contest involves the stimulation of creative thinking and innovation in intercultural government communication skills by supporting cooperation and teamwork between students from different cultural backgrounds to arrive at the best cultural communication strategies. The contest is judged by an expert jury. The most distinguished teams will receive prizes and awards at the end of the challenge.

  • Explaining the role of government communication in promoting cultural understanding
  • Discussing successful government initiatives in cultural communication
  • Identifying personal experiences in interacting with diverse cultures and discussing how to improve these experiences
  • Supporting communication and understanding methods among members of teams composed of individuals from multicultural backgrounds
  • Opening horizons of thinking to develop government communication strategies that promote understanding with a youthful spirit



Training Department - SGMB

14:40 – 15:10
Dialogue Session: The Imprint of Artificial Intelligence on Administrative and Educational Communication

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that is revolutionising administrative and educational communication. However, rules and guidelines must be established for its use and caution must be exercised in its use in view of its potentially negative consequences.

Despite the benefits of artificial intelligence, it is important to maintain human interaction in administrative and educational processes to ensure effective communication and human relations.

In the education sector, administrative and educational communication is vital for growth and development, and its tools have been evolving in line with the technological acceleration witnessed by the world. The use of modern technology in this sector has developed and transformed administrative and educational processes.

Artificial intelligence has come to play a significant role in human resources management, internal and external communication, process automation, and data analysis for decision-making. It also helps in designing customised study plans based on the needs of each student and providing feedback to develop learners' skills and other employment methods.

Despite these positive aspects of using artificial intelligence, it raises issues about privacy and data protection in educational and administrative environments. It also requires significant investments in technology and training.

This dialogue session sheds light on the impact of artificial intelligence on management and education.

  • What should the nature of administrative tasks be in the era of artificial intelligence?
  • What are the most important areas where artificial intelligence can be employed in management?
  • To what extent does the effectiveness of these applications reflect on the quality of services and operations in them?
  • What are the key areas where emotional artificial intelligence can be used in academic education and the importance of linking it to artificial intelligence?
  • What is the relationship between artificial intelligence and sustainability?
  • How do technological development and intelligence achieve a system of sustainability in the lives of young people?
  • Your advice to young people to maintain the national vision and achieve global prospects in the use of artificial intelligence.

Training Department - SGMB

09:00 – 11:00

Room 5 - Universities challenge

The University Challenge is organised annually by the United Arab Emirates University in cooperation with the Sharjah Government Communication Award and is hosted by the International Government Communication Forum. Each year, the competition focuses on a specific topic, drawing participation from university students both domestically and internationally. The competition aims to amplify the role of university students in offering innovative solutions to challenges in government communication.

The University Challenge 2024 offers students an opportunity to compete in "content creation," emphasising its vital role in displaying institutional contributions toward strategic goals, ambitions, and business development. Content creators leverage their creativity and energy to produce valuable and engaging content, paving their way into the business world. Participants are encouraged to develop a platform, innovation, or idea that utilises government communication mechanisms, programmes, and channels. By embracing the opportunities and tackling the challenges of "content creation," they can effectively benefit from these resources.

Objectives of the Challenge:

  • Encourage creative thinking among university students to develop sustainable solutions to challenges in various aspects of government communication.
  • Motivate universities both within and outside the country to contribute creative ideas and innovative projects in the field of government communication.
  • Promote effective collaboration between national and international universities.
  • Enhance the capabilities of university students by refining their skills and preparing them more comprehensively for community service and contribution.
  • Cultivate innovative thinking among university students, encouraging them to utilise modern technologies and smart applications to devise alternative and sustainable solutions to contemporary challenges.
Challenge Director:
10:00 – 15:00

Room 6 - We're Seeking

Researchers Platform

A qualitative initiative that was launched by the International Government Communication Centre during the eighth session of the IGCF in 2019 with the aim of providing knowledge-related content and a database for all matters related to government communication such as research, studies, books, references and global best practices. It seeks to become an essential reference for workers, researchers and scholars in this field as well as being a forum for exchanging knowledge and research to ensure the development of government communication domestically, regionally and internationally.

The "Researchers" platform includes several academic and knowledge-related activities, as well as a presentation of the International Government Communication Centre's latest publications and a discussion of books on government communication issues or topics related to the IGCF's themes.

Platform Goals:

  • Provide an open forum for students at communication and media faculties (in state universities) to discuss their master’s theses and research-based and applied graduation projects in various areas of government communication.
  • Shine a light on graduation projects by the students of the professional diploma for government communication.
  • Invite a group of academics and government communication experts in local and federal organisations and bodies to discuss the various facets of government communication, and to present their institutional experiences in this area through the submitted research papers, studies and working papers.
Programme of the Platform:
10:00 – 10:40
A Book Review:

AI Technologies and the Quality of the Arabic Content. Creating an Automated Professional Content - Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher and Dr. Sheren Mousa - Members of the Academic Committee of Government Communication

The role of government communication in spreading a culture of tolerance and rejecting hatred - Dr. Rahima Aissani, member of the academic committee for government communications

10:40 – 11:40
Graduation Projects (Universities Students):

Role of Social Networks to Improve Satisfaction and Performance of University Students - Jawaher Al Dhefairi, Al Ain University

Enhancing Social Participation of People of Determination in the United Arab Emirates - Producing a video for the social participation of the deaf - Yara Mohammad Ead Al Bashir, Adnan Mohamed Alhamami, Umm Al Quwain University

An educational awareness campaign entitled "Doiyatna" - Mariam Salim Alnaqbi & Amna Yaqoub Al Rayssi, University of Sharjah (Kalba)

11:40 – 13:00
Research Papers (Academic Institutions):

The role of social media in shaping the mental image and enhancing awareness of sustainable development issues - Dr. Mohamed Mallek and Dr. Abbas Ramdani, University Of Khorfakkan

The role of Government communication in supporting cultural inheritance and the extent of its reflection on the Emirati identity - Dr. Rabab Abd Elmonam and Dr. Samar Abdulhalim, City University College of Ajman

The role of digital security media programmes in promoting awareness and supporting positive values in society - Dr. Medhat Aboubakr, Sharjah Police Academy

13:40 – 14:20
PhD and Master Theses :

Spreading Rumours and Fake News on Social Media and Their Impact on Users’ Trust - Dr. Nahla Zakaria Mohamed Tawfik, Cairo University

Arabic Films Content: An Analytical Study from the Perspective of Value Determinism in Media - Abdullah Kassem Abdullah, University of Sharjah

14:20 – 15:00
Research Initiatives:

Sharjah Police Research Centre initiatives to support scientific research - Abdalla Mohamed Al Melaih, Head of Scientific Research Department, Sharjah Police Headquarters

"Trends" initiatives to support scientific research - Sultan Majed Al Ali, Deputy Head of Dubai Office and Head of the Global Barometer and Research, TRENDS Research & Advisory


Room 7 - TRENDS Research & Advisory

12:00 – 13:00
Session: The future of media in the era of flexible governments ... challenges and opportunities

In light of the need to adopt flexible government mechanisms that seek to enhance transparency and interaction with the public, the role of the media becomes more important in conveying information, shaping public opinion, and promoting civic participation.

Between the nature of the challenges facing the world and the opportunities that may arise from them, this discussion session explores the future of media in the era of flexible governments, with a focus on the nature of the challenges facing media institutions in light of the rapid changes, and their impact on them.

The session also opens the way for research into the horizons of available opportunities based on employing modern technology to enhance the role of the media in building more transparent and aware societies.


  • Challenges facing the media in the era of flexible governments.
  • The impact of digital transformation on traditional media business models.
  • Methods to confront the spread of fake news and misleading information.
  • Challenges of accessing government information and enhancing transparency.
  • Opportunities available to the media in the era of flexible governments.
  • The importance of enhancing civic participation through interactive media platforms.
  • The role of the media in enhancing government transparency and accountability.
  • The impact of building partnerships between media institutions, governments, and civil society on enhancing awareness of public issues.


  • Mariam AlJenaibi  Mariam AlJenaibi  Innovation and Future Foresight Center officer at Agriculture and Livestock Department.
14:00 – 15:00
Session: Governmental Resilience and Adaptability in Facing Modern Challenges

The challenges facing governments in our contemporary world are new and increasingly complex. From natural disasters to economic crises to the attempt to create a new world order, all of these issues urge governments to exercise sufficient flexibility to immediately adapt to challenges, recover quickly from their effects, and even benefit from them as opportunities for growth and development. This approach ensures their stability and the well-being of their citizens.

This session reviews the results of a research study on the flexibility and adaptability of governments in the face of modern challenges. It focuses on analyzing the case of an East Asian country, considered a role model for flexibility, adaptation, and activating constructive communication in this regard.


  • Exploring the factors that contribute to enhancing government flexibility and the role of communication in this.
  • Learning about the typical foundations of effective leadership.
  • Identifying strong institutional structures.
  • Pointing out the importance of using advanced technology to enhance flexibility in facing challenges.


Podcast is an interactive platform that is aimed at conducting interviews with dignitaries, thought leaders and speakers headlining the IGCF. The Studio offers an ideal platform for in-depth dialogues and fruitful discussions on the key issues addressed by the forum, enhancing communication and interaction with the public and expanding the scope of participation in its activities.

The Podcast Studio is part of the Trends Centre pavilion at the IGCF and broadcasts all IGCF sessions and workshops online across all Trends Centre platforms. It also provides interpreters to cover various sessions of the IGCF in multiple languages. The Trends Centre employs modern media and communication technologies such as research robot, hologram technology and other interactive platforms, to report workshops and presentations live for remote attendees.

Room 8 - Connecting Nations.. Building Relations

09:00 – 10:45
Workshop: Korean Heritage in Sharjah

When Sharjah hosted the first regional headquarters in the UAE and the Middle East for the King Sejong Institute for Korean Language Learning this year, it reflected the emirate’s efforts through the Department of Government Relations to strengthen cultural ties with world civilisations. It also embodied the department’s commitment to deepening the roots of international cooperation by communicating with international cultural institutions and bodies to establish Sharjah’s position as a cultural centre and a leading meeting place for world cultures.

At the International Government Communication Forum, the department is working to open channels of communication with Korean culture, with a one-day course in which attendees have an enjoyable experience in learning Korean calligraphy. The KCC Centre also provides them with the opportunity to learn about and try on traditional Korean costumes. Every cultural heritage is a link to communicate with other cultures.



King Sejong Institute

12:40 – 13:40
Session: Cultural Connections: Strengthening International Bonds

Cross-cultural communication establishes a strong foundation for enduring and stable relationships between nations, serving as a necessary means to elevate local cultures and nurture them within the broader context of global civilisation. Moreover, it plays an undeniable role in paving the way for socio-political relations rooted in sustainable collaboration. Culture, in its own right, is a vital sector within a nation’s economic ecosystems and plays an essential role in supporting the GDP, diversifying employment opportunities, enhancing innovation, and investing in talents, making it a major component for the development of creative industries.

The cultural and creative sector is one of the most notable development drivers worldwide. According to UNESCO, culture accounts for more than 48,000,000 jobs globally, half of which are held by women, representing 6.2 percent of the overall existing employment and 3.1 percent of the global GDP. It is also the sector that recruits and provides opportunities for the largest number of youth under the age of 30.

In this respect, the Department of Government Relations in Sharjah remains committed to boosting cross-cultural communication and forging sustainable relations. It has facilitated collaboration by establishing branches of renowned international cultural centres in Sharjah, such as the Alliance Française and the King Sejong Institute Centre (KSIC). These centres serve as a meeting point where Sharjah's culture converges with global cultures, fostering mutual understanding and exchange.


  • Exploring Sharjah’s perspective on cultural communication and its global alignment.
  • Examining the potential of international cultural centres to foster cultural exchange and understanding.
  • Highlighting how cross-cultural communication can enhance the agility and resilience of corporate and government entities.
  • The positive impact, economic and developmental benefits of effective cultural communication.
  • Anticipating the future role of cultural communication and strategies for building resilient frameworks.



Department of Government Relations in Sharjah

11:50 – 12:35
Session: Arab Parliament for the Child: An Innovative Communication Platform

The Arab Parliament for the Child was launched in Sharjah, making significant strides in the Arab region towards investing in the capabilities and visions of new generations, and paving the way for them to become leaders and decision makers in the future. The parliament headquarters was inaugurated by His Highness Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, in the presence of the Secretary-General of the Arab League. The move translated Sharjah’s vision towards providing an empowering environment that supports children and reinforces their roles in achieving the ambitions of their countries.

The parliament offered a new communication experience to Arab children, through fostering a robust network of Arab Members of Parliaments (MPs) in all countries across the Arab world. This made it one of the exceptional examples that is worth studying in terms of harnessing new and innovative communication strategies and mechanisms that ensures children are represented not only in Arab capitals and big cities, but also in provinces, rural and remote areas.


  • Showcasing the experience of the Arab Parliament for the Child.
  • Communication role in sharing knowledge and expertise between Arab children.
  • Training package at the Arab Parliament for the Child.
  • Parliamentary sessions.
  • Parliamentary feedback.



Arab Parliament for the Child

10:46 – 11:46
Session: French Words of Arabic Origin – Civilisational Interaction

The French language contains numerous words that originate from Arabic, a result of historical interaction between Arab and Western civilisations. This linguistic exchange reflects the richness of the Arabic language and its influence on other languages. Discover in this session the world of linguistic exchange between civilisations and its impact on communication between peoples.


Alliance française

Room 9 - Youth

09:00 – 10:00
Inspirational Talk: Deraya Talk

The "Deraya Speakers" platform has emerged as one of the leading platforms for qualifying professional speakers and enhancing their skills according to the highest international standards. It offers training programmes designed to develop the performance of individuals, enabling them to speak professionally in the media within their respective fields and specialties. In response to the growing challenges in the modern communication landscape, the platform fosters creativity and innovation, equipping speakers to convey their messages effectively through innovative methods.

The International Government Communication Forum provides a valuable opportunity for graduates of the Deraya platform to share their ideas and opinions by delivering inspiring speeches on personal development and leadership skills within their areas of expertise. They also discuss their experiences as independent speakers and the impact of public speaking on their professional lives. Each speaker presents their experience in a brief session lasting between 3 to 5 minutes. The speeches cover a wide range of topics, including science, arts, business, sociology, and various other scientific specialties.

10:00 – 10:40
Session: Independent Speaker: How Can They Drive Innovation and Support Economic Growth?

Several government agencies worldwide have increasingly recognised the value of independent speaker programmes due to their significant impact on overall economic development. These programmes promote innovation, stimulate economic activity, enhance the flexible labour market, and foster an entrepreneurial culture and technological innovation. The future speaker relies on key elements such as presence, body language, and a rich linguistic repertoire to effectively convey their message to the target audience.

This session discusses the crucial role that independent speakers play in enhancing and developing the economy. It will focus on how independent speakers contribute to raising economic awareness and guiding public opinion towards sound economic decisions. The session will also discuss how to build a professional image for the independent speaker to enhance trust between the public and economic institutions.


  • The role of the independent speaker in promoting innovation and creativity.
  • The impact of the independent speaker in creating new job opportunities.
  • The independent speaker as a factor in maintaining investment and economic growth.
  • Challenges and opportunities facing the independent speaker in the modern economy.


  • Hind Khlaifat Hind Khlaifat Media professional and General Manager of Deraya for speakers
11:00 – 11:40
Session: Linguistic Richness in Government Communication Flexibility

Linguistic richness and communication flexibility are essential skills in developing effective communication. When combined, they empower individuals to express their thoughts and feelings clearly and accurately, influence and persuade others, navigate various social and professional situations efficiently, and build strong, lasting relationships.

This session addresses the vital role that linguistic richness plays in enhancing the flexibility of government communication. The aim is to demonstrate how effective use of language can achieve clear and transparent communication between the government and the public. The session will focus on the importance of linguistic diversity in delivering government messages in a manner that suits different target audiences and its impact on building trust and enhancing community engagement.


  • The impact of linguistic richness on the effectiveness of government communication.
  • Improving public understanding and response through linguistic diversity.
  • Considering cultural and linguistic diversity in government communication.
  • Using technology to enhance linguistic richness in government communication.


12:00 – 12:40
Session: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Individual and Institutional Communication Skills

Artificial intelligence has dramatically transformed the way we interact and communicate with each other and with organisations. It has also influenced how we improve and develop communication skills at both the individual and organisational levels. This session will explore how modern technologies, supported by artificial intelligence, can be leveraged to enhance communication effectiveness and simplify communication processes within and outside organisations.


  • Improving communication effectiveness through AI tools.
  • Personalising messages and enhancing communication through emotional intelligence.
  • Challenges and ethics in using AI in communication systems.
  • Training and skill development to keep pace with AI advancements.


13:00 – 13:40
Session: The Synergy between Independent Speakers and Soft Power

The independent speaker influences public opinion through their experience, knowledge, strong personality, and ability to communicate effectively. This enables them to be persuasive, attracting and understanding others, and positioning themselves as representatives of cultural diplomacy. As disseminators of values and principles, they promote a positive image of the state. In this way, the independent speaker can serve as a powerful tool for enhancing a state's soft power.


  • The role of the independent speaker in enhancing the state's soft power.
  • The independent speaker as a tool for cultural and civilisational communication.
  • Effective strategies for supporting and developing independent speakers.
  • Challenges facing the independent speaker in the soft power system.


14:00 – 14:40
Workshop: Deraya Toastmasters Club

The Toastmaster workshop is a communication and leadership development programme that enables participants to practise leadership skills such as listening, critical thinking, providing feedback, and motivation, all of which contribute to the effectiveness and flexibility of communication. This programme also helps to enhance the skills of orators and speakers, even in impromptu situations.

The Deraya Toastmasters Club workshop at the International Government Communication Forum in Sharjah will include a variety of activities and discussions focused on improving communication and public speaking skills for government speakers. Practical examples and strategies will be presented to improve overall performance in government communication. Participants will gain new insights and develop their skills through direct interaction with experts and participation in practical activities.


  • The importance of effective government communication.
  • Public speaking skills.
  • Building a positive image for the government speaker.
  • Interaction with the audience and managing questions.


15:00 – 16:00
Session: One-on-One Sessions

The Deraya platform offers visitors to the International Government Communication Forum the opportunity to participate in individual sessions to assess and develop their communication and leadership skills. These sessions provide training in speaking, public speaking, expressing opinions, critical thinking, and providing feedback, enabling participants to communicate effectively and constructively in both social and professional environments. The platform features short, individual training sessions with professional trainers, during which participants' performances are evaluated, with a focus on enhancing their strengths and addressing any weaknesses.


Speeches that Changed the World:

Visitors to the International Government Communication Forum will have the opportunity to view inspiring global speeches by influencers, leaders, and experts on a large screen.


"Deraya Speakers" platform

09:00 – 15:00

Room 10 - Podcast “Sharjah Voice”

A diverse podcast that sheds light on the success, distinction, and brilliance of the "Smiling Emirate" locally, regionally, and globally. It narrates the details of the making of the present and the future through a proud history, arts, and culture that enlighten minds, and a social thought that combines authenticity and modernity, for a bright future founded on science and innovation. In "Sharjah Voice," we live with pioneers, innovators, and thinkers, distinctive stories, and a source of inspiration for all. At the International Government Communication Forum, the podcast takes you on a journey of acquiring new knowledge that you experience with the forum's guests by raising topics that touch on our daily lives and the development of our society and our world, starting from communication as an important part of connecting with societies and governments.

On each journey, the podcast explores scientific experiments to showcase the progress and innovations achieved by the Emirate of Sharjah. The topics address the economic dimensions of flexible governments and their impact on the development of multiple sectors, including space, the silver economy, and the adventure economy's impact on tourism. It also delves into the depths of information and data wars and attracting talent. Furthermore, it analyses with the guests our reality with artificial intelligence and the implications of future trends, in addition to exploring the new wave of personal interaction.

Room 11 - Districts Affairs Department

10:00 – 10:30
Discussion Session: Effective Steps for District Councils in Promoting Family Cohesion”

In light of ongoing social developments, the workshop “Effective Steps for District Councils in Promoting Family Cohesion” is a vital occasion to explore and discuss the role of suburban councils in supporting family cohesion as a basic nucleus in improving social communication, thereby positively reflecting on the effective interaction between local authorities and the community.

This workshop represents a unique space to analyse how to enhance communication and family cohesion in society, based on the experience of the Emirate of Sharjah as an exemplary model. The workshop also reviews successful projects and initiatives aimed at enhancing family cohesion, with a focus on methods and tools that enable local government agencies to build strong bridges with the local community.


  • Discuss the role of communication channels in enhancing family cohesion.
  • Review successful projects and initiatives in the field.
  • Enhance awareness of the importance of enhancing family bonds and its role in community development.


11:00 – 12:00
Discussion Session: What are the Benefits of Flexible Government in Student Parents’ Councils?

Opening with the session titled 'What are the Benefits of Flexible Government in Student Parents’ Councils?', discussions delve into the rapid developments in flexible governments and the use of technology in communication and interaction processes. The session reviews the latest innovations in this field. It also provides an opportunity to exchange experiences on how to use technology to strengthen the relationship between parents’ councils and the government. Effective communication between government institutions and society is essential to enhancing transparency and building trust, especially regarding education and student care.

This session aims to shed light on how to use modern technologies in flexible government to improve communication with parents, contributing to strengthening the partnership between schools and families to comprehensively support students. The session highlights the latest innovations in flexible government, such as electronic systems for school management, smart applications for parent communication, and the use of data and analytics to improve educational services and meet students’ needs more effectively. It also facilitates the exchange of experiences on best practices and challenges in this field, striving to achieve a fruitful educational experience that keeps pace with modern technologies in education management.


  • Identifying the latest innovations in the field of flexible government and their impact on education management.
  • Exchange experiences on using technology to improve communication between parents and the government.


  • Mariam Fikri Mariam Fikri Media Professional, Sharjah Broadcasting Authority
13:00 – 13:30
Discussion Session: Effective Communication Strategies for Student Parent Councils

Effective communication is essential for building bridges of trust and partnership between educational institutions and students’ families. This is necessary to achieve development and continuous improvement in the educational environment, especially in a world where technological development is accelerating and multiple means of communication are available.

The workshop aims to provide successful models of effective communication between student parent councils and schools. It will review and discuss various strategies to enhance communication with all segments of society using advanced tools and techniques that contribute to enhancing transparency and improving the learning experience for students. The workshop will focus on using modern communication methods, such as smart applications and digital platforms, to enhance interaction between schools and families, building strong communication bridges that support families’ participation in school activities and influential decision-making.


  • Discuss the importance of communication with families in the school community.
  • Review effective strategies for communicating with all segments in the educational environment.
  • Enhancing awareness of the importance of communication strategies in activating the role of student parent councils in developing education.


  • Mariam Allay Mariam Allay Media Professional, Sharjah Broadcasting Authority
10:30 – 15:00

Room 12 - Sharjah Media City (Shams)

Activity: "Influencers Room"

The "Influencers Room" programme is one of Sharjah Media City’s (Shams) pioneering initiatives in developing the media sector. Details of the programme are announced on the Shams platform during the International Government Communication Forum. It aims to create social media influencers through a series of training workshops spanning six weeks, designed to prepare participants to become effective social media influencers. Upon completing these workshops, the influencers offer their services to promote companies and other entities.

Activity: "Shams Talk"

"Shams Talk" is an interactive podcast launched by Sharjah Media City (Shams) with the aim of enhancing communication within the media field. The podcast addresses the most prominent media challenges and explores potential solutions through interviews with notable figures during the activities of the International Government Communication Forum. This forum brings together a significant group of media and communication experts, as well as researchers specialising in various fields of this sector.

Room 13 - Children Content Creation

11:00 – 12:00
Session: The Future of Children's Content… Between Competition and Cultural Values

Competition between TV stations and digital media platforms has greatly affected the children's content industry, as both of those in charge of them are seriously seeking to attract the largest number of young viewers and their families. This competition has led to stimulating innovation and increasing productivity at a time when children's consumption methods for entertainment and education are being reshaped. At the same time, however, it has raised challenges related to the quality of the content and its cultural and ethical suitability.

Our children today have become more exposed to media platforms with diverse cultural backgrounds in light of the openness that has become a reality that everyone is experiencing. They have also begun to move towards platforms more than screens, given that they give them the freedom to choose content and the ease of accessing it at any time.

Thus, this flexibility has attracted families to move to these platforms, and TV stations have been forced to update their methods to attract attention to their content and enhance interaction with it.

In the process of creating children's content, whether for media platforms or TV screens, companies seek to increase profits and attract more viewers, under pressure to provide attractive content regardless of its educational or moral value.

Against this backdrop, discussions have been growing about the type of content provided to children and the extent to which it is compatible with children's needs, and how it affects their psychological and social development. How do we ensure that the competition in the children's content industry has a positive, not negative, impact?

  • The impact of competition between TV screens and media platforms on the diversity of content and children's interaction with it.
  • The role of achieving the attractiveness standard in content on the quality of production and the use of modern technologies such as virtual and augmented reality.
  • The extent of the expansion of learning and exploration opportunities in various fields through educational and entertainment content for children.
  • The responsibility of content creators to adhere to high-quality standards to produce educational and entertainment content that is useful for children.
  • The challenges facing children's content creators on media platforms and TV stations in light of the profitable competition of companies.
  • The need to educate society about the importance of protecting children from the negative effects of using these platforms.
  • How to protect against screen addiction resulting from excessive viewing of these platforms.
  • Mechanisms of Arab platforms in confronting the foreign cultural values ​​presented through global platforms.


12:00 – 13:00
Session: "The Language of Dad" in the Content of the Next Generation... Reality and Hopes

In recent years, colloquial dialects have significantly invaded children's content and programmes, and productions in classical Arabic have declined. The children's content industry in the language of their ancestors is facing a plethora of challenges, the most pressing of them being the fact that this type of content is witnessing a steady decline in the diversity of topics and forms, which makes the options for children limited.

Traditional content is being ignored by most producers and directors under the pretext of attraction factor. They are staying away from investing in it, in view of fierce competition with foreign content translated and dubbed in colloquial Arabic, a content that is presented in ways that are more attractive to children.

There are experts calling for the preservation of the Arabic language for the future generations as entertaining children cannot be the only goal of children's productions, in isolation from their educational and intellectual advancement.

Therefore, it is necessary to emphasise the adoption of the Arabic language in the content provided to children, as it helps build and enhance cultural and educational values, and develop e-learning in the Arab world. There is a growing need for the high-quality educational content in the classical language.

The session discusses the potential for growth in the field of producing children's content in the Arabic language, if resources are invested properly. It also addresses the challenges of production in the Arabic language and ways to overcome them, and why we should not neglect producing eloquent content for our children and be satisfied with drowning in local dialects.

  • The fact that the production of children's content in the classical Arabic language needs greater support and the development of creative techniques to make it more attractive.
  • The extent to which innovation and development in children's content are affected by the lack of funding and support for high-quality production projects in the classical language.
  • The importance of enhancing the content production in the classical Arabic language through cooperation and collaboration amongst Arab countries to produce content that can be widely distributed.
  • Raising awareness of the importance of production in Arabic as it opens up new opportunities for content development, in light of the efforts made to enhance the role of language in education and culture.
  • Supporting the principle of social responsibility among content creators for preserving cultural identity.


13:00 – 14:00
Children's Film Platform: Meaningful Shows and Active Discussions

The IGCF unveils a digital platform that offers films and programmes dedicated to children that combine entertainment and education in a safe and exciting environment so they can enjoy rich and purposeful content. The platform gives children the opportunity to meet the content creators and actors and to learn about their experiences and success stories, and also participate with them in constructive and interactive discussions about the content, which enhances understanding and encourages critical thinking for children.

The platform is an entertainment and educational tool to develop children's intellectual and analytical skills and to enhance their cultural and social values through positive and interactive engagement. We cannot be content with indoctrination or passive reception of information by children. We have to train them to employ a critical eye to verify the accuracy of the content they watch.


Room 14 - Gov. Dialogues

Platform Manager:
  • Salem Al Yamahi Salem Al Yamahi Official Spokesperson Programme - RUWAD Foundation to Support Pioneering Entrepreneurs
09:30 – 10:10
Discussion Session: Changing the Narrative - Empowering Refugees as a Path to Breaking Stereotypes

Refugees are often viewed through a lens of vulnerability and dependency, overshadowing their immense potential and the positive impact they can have on host communities. This session seeks to challenge and change these perceptions by highlighting the extraordinary potential of refugees. Given the right opportunities, refugees can make positive contributions to their host communities, breaking negative stereotypes and becoming beacons of hope and resilience.

Between inspiring stories and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) initiatives, the session seeks to conceptualise refugee empowerment and change misconceptions, through advocacy and programs implemented on the ground.

UNHCR’s interventions in empowering displaced people globally are supported vitally by the ongoing efforts of private sector actors. The session will highlight various ways of empowering displaced people, mainly through providing shelter and education and using media to shape the narrative.

The discussion also addresses the challenges and obstacles facing refugees, stories of hope and resilience, and the role of UNHCR, the private sector, and the media in breaking stereotypes associated with refugees.


  • Highlighting the global situation of forced displacement and UNHCR’s main support sectors.
  • Ways of spotlighting the challenges that shape the reality of refugees in host countries.
  • Reviewing UNHCR’s interventions in the field and advocacy efforts to empower displaced persons.
  • Presenting a story of hope from UNHCR’s Goodwill Ambassador Maya Ghazal, a Syrian refugee who went on to realise her dream of becoming a pilot.
  • The role of the private sector in empowering displaced persons with initiatives to provide housing and education.
  • The impact of media and influential figures on advocacy efforts.


  • Maya Ghazal Maya Ghazal Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR and the world's first female Syrian refugee to become a qualified pilot
  • Rosa Piro Rosa Piro Director of Arada Foundation
  • Latifa Al Qemzi Latifa Al Qemzi Director General of DP World Charity Foundation

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

10:10 – 10:50
Session: The Brand Journey Towards the Triangle of Leadership, Communication and Success

Why is the brand-building journey important for entrepreneurs and a distinctive stage in their success stories? Because it embodies a long-term partnership between entrepreneurs and their clients or customers.

It is a story built through the trilogy of innovation, challenge, and success, and is based in its various stages on verbal and visual communication to define the self and goals and build an identity that is a pillar for interacting with customers and sustainable marketing of the brand.

In this session, we travel on multiple journeys with distinguished achievers who have excelled in their fields and left an impact on the world of entrepreneurship. Through discussions with them, we learn about the power of communication and marketing in achieving the splendour of success.

Abdulaziz Al Kindi, the man behind the ‘Departure’ perfume brand, shares with us moments of inspiration and how he came to create a perfume for each destination he travelled to.

Yara Bin Shukr tells the story of overcoming the challenges of promoting sustainable fashion. Azra takes us through her road to success as a chiropractor and popularity on social media platforms as a henna design artist.

Author and university lecturer Omar Al Busaidi tells us about his journey of writing self-help books for startups and his strategies in effective communication to teach entrepreneurship and leadership.


  • How did the idea of creating the brand begin?
  • What stories and events shaped the brand identity?
  • What are the effective strategies for reaching the target audience?
  • How is social media used to enhance the brand?
  • What are the biggest challenges they have faced, and how did they overcome them?
  • How are sustainability principles integrated into their businesses and projects?
  • What efforts are being made to achieve a positive impact on the community?



Sharjah Entrepreneurship Center (Sheraa)

10:50 – 11:30
Session: Future Skills in the Era of AI and Innovative Communication

The increasing reliance on smart technologies has transformed the ways we communicate and acquire information. The field of artificial intelligence has also brought about significant developments in skills crucial to the world of communication, necessitating the adoption of innovative and future-oriented communication skills. When we talk about these skills, we focus on those that enable individuals to thrive in the future world of work, amidst the dominance of artificial intelligence. These skills help humans move beyond anxiety about competing with machines to areas where human distinction excels, such as creativity, empathy, critical thinking, continuous learning, and adaptation.

This session addresses the significant transformations occurring in the labor market due to the rapid advancements in AI technologies and innovative communication. The focus will be on the new skills required to keep pace with these changes and how to prepare the workforce to handle the evolving future of work.


  • How to gain future-proof technical skills such as data analysis, machine learning, software development, and cybersecurity.
  • Modern workplace essentials in the age of artificial intelligence include both personal and professional skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and emotional intelligence.
  • The importance of lifelong learning and how to encourage individuals to continuously develop their skills to keep pace with technological advancements.
  • The role of universities and training centers in preparing the workforce for the future job market requirements by updating curricula and providing specialized training programs.
  • The use of innovative communication technologies, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, to enhance communication and collaboration within organizations.
  • The challenges that the workforce and institutions may face in adopting these technologies and skills, as well as the opportunities they provide for achieving sustainable growth and development.
  • Practical examples and models of companies and institutions that have successfully implemented AI technologies and innovative communication, and prepared their employees with future skills.


  • Dr. Yousif El-Ghalayini Dr. Yousif El-Ghalayini Associate Professor of Public Administration at the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government, Coordinator of the Executive Master of Public Administration program, and a Fellow at the Centre for Governance Studies at the University of Ottawa, Canada.
  • Dr. Amal Sultan Al-Halyan Dr. Amal Sultan Al-Halyan Emirati expert with extensive experience in government media sector.
  • Malik Al-Madani Malik Al-Madani Executive Director of Government Performance at the Prime Minister's Office, UAE

Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government (MBRSG)

11:30 – 12:10
Session: Setting Guardrails for an AI Enables World

The rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies poses new challenges, highlighting the importance of developing and formulating clear and comprehensive regulatory frameworks for this field. These frameworks should not be limited to the technical aspect alone but also encompass ethical, legal, and social dimensions.

The session addresses the importance of establishing regulatory and ethical frameworks to guide the use of artificial intelligence in various fields. As reliance on AI technologies increases, it becomes essential to ensure their responsible and safe use by setting clear and effective rules that regulate how these technologies are developed and utilised.


  • Discuss the need to regulate the use of artificial intelligence and the potential risks of unregulated use of these technologies.
  • Identify the ethical principles that should guide the development and use of AI technologies: case studies on the impacts of AI on society and individuals.
  • Address current policies and laws related to AI and the need to update legal frameworks to keep pace with technological advancements.
  • The importance of protecting personal data in the context of AI applications.
  • The necessity of achieving transparency in AI development and usage processes.
  • The importance of international cooperation to develop unified regulatory frameworks.
  • The technical and legal challenges in setting and implementing regulatory frameworks and how to overcome them.
  • Future trends in regulating AI use and how to balance innovation with regulation.


  • Prof Immanuel Azaad Moonesar R. D Prof Immanuel Azaad Moonesar R. D President of Academy of International Business (MENA) and Health Policy and Systems Research Professor at Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government
  • Dr. Khulood AL Sayegh Dr. Khulood AL Sayegh IEEE Certified AI Ethics Consultant and Regulatory Advisor, Leading Healthcare Leader.

Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government (MBRSG)

12:10 – 12:50
Workshop: Government Institutions x Creative Incubators: Who Attracts Youth?

In light of the rapid development in the media and communication sector, along with the proliferation of media messaging channels, governments must view emerging talent in this field with a different perspective and higher standards. This change directly impacts the identity and voice of institutions in society’s eyes. It is what the recipient uses to assess the institution’s competence and build trust in it as a platform for providing services.

Governments with a forward-thinking mindset recognise the importance of exploring individuals’ hidden talents and skills and investing in them to deliver proactive, integrated services that enhance the performance of government institutions. During this workshop, participants will engage in discussions to uncover the spark that motivates individuals to be part of an institution's media and communication team. Do young people possess the right whys and wherefores to enter this world?


  • Why do emerging talents choose the media and communication sector as a launching pad for their careers?
  • Are youth aware of the importance of continuous learning in the media and communication sectors? How well do academic syllabi align with the creative field?
  • Do government institutions provide supportive opportunities for youth to adopt future skills in the creative field?
  • How essential are innovative tools in a rapidly evolving environment?
  • What is the youth’s perspective on the career opportunities offered by government institutions in the media and communication sector?
  • Does the youth’s vision for their future extend beyond institutional work in the creative field?


  • Mira Abdelrahman Alhammadi Mira Abdelrahman Alhammadi Director Corporate Communication, The Executive Office of Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher Al Qasimi
  • Asma Hassouni Asma Hassouni Director of Media Office, The Supreme Council for Family Affairs, Sharjah

The Executive Office of Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher Bint Mohammed Al Qasimi

12:50 – 13:30
Session: Digital government communication - between empowering and benefiting from the youth

Digital government communication plays a vital role in empowering youth and encouraging them to participate effectively in building their communities.

Providing information and services and facilitating communication has helped youth make informed decisions that build their professional future and empower them economically by creating new employment opportunities that stimulate growth and contribute significantly to sustainable development.

Benefiting from youth skills in technology and social media has led to efforts for partnership between government agencies and youth in enhancing government communication processes. This has led to the dissemination of government messaging in innovative and engaging ways. It also encourages the community participation of youth in decision-making and enhances trust between governments and communities, building bridges of communication to achieve development goals.

However, with the development of digital communication, these partnerships and efforts necessitate continuous development and a conducive environment for attracting young energies.


  • The most important government initiatives to enhance communication between the government and youth
  • The foundations for enhancing the role of youth in digital government communication
  • Effective government communication methods for various age groups
  • The impact of youth on the development of digital government communication mechanisms



Sharjah Youth Council

13:30 – 14:40
Session: Meeting Across Generations…Transferring Treasures of Knowledge and Experiences

Intergenerational meetings are not just passing gatherings or routine communication, but rather a valuable opportunity to invest in the future and build a more cohesive and understanding society, passing down cultural heritage from one generation to another.

While the elderly are repositories of knowledge and experiences, who contribute to preserving a nation’s or society’s cultural identity, the current generation works as the bridge between generations and enhances mutual respect and understanding.

Through its “Meeting Across Generations” initiative, the UAE Ministry of Community Development seeks to enhance effective communication between generations, to transfer cultural heritage from grandparents to children and grandchildren, besides helping the elderly to keep pace with the latest developments. This contributes to the mental well-being of individuals of all ages, engendering a sense of belonging and purpose in life.

Besides, interaction between individuals of different ages expands individual horizons and the ability to acquire skills and deal with challenges.

At the International Government Communication Forum 2024, young people will benefit from the rich experiences of the elderly. Members of the new generation will also freely speak their mind and discuss with their seniors the following topics:


  • The role of the cultural economy as a vital element in the life of the family and society.
  • The importance of intergenerational cooperation to enhance innovation and achieve sustainable development.
  • The role of education in enhancing communication between different ages and grooming future generations.
  • Methods to acquire economic skills appropriate for the modern era.
  • How to invest in human capital of different ages to enhance innovation and economic growth.
  • Ways for different generations to keep pace with challenges by employing effective government communication.



The Ministry of Community Development

14:40 – 15:00
Dialogue Session: Ahmed Al Ghfeli…Invincible Influencer

Ahmed Al Ghfeli is a versatile Emirati media professional, poet, and influencer. His disability did not prove a stumbling block in his ambitions to scale the heights of success in the media industry. Ahmed Al Ghfeli is today considered the first Emirati content creator with a disability.

Even though he was born without sight, he cultivated the ability to see people and the world through his heart, responding to the world around him. He worked hard to develop himself into a distinguished media professional and influencer known for his content creation and presentation.

Ahmed overcame formidable challenges to achieve success. Pursuing the path of science and knowledge, he obtained a bachelor's degree in mass communication (2014), as well as a professional diploma in parliamentary work from the University of Sharjah. He is also a certified trainer and advocate for the rights of people of determination.

A professional institutional excellence practitioner in the 4G system (2018), he also holds a diploma in future services from the UAE Ministry of Interior (2023).


  • Ahmed's experience in radio, television, and content creation and the contradictions between his various roles.
  • Challenges faced by people of determination in content creation and strategies to overcome them.
  • How people of determination can benefit from artificial intelligence in content creation.
  • The role of content creation in raising community awareness of the skills and potential of people with disabilities.



The Ministry of Community Development, UAE

Room 15 - Sharjah Press Club

10:30 – 12:30
Training program: Management and preparation of television programmes

The training programs aim to provide participants with the skills of managing and preparing television programs in various stages, starting from how to prepare the idea and topics of the interview to the final presentation before the viewers.

The host will discuss the factors vital for the success of television programs in their various forms, and the art of successful media interviews.


  • Ahmed Fayek Ahmed Fayek Head of the Program section at the United Media Services Company and Editor of ‘Her Excellency’ Program.
12:40 – 14:40
Training program: Successful radio presentation skills

The training program aims to provide participants with skills of presentation for radio in its various formats, both for traditional radio and digital platforms.

It will discuss the factors necessary for successful radio programs including conducting radio interviews, talk shows, and how to adapt, modulate, and refine your voice for the radio. Additionally, participants will learn ways to attract the audience by presenting content in an engaging manner.


Room 16 - Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority

10:00 – 11:30
Workshop: Safety Ring by Strengthening Communication Channels

The Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority has a pioneering role in effective and flexible communication methods, as it enhances its communication with the general public by opening new communication channels that allow everyone the opportunity to communicate with the Authority to benefit from the services provided to them.

The Government Communication Department seeks to introduce its activities and services to external stakeholders using the latest and smart technologies allowing them to benefit from them through traditional and modern communication platforms and channels.

The workshop discusses the foundations and strategies of direct and indirect communication and the emotional communication methods the Authority follows in its multi-dimensional and continuous interaction with the public. It thus contributes to developing visions for the future of communication in agile governments.


  • The Authority's modern communication channels and dissemination of information
  • Methods of interaction between the Authority and the public
  • The foundations and strategies of the Authority's communication
  • Employing emotional communication in the Authority's dealings with the public and broadcasting messages


14:00 – 15:30
Workshop: Communication Mechanisms for Reporting Safety Incidents

The Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority (SPSA) adopts innovative methods to communicate with the public and customers even in times of crisis. The Authority has adopted an electronic program that helps employers to register their facilities and keep track of their classification through it.

The program offers mechanisms for reporting accidents and sending periodic reports of occupational safety and health data to the Authority, besides providing a mechanism for reporting potentially hazardous cases.

The program also includes a mechanism for monitoring non-compliance notes and the status of their removal, which helps in accelerating and computerising procedures in line with the directives in force in the Emirate of Sharjah, which are specific to facilitating employers' procedures and creating a positive investment climate in the emirate.

The service allows occupational health and safety officials to report accidents in various workplaces, through easy and quick steps, without the need to go to the SPSA headquarters.


  • The role of the program in enhancing constructive communication between the Authority and the public.
  • The role of the program in improving communication with the Authority in times of crisis.
  • The importance of the program in encouraging and stimulating investment in Sharjah.


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